Chapter 147 Niu’s Drunk Fist 【50108】

Chen Guo took Wu Feng to a tall fruit tree in Linger. The fruit tree growing out of this fruit tree already had a fist size, which was really close to maturity.

After Wu Feng came, Chen Guo used his own ripening skills, which made the divine fruit mature. The old farmers picked a divine fruit and handed it to Wu Feng.

“Lord, this is a mature divine fruit. A fruit tree can produce 24 fruits in a mature round. There are 10 divine fruits here. After the first round of maturity, I can choose the right seed planting under the next round. 10 gods! ”

Chen Guo briefly introduced the situation, and Wu Feng also saw the attributes of divine fruit.

Divine Fruit: Excellent quality, take it directly, can increase 100 points of strength and 50 points of attack power of lords, heroes or soldiers. Each lord, hero, or soldier can take up to 5 at most. It can also be used as a material or planting seed for the elixir.

The attributes of divine fruit are still good. A divine fruit can increase 100 points and 50 attributes. If the cattle will eat all of them, it can increase hundreds of attacks, not as much as fighting cows a few times.

“Five divine fruit is left to Niu Da, and other divine fruits are divided into high -quality heroes to us. Let them all fill the attributes of divine fruit.”

Wu Feng made a decision, and Chen Guo gave another suggestion: “Lord Lord, if you want to concentrate on resources to cultivate the heroes, you can also find a way to make the divine fruit as a elixir or potion. This is this. You can take it in the same way. ”

The information that Chen Guo informed made Wu Feng shine in front of him. Each hero can only take 5 divine fruit at most. However, if different agents and elixir are refined, it can continue to increase its attributes.

Unfortunately, Wu Feng has no high -level alchemy and no recipes of divine fruit. For the time being, he cannot use the magic fruit to refine the medicine.

Wu Feng still has other ways: “In addition to you as the divine fruit of the seeds, the other divine power is half to the old Liu! Let him use the power fruit to make wine!”

Wu Feng did not intend to sell divine fruit. This fruit could not be used for all heroes before the quantity came up.

He wants to concentrate resources to cultivate high -quality heroes. At least if he is a purple -quality hero, he is eligible to take divine fruit!

Since the refining medicine can break the upper limit of the divine fruit, the brewing should be the same. Anyway, he has capital and can make bold attempts.

When Chen Guo saw that the lord is so atmospheric, he quickly agreed: “Then wait for the other divine fruits in this first round to mature, I will give it to Lao Liu.”

“Maybe he will wait next to my fruit tree again!”

Chen Guo joked, but Lao Liu Zhen came. The guy secretly touched the thief’s head and the head of the thief appeared at the orchard. He watched the divine fruit on the fruit tree drooling.

“Chen Lao, this divine fruit is suitable for brewing at a glance! The brewed fruit wine not only tastes beautiful, but also enhances the attributes!”

Lao Liu really knew it. He had already followed the taste, and this smell could be compared with Qialu.

Chen Guo also looked funny: “Don’t remind you, the lord’s adult has made arrangements. At that time, this first divine fruit, I took a few of them for brewing.”

“The mature divine fruit in the back, the lord’s arrangement arranges half of the brewed wine, are you satisfied now?”

Lao Liu was overjoyed and watched the lord’s adults. He quickly said: “Lord, I have dealt with the dragon teeth rice. In a day, the new wine can be released! At that time The whole territory! ”

Seeing that Lao Liu patted his chest, Wu Feng was bright and with ambergris, and then he could attract more heroes to his territory.

At the same time, you can also change the taste of the old handsome guy. The green ant wine should not be as good as that flower brew, but this ambergris should not be worse than the Baihua brewing!

It really doesn’t work, and there is a fruit wine made from the blood fruit! Anyway, there are some resources that can be filled!

“By the way, Lord Lord, there seems to be a thief in our territory. When I went to find Chen Lao for Longya rice, I found that the green ant wine I brewed was a few more altars.”

“But I asked Grandai and Sherlock. No one in their stores went to steal things! I don’t know how this thief stole my wine …”

Lao Liu said another situation, but Wu Feng was a little puzzled. There was a magic whistle in his territory.

Unless it is a thief hero with a perfect quality, there is such a thief hero, and he will definitely not lurk in and only steal it. Wu Feng immediately speculates that it must be the people in the territory!

After switching a few perspectives, Wu Feng finally discovered the culprit. I saw that there was a crazy golden figure in Eurala!

“Come! Come! Come! Your evil natural disaster, come to fight with the old cow for three hundred rounds! I want to play your dog’s head!”

I saw that Niu Da was ‘sprouts’ as a madness. He caught a purple blue boss and launched a bullfighting!

As a result, the two sides immediately fell into the duel of fist and meat. In the case of one side of the other side, the big wood was eventually used to use the strong Niu Demon fist to the boss as a star in the sky.

And Niu Da didn’t stop, or his wine has not disappeared, so this guy pulled another purple boss!

“It’s a man, come with me in three hundred rounds, come to a duel from fist to meat!”

But this time aimed at a cursed demon boss this time, which is obviously a female demon, but the old cow has completely fainted, and his head is full of duel.

So Niu Da shook the bullfight again, pulled the unlucky curse demon into the duel, and the two sides began to bombard the flesh.

Niu Da has become accustomed to the key to the enemy’s chest and explodes his heart. The curse of the demon boss was very unlucky by the fist to the flesh to the chest and the chest collapsed. The highland was blasted into a basin.

In the end, this boss was also sent to heaven as a stars by the strong cattle magic fist.

Wu Feng couldn’t help but be on the Demon Canyon Defense Line: “Come on, how long has this guy?”

Dian Wei cut a group of little devils while cutting away from Niu Da: “The prime minister, the strong brother in this state has been in this state for half an hour.

Also guys, and perform drunk fists, you are crazy! I finally found the murderer this time!

Until the curse of the demon boss was sent to the sky, Niu Da’s wine was scattered. He looked blankly at the body of the Manfield, and did not figure out how he entered the enemy group.

At this time, Wu Feng asked: “Niu Da, are you mad by drinking green ant wine?”

When he heard the soul of the lord, Niu Da did not dare to lie or dare not refute. He was a little grievance. His huge body looked very kind in front of Wu Feng. He lowered his head, like a elementary school student who was grabbed by the teacher.

“Lord Lord, I did drink green ant wine, and I thought about it. I have seen a score of drunk punch before, saying that it is drunk and must be drunk.”

“This is the first time this is drinking, and I don’t know if I will be like this after drinking. Besides, this wine is also picked up …”

Still thinking, do you launch the power of thinking? I also picked it up, go to Lao Liu’s wine house to take out the wine and pick it up? Can’t the readers be stolen, right?

Moreover, you are not Kong Yiji wearing a gown!

Seeing that the cattle did not cause any other losses, even when he was still mad, he launched a bullfighting in a row. He killed 5 blue boss and 3 purple boss, and Wu Feng did not hold too much.

“Don’t steal green ant wine next time, you really want to drink, I let Lao Liu prepare for you, I still have 5 divine fruits here, I let people send you and Dian Wei, you can eat it to enhance yourself strength.”

“By the way, have you completed the advanced task?”

(This chapter is finished)

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