Chapter 131 Take the lead in running [34108]

Wu Feng is prioritizing the construction of the Titan City Wall on the Tiankeng defense line. He wants to build another 5 kilometers of Titan City Wall and completely seal the Tiandang, and it takes 15 hours.

During this time, the duration of Nan Man’s invasion has also ended. The 4 hours of Nanman invaded and eliminated more than 2,000 lords. The quantity was really exaggerated than the Nano invasion on the first day.

This is mainly the “credit” that appeared together in both moon. In the two months, many lords in other regions have been eliminated, and Wu Feng added a fire on it, which directly pressed a large number of lords to death to death. It’s!

Relying on these 4 hours of harvesting, Wu Feng obtained a total of more than 8,000 kills, minus the consumption of the previous draw, and he also had more than 5,000 killer values at hand.

With so many killing values, you can use the reputation value and challenge points at any time. Wu Feng also uses a challenge order to use the refreshment efficiency of his territory.

Anyway, he has updated a lot of defense tower during this time, which can be completely supported. Vigus and Qialu’s arms can be upgraded by brushing the experience value.

Wu Feng’s challenges at hand are also growing rapidly. At that time, you can cooperate with the killing value and another wave of raffle.

At this moment, Wu Feng received a strange private message request. After seeing the other’s ID, Wu Feng hesitated and chose to answer it.

[Women’s Guard · Yinyue]: “Congratulations to the offensive of the two dragon guards and successfully preserved their own territory. You are really a rare genius lord!”

Wu Feng looked at the identity of the opponent’s ID and the three -eyed tribe. He first asked Zhu Biyu to ask the female guard’s identity before connecting the private message. Zhu Biyu’s answer to him was simple.

Female guards, as the name suggests, are female guards. They are the same as the dragon guards. They are also the guards of the three -eyed royal family. They are only the targets of their guards and princess of the royal family.

The orthodox of the three -eyed royal family is the prince’s inheritance of the throne, so the identity and status of the princesses cannot be compared with the prince.

Like the major families of the Three Eyes, they will support the princes of the Three Eyes. Any family will support the princess to impact the throne.

Zhu Biyu secretly revealed a message: “I heard that the Emperor of the Three Eyes said in a private occasion that his daughters also had the posture of the great emperors.

“Three -eyed emperor said that, maybe the three -eyed princesses who have not married are all aiming at the throne in the palm of their fists!”

“Brother Feng, are you encountering a female guard? Although they are not famous for Long Guard, they are not simple goods.

Seeing the news of Zhu Biyu and looking at the female guard, Wu Feng probably guessed the purpose of the other party, and he smiled and responded with a smile: “You is also the lord of the Three Eyes. ”

[Female Guard · Yinyue] It is very direct: “I came to find your will, then I came with sincerity, then I said clearly, the dragons and I are not a camp.”

“The people they want to deal with can also be my friend.”

Wu Feng also simply made it straightforward: “Is it your friend or a friend behind him? Which princess are you serving?”

[Women’s Guard · Yinyue] It was not surprising. She had already received the first princess of the nine princesses before, and she could give a clear reply: “His Royal Highness Nine Princess is willing to cooperate with your own to provide you with a little help.”

Wu Feng’s speculation is right. The female guard comes to form an alliance on behalf of the Nine Princess. She wants to use Wu Feng to weaken the power of the big brother and even the eight brother.

The Emperor of the Three Eyes chose to raise the puppet model. His children, the fighting is regardless of everything!

Perhaps this is indeed an opportunity. There is a way to get more intelligence within the three -eyed tribe.

“How to cooperate with me? Do you give me resources directly or provide information? Presumably the three -eyed royal family will not be stingy.”

[Women’s Guard · Yinyue] It is also simply: “In terms of resources, of course, as long as you destroy any dragon guard, His Royal Highness is willing to support you a resource package!”

“Now I can tell you some information about burning the eight wasteland and Zhenjun, and the lord’s talent who burned the eight wastes is likely to be the talent of combat. He also has a secret of pupil surgery, which can kill the enemy in a large scale.”

“The lord’s talent of Zhenkou Zhenjun is likely to be related to the acquisition plot. He has a large number of invasion and expansion plots on hand!”

The female guard directly spoke the conditions, and she was not afraid of Wu Feng’s anti -regrets. [Nine -day travelers] have already been on the same fire as the two dragon guards, and he can only fight with him.

Princess Nine only needs him to be killed so quickly!

Wu Feng received two extra information from Long Wei. He felt that this initial cooperation was quite pleasant. The nine princess was using him, and he was also using the nine princesses.

He had to kill two dragon guards at first, and there are extra resource gift packages. Anyway, Bai Ji is cool!

“The first cooperation is happy, and there will be more detailed information in the future. Remember to give it to me!” Wu Feng did not forget to ask for the request before hanging off his private message.

So after Wu Feng saw Nan Man’s invasion, his two -month was still there. He touched his chin and made a decision again: “Or the lords in the region put the fire, let’s play a bit more exciting!”

[Jiutian Travel]: “Network management, add clock!”

Wu Feng’s announcement on a region in the regional channel made many of the lords who were fortunate to have survived the invasion of Nanzhuo to rise.

Sure enough, they soon heard a system prompt that was never willing to hear again.

[Ding … Lord’s Jiutian Travel uses the legendary doom card-Nanzhu invasion, the region will usher in the outbreak of the magic tide of 4 hours. The initiative of the monster searching territory has been greatly improved. Killing BOSS above the blue and above will get additional challenges. .

The entire region channel in the No. 033 area is completely blown up, and countless lords are going to scold the mother! No, they are scolding mother.

For a while, the regional channels were all shielded, and everyone was getting simple enjoyment with the ultimate mouth odor.

Even the burn of the burn can not help, [Longwei · Burning Eight Wilderness]: “[Nine Days Traveling], you are really enough! You have been using the fourth year to invade! Everyone! ”

But when it was burned out, it was just sent out, and it was stunned!

[Almighty genius]: “Burning the Eight Wilderness, you still have a face to say! I don’t know who uses Nanzhuang invasion on the first day. If you have no you bring this ‘good head’, will others follow it?”

“All of us are eligible for scolding, but your culprit is not qualified to scold!”

[Almighty genius] In a word, many lords applauded. [Nine days travel] Although the use of the Nanman invasion card is angry, it can bear the responsibility as much as the eight wasteland. This bad head is he pulled up.

Zhenkou Zhenjun uses another angle to attract firepower to Wu Feng. ! ”

“He wants to become a monopo in the region during the newly golden period of gold. This person is ambitious. I suggest that we will kill him together, otherwise he may still use the Nanman invasion card in the future.”

Zhenkou Zhenjun is comparable to burn the eight wastes and sly. He puts [Nine Days Traveling] on the opposite of all lords. It is best to have all the lords in the area. Jiulian travel] Destroy.

In other areas, there are many examples. If it is strong in tissue, it is really possible to organize the majority of lords and eliminate seed players in the region.

Too eye -catching, sometimes this is the case.

Wu Feng has also considered this, but he has long attracted the firepower because of Nan Man’s invasion. Now the number of lords in the region is less than half of the other regions, and he can go to the dark.

And the words of Zhenkou Zhenjun are once again stunned.

“At the beginning of the three eyes, the emperor was a monopoer in the novice period. All ethnic groups paid a heavy price for this. Now the three -eyed family Longwei actually wants to organize others to target other monopolists.”

“But I heard that your eleven princes are also in their own country, and all lords who are pushing in the region are already in the horizontal push.

[Almighty Genius] If you want to burn the Eight Wilderness and Zhenjun Jun, both are speechless. They found that [Almighty Genius] This is the rhythm of the air!

Every time [Jiutian Travel] uses Nan Man invasion, he has also gone.

I was thinking, [Almighty Genius] again greeted everyone again: “A few of you, to make this area’s smoke, I can’t afford it, I can’t afford it! Bye bye! People! ”

After leaving this sentence, [Almighty Genius] actually moved away from the region with the relocation card. At least this is also the relocation card of purple quality.

Seeing that the ranking of [Almighty Genius] disappeared from a number of lists such as the territory list, the lords in the region confirmed a fact, [Almighty Genius] really running!

This is the leading lord of the Da head in the region. Now he does not have the idea of competing with [Jiutian Travel] and others at all, and he runs directly.

This made a large number of lords stunned, [Jiutian Travel] Is it terrible? Your old man does not even have the idea of confrontation?

At this time, the [Almighty Genius] relocated at this time is fortunate: “This situation is a fool who does not run. The two dragon guards of Kou Zhenjun, this strength far exceeds me! ”

“This super new star, I and he died in a region, isn’t it looking for death! It is better to find a fiercely competitive region to call the king, just a relocation card, but it is more cost -effective than losing a lot of resources in the territory! ”

[Almighty genius] It looks like he is stinging to the air, like a hoe and a irritable brother, but he is more savvy than anyone else, and the judgment of the situation is very accurate. Essence

After [Almighty Genius], after running the road, there will be other lords who wake up immediately. This [Jiutian Travel] uses two southern barbarians to invade in a day. Who knows what can be used in the future.

If you do n’t run now, you may have to bear the invasion of Nan Man, and they do n’t want to face the pressure of two -month+Nano invasion.

Therefore, the [Sixth Arms Gods] and the Blue Blood’s [Blue Demon Ji] also left ruthless words on the regional channels.

“Burn all the bars and swim in nine days, you wait for me, you can use Nanbara to invade the card, sooner or later, you will be backbone!”

After being scolded in the Burning Eight Wastel, he was extremely angry. He had been traveling with Nan Man’s invasion of the card in nine days. Why was he being hated in?

And Wu Feng didn’t care at all. He took out the epic -level Nanman invasion card: “[Almighty Genius]. If you don’t escape enough, then you may still face Nano’s invasion!”

(This chapter is finished)

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