Chapter 128 Send it every day! 【31108】

Seeing [Jiutian Travel] provoked in the regional channel, the burning of the Eight Wilderness and Zhenkou Zhenjun were extremely aggrieved, and they were forced to move away from the territory.

More importantly, they can’t refute. If they are pulling on the regional channel at this time, it is purely to be interesting.

After all, they were really abused, and the enemy ran away. Those who knew the situation would only feel that they were still addicted.

So they burned the Eight Wilderness and Zhenkou Zhenjun as an ostrich, and ignored the provocation of [Jiutian Traveling] on the regional channel at all.

These contents, they all remember in their hearts, ready to wait for the next time, and then died fiercely [Jiutian Travel].

But at this moment, they heard a system prompt.

[Ding … Lord’s Jiutian Travel uses the legendary doom card-Nanzhu invasion, the region will usher in the outbreak of the magic tide of 4 hours. The initiative of the monster searching territory has been greatly improved. Killing BOSS above the blue and above will get additional challenges. .

“Special! Why come again! Is there anything else!”

At the same time, Burning Eight Wilderness and Zhenjun Jun heard the tips that rang through the entire area. Both of them had the idea of scolding the mother. This was too mad!

In this region, some people have invaded the card with Nanbar for the fourth consecutive day. Previously, Ziyue, Bloodyue and Heiyue were okay. Burning the Eight Wilderness and Zhenkou Zhenjun should brush a little more resources.

But now the two -monthly out, all the lords trembled in the two -month month, [Jiutian Traveling] was still madly madly launched a southern barbaric invasion. Is this a rhythm demon who all belongs to the same rhythm?

However, the two of them also understood the plan of [Nine Days Traveling]. He was a combination of death cursing+Nan Man’s invasion to kill them!

Now the curse of death has affected their territory, and the continuous damage per second is that the treatment alone cannot be treated.

All the monsters were rioting again, and the pressure of the two people’s territory increased significantly. If they sent troops to the top, under the curse of death, their troops would probably lose heavy losses!

One is not good, it will cause a chain reaction, and even the territory may be directly destroyed.

“I must not die under Nan Man’s invasion, otherwise this will become a shame of Long Wei!” Burning the Eight Wildsstard and Zhenjun Jun came up with this idea at the same time, and they had to find a way to survive as much as possible.


At this time, [Almighty Genius] is also telling the latest situation with Zhu Biyu: “Now [Domineering Second Brother] has disappeared from the ranking of the region, and I don’t know if it was destroyed or moved away from the area.”

“[[Nine Days Travel] and the two dragon guards are on the rankings, and even [Jiutian Travel] should also get the list of the third day, he is really fierce! In this case ! ”

Zhu Biyu immediately wrote down the relevant information. It seems that Feng brother has won! At least he was not attacked to destroy the territory, as long as he was still good.

Just when Zhu Biyu was about to ask other situations, [Almighty Genius] broke out with a very familiar country scolding again: “I am ah! Come again! How can you come out in both months, your old people will come to Nanzhi to invade!”

“I really kneel for you! I can’t mess with you anymore!”

Seeing [Almighty Genius] hanging up his private message quickly, this time Zhu Biyu dialed Wu Feng very confidently: “Feng Brother, it seems that you are winning! Is it? ”

Wu Feng did not hide Zhu Biyu: “Of course, a dog head and two three -eyed babies who want to deal with me are too unhappy!”

“But all the three guys were running fast. I couldn’t kill them all, so I had to use Nanzao to invade the card to make them busy for a while.”

Wu Feng did not report too much hope for the cursing of his death+Nan Man’s invasion. The two dragon guards should not be killed by such a set of props.

Otherwise, Wu Feng can take this joke for a hundred years. I am afraid that these two guys can’t stand it, and they can also move away with the relocation card. This is the same as [Domineering Second Brother]. At least not needed to be affected by the invasion of Nan Man.

In fact, after using the Nanman invasion card, Wu Feng immediately used another purple curse card to [domineering second brother].

But because the two were not in the same area, the purple curse card was failed, and Wu Feng judged that [domineering second brother] should be moved away from this area.

This guy was not his opponent, so he decisively escaped this area, lest Wu Feng continued to kill.

“Anyway, Brother Feng, you are too fierce! I can imagine how exciting his expression will be after he heard that you have violated the dog he raised!”

Wu Feng laughed: “This time, the territory of the Eight Wastes attacked my territory, and there must be his instructions and support, otherwise there would be no troops and resources to burn the burn.”

“Isn’t this old boy, did I just occupy the rich list and the hero list, so I hated it, and I always wanted to kill me. Then I would have to take the territory list and press him!”

Wu Feng’s words made Zhu Biyu laugh: “Brother Feng, if you really press the big brother on all the lists in your country, this guy will definitely not be angry, and he may end in person!”

Wu Feng didn’t care at all: “This time, it was almost the same as him. He sent his own dragon guard and mobilized resources. This is that we are not in the same area, otherwise he has already done it for a long time.”

“Actually, this is because it is not in the same area, otherwise I am the boy who is!

Anyway, it is destined to become an enemy with the elder brother. The enemies have come to the door, and there is no reason to recognize. Wu Feng has experienced this in the simulation game.

In the world of lords, the result of your softness and advice is that others bullied the door until you pushed your territory!

If you want to save your territory, you can only explode everything with hard power!

“Brother Feng! It’s really domineering! Then I go to collect the information of the big brother. This old boy has already called the king in the 001 area. Many lords have escaped that area and all moved away.”

“I think the big brother must want to imitate the three -eye emperor, and want to be a monopolist in a region in the novice period of the golden gold. This is the rhythm of fishing after the end of the novice!”

After hearing Zhu Biyu’s words, Wu Feng thought of his situation in the area 033. It seems that he has forced several lords. Maybe he can try to be a monopoly?

The so -called monopolist is to monopolize all resources in a region. This is not an easy task, especially in the golden novice period, it is even more rare.

The legendary three -eyed emperor did this during the novice period of the golden gold. He even played the operation of fishing by virtue of this.

During the coming period of the star after the end of the golden new hand, he directly caught many resurrected lords as big fish, creating countless legends.

“I may be able to use the power of Nano’s invasion to do this. The monopoly of the golden new hand period, the fishing resurrected lord, is too bloody!”

Wu Feng thought of his status and resources in the 033 area, and maybe there is a chance to rush!

What Zhu Biyu didn’t know was that he only gave Wu Feng a super bold idea in just a few words.

Just when Wu Feng had just hung up his private message with Zhu Biyu, Kid, who stayed in [Domineering Second Brother], hurriedly reported to Wu Fenghui in a hurry: “Lord Lord, it’s not good, [Domineering Second Brother ]’s original” There is a sealed hole in the territory. ”

“He removed the seal when he evacuated, and the monsters under the seal now come out crazy! We may not be able to bear it!”

(This chapter is finished)

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