Chapter 117 Fall into the abyss! 【20108】

The blue quality of the blue quality has been successfully evolved into purple quality, and its attributes have changed immediately!

Dead Light Tower: Medium -sized Defense Tower (Excellent Quality), covering an area: 100 meters*100 meters. Attack power is 400-900 points, 4 times per second, 800 meters of range, 200 points of defense, durability: 90,000 points.

Attachment skills: dead light attack, death rays, soul fragments.

Dead light attack [Click to view specific attributes].

Death rays [Click to view specific attributes].

Soul Fragrance: Any enemy who dies in a state of death will be harvested by the soul fragments. According to the quality of the enemy, it can be condensed into soul fragments. Each soul fragment can increase the attack power and range of 1%, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100 Soul fragments can increase the chance of death by 1%.

Remarks: Do you see the colorful black dead light? When you see it, you are dead.

After seeing the attributes of the Dead Optical Tower, Wu Feng’s eyes brightened. This purple -quality defense tower has a very good attribute. Wu Feng feels that his lethality will not be much worse than the orange quality defense tower.

This is mainly due to its very rare attributes, that is, the effect of death, which can often create miracles! After all, as long as the character is good, the gods will show you in seconds!

“With a targeted evolutionary defense tower, I can evolve the prone to evolving defense tower.

“In the future, my defense tower can even evolve into high quality. That picture is too beautiful, I dare not think …”

Such a targeted and targeted use of props can make the defense tower in the territory all upgrade and evolve. It can be described as an excellent role in the mysterious sheepskin roll.

Even Wu Feng can sell the evolutionary defense tower to sell money. This is a very important information. After all, the evolution of the same defense tower is fixed, and any lord can use it.

If there is a dead light tower among Wu Feng’s friends, it can also evolve the defense tower in the same way.

Hidden information (Dead Optical Tower): After the death effect of the Dead Optical Tower kills 5 BOSS with more than 5 perfect quality, the defensive tower can be evolved into a perfect defense tower, which requires 50 units of death stones (perfect resources) and 500 Units excellent resource.

Looking at the evolutionary light tower, the evolutionary method is still to kill the BOSS through death, but its number and level have improved.

Wu Feng is preparing to let other defensive towers cooperate with the Dead Optical Tower, strive to meet the conditions as soon as possible, and evolve it into a higher -level defensive tower.

“This is the way to use mysterious sheepskin rolls. As for the evolution of special buildings, it is generally difficult to study, and then slowly study it later.”

Regarding the evolution of special buildings, Wu Feng was not in a hurry to operate. The hidden information of these special buildings can be seen after the war, and he still needs to keep some magic crystals to respond to the next battle.

He took out the models and ancient books found in the underground relics.

As a result, he stared at the model for a while, and Wu Feng found the words he couldn’t understand, and became the text he knew.

Baishui City model.

Wu Feng stunned, he was ecstatic, and he could finally roll up the mysterious campressa!

“It turns out that you still have the role of a translator! You can translate the text I can’t understand, and finally it is the opportunity to be caught by Bai Ji!”

Wu Feng quickly took out the ancient books. Sure enough, as he translated with sheepskin rolls. The text recorded above, Wu Feng could understand all, Wu Feng also found that this was similar to a county.

Baishui City is a county town under the jurisdiction of Qingcheng County, Qingzhou. It is located at the turning point of the Mountain River. It is called Baishui City because it is white outside the city.

The first half of the county chronicle records the origin and various important events of Baishui City. It can be seen that this small town used to be in a peaceful and stable country.

But in 757, the Qing Emperor calendar written in the county’s history, the entire Kyushu has changed greatly!

“On the seventh day of August of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Emperor’s calendar. On this day, the yellow calendar records should be married. There are six new couples in the city. Bloody moon, the demon wind is big! Kyushu drama! ”

“In the demon wind, a severe earthquake occurred inside and outside Baishui City, and more than 20 % of the houses collapsed. After the earthquake disappeared, the Mountain River outside Baishui City disappeared!”

“The adults of Zhixian sent someone to go out to explore, but they were devoured by the monsters.


“August 15th of the Qing Emperor’s calendar, August 15th, the Mid -Autumn Festival, but the black moon appeared in the sky was extremely ominous. The monster launched an attack on Baishui City again.

“The centurion’s long -term brought back to the news, and the famous spring city of Shiquan, who was 40 miles from Baishui City, disappeared. It was replaced by a steel city with steel monsters.


“On the eighth day of September of September of the Qing Dynasty, the men in the city died at all men. The monsters had entered the city. A few women and children fled to the city of steel. ”

In the county chronicle, there are only dozens of pages of useful information about Baishui City. Wu Feng casually read it.

Starting from the 757th day of August 757, Bai Shuicheng has changed. After that, less than a month, the living people in the entire Baishui City were killed by the monsters.

This county chronicle is just in the tolerance of a county, Wu Feng can imagine the tragic scene at the time.

Some of the information he heard before should be right. According to this county’s record, Baishui City was originally in Kyushu. As a result, as the change, Baishui City fell into an endless abyss.

The surrounding monsters devoured all the creatures of Baishui City, and finally established the Monster Nest.

This should also be the origin of countless land counts of endless abyss, which may be composed of countless worlds falling into the abyss!

Thinking of this, Wu Feng couldn’t help picked up the sheepskin roll: “The great mystery of mystery …”

After finishing the procedure of the sheepskin, Wu Feng asked his question: “Did all the Kyushu world fall into the 799th abyss?”

Sheepskin rolled up the price of this problem, 150,000 magic crystals, and it seems that the price of this problem is quite high.

Since Wu Feng wanted to know, he still paid the price. The answer immediately appeared on the sheepskin roll: “The Kyushu world fell into the 799th abyss in the 757th of the Qing Emperor calendar. The fall method is a random fall. ”

Seeing this answer, Wu Feng knew why Bai Shuicheng went out to investigate and found that the Mingquan City, which was close to him, disappeared, because when Jiuzhou World fell into the abyss, he fell randomly.

The original Jiuzhou world may have been split into countless fragments, and the two adjacent cities are completely likely to be thousands of miles away.

“When Blue Star fell into the 700th abyss a century ago, it seemed that it was not split, but it fell into it as a whole. Otherwise, the terrain of the Dragon Kingdom would not be the rooster terrain, but just found the paw back.”

“Is this a special blue star world, or is the 700th abyss?”

(This chapter is finished)

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