Chapter 111 Jade Face Kill God [14108]

Kid opened a book that was stained with unknown liquid in red and black books. Wu Feng frowned: “It is blood stained with red. This bone protects it on the chest. Get it away first. ”

When Wu Feng saw the text on this book and the text on the model, he knew that they couldn’t understand it.

He also probably knew what the remains were: “This should be a city in a world that is integrated into the abyss. After being destroyed by the monsters, such a relic was left.”

“Some special lords will be interested in this kind of relic, we just accept this model and books well.”

Wu Feng did not find any resources or props in the ruins, but he still retained the only urban model and books with a little value inside.

Before becoming a lord, Wu Feng heard that the abyss of each layer was fused after some of the world fell into the abyss, and even the indigenous survivors who survived to this day can even be seen.

It is also the way some lords get civilians and even heroes. It is said that by collecting the data and history of these falling worlds, it is possible to figure out the origin of the endless abyss.

Many lords are committed to digging similar relics and obtaining information. Wu Feng now just wants to build the territory. These things can come into contact and dig again in the future.

Just after cleaning up, Wu Feng was preparing for the next move, but Su Mu’s private message interrupted his actions.

“Xiao Feng, I heard that you have developed smoothly, and they are all right with the dog head? Give me these dog heads fiercely, don’t be polite to me!”

Su Mu herself is also very busy now, but she still keeps paying attention to Wu Feng. After hearing that Wu Feng had a rival ten and wiped out the gathering area of a dog head and lord, Su Mu couldn’t help but contacted Wu Wu Feng.

This time Su Mu was still wearing a silver armor, which was not a heavy armor. She set off Su Mu’s extremely heroic, like a domineering female general!

After Wu Feng watched, he secretly sighed that other beauties were wearing uniforms such as school uniforms, stewardes, and rabbit girls to increase their charm and temptation. However, Su Mu had a feeling of putting the armor out of the uniform.

Only she wore this outfit, not only did she not seem murderous, but also added her feminine charm.

What Wu Feng didn’t know was that Su Mu was nicknamed Jade Face God!

If Su Mu’s opponents see Su Mu’s expression, they will definitely be shocked.

Wu Feng captured some information from Su Mu’s words. He joked: “Sister Su Mu, have you been bullied by the head of the dog? Do you want me to discuss fairness?”

After hearing Wu Feng’s words, Su Mu felt funny for a while. She took off her helmet and clamped it under the armpit. A short hair was still charming.

The strong school sister bending slightly: “When I first entered the abyss, because there were no basic resources, I was really nauseous by the dog head. They did not have much strength, but they liked to hold a group, hit one, and came a group.

“And I am a person who must be rewarded. Now in the heavenly domain where I am, I don’t even have a dog head. I know why?”

Wu Feng was shocked: “Sister Su Mu, have you killed all the dog head in your heaven?”

Su Mu nodded: “The dog head must not come to the heavenly domain where my head is here. This is everyone knowing this. When I become the hegemon of the heavenly domain, it will be a iron law.”

Wu Feng was boiled by Su Mu’s domineering. His school sister was so powerful that she could kill a dog head and lord in the sky. She is not a hegemon now!

Overlord, as the name suggests, is the invincible existence of one party. To become an overlord, at least it must occupy more than 50%of the territory of the sky!

During the current stage of Su Mu, she was impacting this goal. She also had confidence to say that she would not let the dog head from appear in this world.

If Su Mu can become a hegemon of one party within 3 years, it is definitely a big news.

After all, as an overlord, it can become a senior executive in the Lord League, which is more windy than the big lord.

“I asked you to beat the dog heads fiercely because the dog head is not good, and it will only challenge the masters by holding a group. There are really many masters who have been besieged by them.”

“I don’t look at this kind of junk color color. If you want to be the king of the region, then you must clean up these shit sticks. The benefits are great enough to sweep them in the early stage.”

Su Mu can also be taught by words. Wu Feng thought that he had extinguished the income after 10 leaders of the territory.

Wu Feng said with a smile: “I was sweeping the dog head and lord of the region, and I was about to destroy the leader’s guy immediately.”

Su Mu also seems to know the news of [Domineering Brother]: “You are talking about the small things of the domineering family. The family is in the dog leader’s family. Tens of eight brothers who go in … ”

108 brothers, what about you to put these hundreds and eight generals? Is it still divided into Tianyu thirty -six and the earth and seventy -two?

Wu Feng caught her words: “So, you have to beat them fiercely! Isn’t the three -eyed emperor a classic word to the dog head: invitations, beheading, and receiving a dog.”

Su Mu also smiled: “Of course, he treats the dog head as a loyal dog. Our blue star’s attitude is no dog in the world!”

“You performed very well during the novice period, and the top many lists were dominated on the regional list. This is great. I have recommended you to join the heavenly group to your superiors.”

Su Mu suddenly mentioned the matter, obviously the main reason why she contacted Wu Feng this time.

The heavenly group is a department specially constructed by the Long State officials for the genius lords. There are official geniuses compiled by officials, and they are generally lords who have entered the abyss in the past two decades.

To join the heavenly group, there must be a recommendation of an old member, and a certain standard. Originally, Wu Feng only wanted to mix the official heaven alliance of the Dragon State before entering the abyss. Essence

Now I did not expect that there was a chance to join the heavenly group.

“Thank you Sister Su Mu. What do I need to do? Is there any assessment?” Wu Feng also considered joining the official matters during this time.

If you just go in as an ordinary soldier, Wu Feng may hesitate, but he has heard the benefits of the heavenly group from Su Masan, and various resources and official endorsements are very helpful for Wu Feng’s rise.

The permissions of the heavenly group are also very high. Generally, the official lord cannot order what the members of the Sky Group to do. It is said that the main task of the heavenly group is to become stronger and expand!

As long as the strength increases, it is enough to meet the assessment standards for each time, and there are no compulsory tasks.

If you can really join the heavenly group, it is still good!

Su Mu looked at Wu Feng with a smile: “The official joining the heavenly group, you need to enter the top 1,000 of the first day list, and you have to assess it. Now you can strive to become the list of the heavenly list!”

“I have recommended you. According to the record of your golden novice period, the core members of the heavenly group will make an evaluation. You can continue to perform well. You only need to continue to maintain the current momentum, it is very hopeful.”

“As long as you will become the list of the four major lists, I can directly make you the reserve of the heavenly group!”

Wu Feng nodded. He thought he went directly to the heavenly group. Now listening to Su Muyi said that he first entered the heavenly group for reserve, and he could get a lot of resource support.

The preparation of the heavenly group is almost equal to joining the heavenly group. As long as the test is officially passed, it can become a member of the Sky Group.

To join the heavenly group, it must be the top 1,000 in the sky list of a certain level of abyss. The internal ranking of the members of the heavenly group is based on this.

However, some of the top rankings on the local list have potential to impact the list of heaven, and they will have the opportunity to become the heavenly group reserve first.

In addition, it is Wu Feng’s existence that can dominate the list in the novice period.

It is also good to be a heavenly group for preparation!

After Su Mu gave Wu Feng a goal and reassurance, he also reminded Wu Feng: “I heard that you all over the big brother on the rich list?”

“You have to be careful of him, this is definitely a rival!”

“It is said that the son -in -law of the Emperor of the Three Eyes is not lower than the legendary talent. The efficiency of his childbirth is not lower than that of the dog head! The quality is particularly high!”

(This chapter is finished)

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