Chapter 102 Big Fish Hook! 【5108】

At this time, there are many troops sent by many dog heads and lords in the territory of [Bai Si can’t ride sister]. They used the mail system to mail the troops directly to [Bai Si must not be riding sister].

Each person supports twenty or thirty troops, which is enough to make [Bai Sisi must not ride sister] their combat power has surged. If [Nine Days Traveling] will not come, in the future, [Bai Si must not be riding sister], they will return the troops to them.

Under the lead organization of [Domineering Second Brother], this wave of troops mobilized very quickly and successful. It took nearly 10 hours. In the territory of [Bai Sisi, you must not ride a sister], [柒 柒], there are already a large number of troops. It’s right.

Even the [Domineering Second Brother] himself also sent a troop co -defense composed of pure female soldiers. For a while, the territory of [Bai Si must not ride a sister] was extremely lively.

[Domineering Second Brother] Continue to arrange the organization in the group: “[[Nine Days Traveling] has hit the same family on the list of deaths one by one, and now there are only a few of you. You have gathered together. ”

[Baili can’t ride sister] The territory of the territory is in the core area, and he is the most relieved: “Following [Jiutian Travel] last wave of offensive has passed for more than an hour, he hasn’t attacked it yet, it has been daytime. It seems that it seems that it has been during the day. [Jiutian Travel] I dare not come to us! ”

“Unfortunately, I re -organized a female cavalry force and prepared to teach [Nine Days Travel].

[Baili can’t ride sister], let the group full of happiness in the group. [Happy Brothers] has been resurrected with awakening crystals. He hates Wu Feng and kills him: “Yes, [Nine Days Traveling] dare to bully and fall off. Shan’s brothers, after we hold the group now, he immediately shrinks! This guy is a colorless color! ”

[] I frowned: “I hope [Jiutian Travel] to come to the door, we can destroy all his main force in one fell swoop, and then it is time for us to counterattack.”

Listening to the discussion in the group, [Domineering Second Brother] said: “Anyway, we can’t take it lightly.

“During this time, everyone pays more attention to the defense. Don’t be caught off guard by [Nine Days Traveling]. As long as you keep it firmly, there is a way! We are one of 126 people to one person, the advantage is me!”

The summary of the [Domineering Second Brother] makes many dog leaders feel very reasonable. They are more than 100 lords to develop together, and their advantages must be on their side.

[Jiutian Travel] Sooner or later, they will face their joint army, and then see how he will be destroyed!

“Now we give priority to focusing on resources. At that time, we will set up an alliance. This area is our place of Longxing!”

“In this area, we will be ruled sooner or later. Now we gather together in advance, which may also facilitate our integration of resources!”

[Domineering Brother] Continue to give a speech. The dog leaders in the group are getting more and more excited. They continue to enter the territory of the resource into the [Bai Sisi Sister] and others.

Various items, props, and troops have gathered together, and every time, this territory will become stronger.

Just when there was a large number of troops mobilized everywhere in the territory of [Sister Bai Si You couldn’t ride, they did not know that there were already one eye incorporated their every move into the field of vision.

How many soldiers and defense towers in which lord’s territory have been seen clearly by this magical eye!

Through the magical eyes of the just launched, Wu Feng achieved the whole process to monitor the enemy. This feeling made Wu Feng very useful, because this made him feel about his full -knowledge.

“Although this magical eye launch requires 500,000 magic crystals, the effect is really good. 10 kilometers, all are within the scope of normalized detection, which is equivalent to a satellite!”

“Then I can directly find the weaknesses of their defense and pass through this line of defense!”

Wu Feng really looked at the situation of many territories below. The previous magic detection could only see the range of 10*10, but it was a area of [Bai Si cannot ride sister].

In order to get more information, Wu Feng spent 500,000 magic crystals and launched a magical eye.

Compared with magic detection, this magical eye can monitor the target for a long time, and the scope is wider. The movement of 10 dog leaders and lords, Wu Feng is clear.

After half an hour of observation, the human meat bombs over Harlem had been produced. Because of the aid of the orange engineering master, the efficiency of the production of human flesh bombs increased greatly. Wu Feng asked him to make a full 500 human bombs. This is enough for him to complete his plan.

And Vigs also charm hundreds of eagle devils in advance. This 28 -level eagle body demon has fast speed and high health. There are many elites, which can be used as the carrier of human flesh bombs. Essence

After everything is ready, Wu Feng took out the perfect quality transmission card. This high -quality teleportation card, the distance and the number of transmission of transmission have increased greatly. Essence

“Are you ready! This time we decided quickly and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop, just to hit the enemy and be surprised!”

Wu Feng deliberately instructed before the transmission and told both heroes and tactics. Of course, it really started. These plans and tactics must be adjusted in time.

With magical eyes providing a high -altitude vision over the sky, Wu Feng can accurately capture the panoramic view of the battlefield, and can grasp the situation and change the tactics at any time according to the battlefield change.

“Start teleport!”


At the same time, [Domineering Second Brother] and others have completed the preliminary defense construction. They have arranged a lot of defense towers and expanded the territory crazy.

This can make the transmission card of [Nine Days Traveling] unable to make a prestige. The location he transmitted falls outside the territory. The distance from the first line of defense is at least a few kilometers away, which is enough to let the [Domineering Second Brother] respond.

Coupled with [Domineering Second Brother], they concentrated resources, allowing the fighting lords to train a large number of powerful arms, and even troops specifically for heavy artillery.

All arrangements can be described as the resources of hundreds of dog heads and lords, and the appearance of strong enemies has helped [Domineering Second Brother] better integrate these people.

This made [Domineering Second Brother] thanks to [Nine Days Traveling]: “If there is no [nine days travel], they will not provide resources so obediently.”

“Next, it is to let [Jiulian Travel] cooperate with it, come to give me a head, let me defeat him in one fell swoop, build a huge prestige, based on this, establish alliances, and sweep the entire area in one fell swoop!”

I have to say that the dream of [Domineering Second Brother] is still very good, and now he is urgent to look forward to [Nine Days Traveling].

In this case, a large number of dark shadows suddenly appeared outside the territory of [Sparrow Mother]. These sudden troops were the troops of [Jiutian Traveling]!

[Domineering second brother] After seeing the joy: “Very good! Big fish hook! Everyone is prepared, immediately besieged [Nine Days Travel], destroy his troops on the spot!”

(This chapter is finished)

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