The days in school are back to the past. As for what the two people think, only the talents know.

"Brother, someone you said before treated you as Omega ... what happened later?" After chatting for a while, Ning Meng carefully asked her curious question.

"What happened later?" Ning An vaguely remembered that she had asked Ning Meng about this, but she did not answer herself in the end. It happened that Fu Ke said that, Ning An himself had forgotten this Stubborn, "It's all right."

"Well ... it's okay." Although Ning Meng tried to ask him and Fu Ke directly, but pretended not to know anything, "It's okay. "

In the end, I could n’t stand the look that Fu Ke prayed for, and Ning Meng asked side by side, "Brother, what do you think of Fu Ke?"

"Fu Ke people are very good, with good grades, and they are also eager to help classmates ..." Ning An recalled the advantages of Fu Ke one by one, and Ning An remembered the list that Ning Meng had mentioned to herself before, No wonder Fu Ke ranked first. He must have looks and looks, strength and strength, and family history, "What do you ask him?"

"Ah, people are just a little curious, after all, the last friendship was not able to talk well. It's fine."

"Meng Meng, do you know what your name is?" How could Ning An not see that she had something to hide from herself? "You call this a self-inflicted trick, let's say, you just fancy him"

"Brother, what are you talking about!" Ning Meng now determined that if Ning An had no feeling for Fu Ke, or if she had no feeling, she didn't realize, "Nothing, I'm hung up."

"This girl, what are you shy about ..." Ning An murmured quietly as she looked at the darkened display and focused on her homework again.

"I don't think they're doing anything." Ning Meng cursed stupid brother in her heart.

"It's not a trick to make it happen. I don't want to pull Yu Tao to ask the East all day long." Since the friendship, Yu Tao has been obsessed with Fu Ke. After sending a message, Fu Ke said something every time. Cold field, she did not give up at all, intend to start from Fu Key, making Fu Key annoying.

While the bedroom door of the two was knocked, Fu Key immediately ran into the bathroom. "Ning Mengmeng, go open the door. If it's Yu Tao, I'll take a bath and let her go back."

"Hey, it's not a problem for you to hide like this ..." Ning Meng said the bathroom door was closed before she said it. She opened the door with a sigh and found it to be Qiuyan. "Excuse me, who is she? Fu Fu is taking a bath."

"I'm here for you." Qiu Yan glanced at Ning Meng, with a suspicious blush on his face, and squeezed, "I want to ask what Ning Ange likes to eat? I have an appointment with him to go to the aquarium on the weekend. , Want to do something for him. "

Ning Meng heard that the people who were scheduled to go to the aquarium on the weekend were all embarrassed, and it took a while to respond. Alas, she thought that Ning An had no idea, and she dared to go out and date with people alone, alas.

"Well ... my brother, he likes sweets, but he has to keep his abdominal muscles lately, so he won't eat high calories. His favorite dish is ..." Ning Meng crackled. After a lot of Ning'an preferences, he finally asked Qiu Yan, "That's almost it, do you remember?"

"Uh-huh, I remember it all, thank you very much!" Qiu Yan won the treasure, and thanked Ning Meng cheerfully and went back to his bedroom briskly.

"Who is it?" Only after hearing the movement of Ning Meng's closing, Fu Key poked out half a head from the bathroom, "said so long"

"Qiu Yan, come and ask my brother about it." Ning Meng signaled Fu Key to come out, "I see my brother and your brother are completely out of the picture, my brother and Qiu Yan have agreed to go to the aquarium together."

Fu Key's mouth was shocked into an O-shape, "I can't see it, Ning Ange was originally an activist." At the same time, I felt a little sorry for Fu Ke. She had a good impression of Ning An, and when she was a **** ... ...

But now that she is a well-known owner, she is absolutely impossible to say something together and it is difficult to guarantee that she will not break up.

Ning Anran did not know that he and Qiu Yan were "being together". Since the beginning of the second semester, the extra work Qin Zhao left him has gradually developed into innovation, such as letting him design a starship this time

Ning An was distressed about how to minimize the resistance. Qiu Yan invited him to the aquarium. When Ning An got on the imagination, he could see that the animals in the aquarium might have design inspiration and agreed without thinking.

He didn't know what the aquarium was one of the three holy places to date.

With the news, Ning Anshun told Fu Ke that he could not go to the library with him on the weekend.

Fu Ke was a little surprised, but he said it well.

Fu Ke was a little depressed after he was surprised.

After being depressed, I was a little angry.

Then he wanted to go to the balcony to smoke, and remembered that when he met Ning An on the balcony last time, he promised that he would stop smoking, and put his hand toward the cigarette case again, and turned his eyes to the terminal with a bright smile. Derek.

"Are you free this weekend? Accompany me to the aquarium."

"What stimulated you?" Derek heard what Fu Ke said and the smile on his face instantly turned into a thriller. "I didn't hit you in the fighting class today."

"I think you want me to hit your head now."

"Schools forbid private fighting."

"It doesn't matter that I pretend you fell on yourself."

"... Fu, we have grown up together since childhood."

"So you accompanied me to the aquarium this weekend"

"I said, the aquarium is one of the three holy places for dating. What are you asking me to do? It turns out you have this kind of thought for me?"

Fu Ke ignores Derek, "Dating"

"Yeah ... I promise you, don't make that scary look to me?" Derek tilted his head away from Fu Ke's scary eyes, "Is this weekend right? Me understood."

Anyway, I just said to accompany him. When I went to the aquarium, I didn't say that the aquarium is a good place. Derek avoided Fu Ke and sent a message to He Xin.

"Are you free this weekend? Would you like to go to the aquarium?"

He Xin almost returned in seconds. Derek could feel his excitement from the line. "Will there be a lot of beautiful fishes in the aquarium to see? Are there penguins? And that super big and beautiful jellyfish"

Derek couldn't restrain the corners of his mouth rising wildly. "Everyone can watch the penguin show."


Compared to Derek's cheerfulness, Fu Ke felt very upset, especially Derek's smile made him feel very dazzling, and finally chose to smoke on the balcony.

Smoking is harmful to health. This is not a good habit. Fu Ke also knows that he rarely smokes, but this is the second time he has smoked this month. It seems that only when the smoke enters the trachea causes a temporary suffocation can make him feel less. Restless.

Something is out of control, and he hates the feeling of being out of his control, and he doesn't even know what is out of control, which makes him even more intolerable.

On the opposite side of Ning'an's bedroom balcony, curtains were pulled, and a little light was shining through the gap. Ning'an always slept very late, and her dark circles were clearly visible, too desperate.

Fu Ke did not understand why Ning An was so desperate. He was a leader among his peers since he was a child. It is an Alpha to live up to expectations after the gender awakening. Those things that other people ca n’t get are not easy things in his eyes. He never did. Got to understand what other people think, there is no need for that.

But Ning'an is an exception.

Don't smoke anymore. Fu Ke crushed his cigarette **** and returned to his bedroom. Smoking was harmful to his health.

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