That year Huayu

Chapter 720 Birthday gift, it’s poisonous

Chapter 720 Birthday gift, it’s poisonous...

Since early morning, the film and television and entertainment circles have been non-stop, and the Internet has been in an uproar and extremely lively.

On the morning of the first day of December, when the sky was just getting dark.

Information related to Shu Chang's birthday has already topped the entertainment headlines of major portal websites and the top trending searches on Weibo.

The reason is not that actors and stars in the industry left messages to send blessings.

It's because the "appalling" "birthday gift" Liu Yifei wants to give to Shu Chang is simply extravagant to the extreme!

When the morning sun rose, Director Lin had just woken up.

There is a fragrant fairy in my arms, and the touch is warm, soft, smooth and delicate.

Her long hair is spread freely between the pillows, and her faint fragrance decorates Liu Yifei's delicate and pink face. Her long eyelashes dance from time to time, which is very beautiful.

"It's time to go to sleep, and you are still provocative. Now you are not energetic? I am lazy but I slept soundly, haha..."

Lin Nan smiled and whispered softly, and then got up carefully. Then he leaned over and covered her with the quilt, covering up her fair skin.

Half a minute after he left the room, a soft, waxy nasal voice came from the bed, a little bit arrogant: "Hmph, I'm provoking..."

After arriving at the company, Lin Nan remembered to read the news on the Internet. As expected, the circle really exploded!

"Liu Yifei and Shu Chang have known each other for 12 years and are deeply in love as best friends. The most special birthday gift - a movie heroine."

"The movie title is unknown, the script name is unknown, the director is unknown, the screenwriter is unknown, the team is unknown, the project has not been approved...but the heroine has been decided!"

In addition to the media, insiders and netizens are also discussing it heatedly. There are countless people who are amazed, envious, and joking.

"This is the first time I've seen someone giving a birthday gift like this! A movie heroine? Producer Liu is so domineering!"

"To be honest, I'm jealous, and I also need a good bestie.

Yifei, my sister's relationship with you is still far from perfect. Please give me an accurate answer. I will try to work harder! "

"I'm also upset. We have been best friends for more than ten years. Director Lin should really learn from their producer Liu."

"Lao Zhu, please save your face. Are you talking as if the male lead in "33 Days of Love" is not you?"

"But you haven't received a birthday gift? Lao Luo, what's your purpose of stabbing me in the back?"

"I opened the calendar and looked at it. Well, my birthday is not far away. But where is my best friend or best friend?"

"Since Producer Liu is giving a 'movie heroine' as a birthday gift, he must have a ready-made script or movie project before he can give it to her.

It will definitely not be an empty promise that takes time to be fulfilled! Isn’t this the answer? "

One sentence has awakened many people in the industry.

Yes, as everyone remembers, Lin Nan Pictures just submitted a movie script for review early last month, and many actors in the industry are thinking about it.

And in other words, what movies can she, Liu Yifei, give away to others?

Um? wrong! Doesn’t it belong to Lin Nan Pictures?

This is the established boss's wife, the wife of a great director!

"It's great to have a good bestie. Director Lin personally directed "Painted Skin" and "Genius", and also helped her win the Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actress.

The heroine of "Xiu Chun Knife 2" was also given to her... This time Liu Yifei gave her the heroine of another movie as a birthday gift.

To put it bluntly, she has easier access to the top resources of Lin Nan Pictures than the artists of Shanhai Media! I just don’t know who directed this movie. Is it Director Lin? Or Director Guo? Director Lu Yang probably doesn't know how to do it. He just finished a movie not long ago. Teacher Xue..."

Yang Mi looked at the news with some unspeakable envy.

Although "Why Sheng Xiao Mo" is a popular IP, the four words "Lin Nan Pictures" are even more big IP.

So far, there are no small directors directing the films produced by Lin Nan Pictures.

Zeng Jia was also a little emotional. She had previously swore to belittle Tang Yan, saying that few mainland actresses of the same age could compare to Yang Mi.

But the Shu Chang in front of her was really among the few people she eliminated. An actress who can call Lin Nan "brother" in public is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

"Teacher Xue?"

Yang Mi suddenly muttered. She always remembered Xue Xiaolu saying that if "Love in Seattle" does well at the box office, it will be made into a series.

It has been almost three years since this movie was shot, and it will be almost two years since it was released. It should be about the same time, right? After all, it’s not good for the series to be too long apart!

At the moment, many actresses of the same age have toothaches because of acidity.

Even Huang Xiaoming was being thought about early in the morning, but his network resources are really incomparable to Lin Nan.

Moreover, the Huayi family has a huge business, so it is impossible to give all the good resources to Yang Ying!

Lin Nan didn't pay too much attention to the inquiries and ridicules from insiders, and was seizing the time to deal with work.

The Lunar New Year holiday also means that another year is coming to an end.

The company has many documents, statements, receipts, tax declarations and other information that require his signature.

After finishing the work in the morning, I went back at noon to prepare for a dinner party on the lawn of the villa.

"Director Lin, auditions have started over at Noon Sunshine. Producer Hou Hongliang called and asked if we should send someone over to join us?"

"Inform Director Jiang and see what she means."

Lin Nan said without raising his head, the taxes to be paid this year are quite a lot.

"Director Lin, Director Jiang is attending the industry conference above on behalf of the company these two days, so he is not here."

Lin Nan then remembered that it seemed that the format of TV drama broadcasting had been reformed again, and "one drama with two stars" would be implemented on New Year's Day.

In the future, TV dramas will only be broadcast on two TV stations at most during prime time.

It is said that it is to balance the composition of satellite TV programs and force film and television companies to improve the production quality and competitiveness of TV series.

But in Lin Nan's view, the original intention of "one drama with two stars" was too ideal.

A TV series can only be broadcast on two TV stations during prime time, which means that the number of buyers will drop sharply.

If the studio wants to recoup its costs and make money, it has to offer a higher selling price for a single episode, or even double or quadruple it. But when TV stations buy dramas, they must also be thinking about trying to lower the price!

The above means that if the film producers make better productions, the TV stations will naturally be willing to bid.

But from the standpoint of the film studio, especially in the Internet age, the safer and simpler way to sell TV series well is not to spend a lot of effort to improve the quality of filming, nor to optimize the script and find good actors.

It's about filming what the audience likes, and using which actors have traffic. It's best to add big IPs. This is a simple and profitable way! Because the TV series produced have their own traffic and topics!

However, this is another endless cycle!

Inertia will cause the film studio to deviate from the original intention of "one drama with two stars", and production funds will be seriously tilted towards "publicity".

"Actors" with traffic will become popular and become more and more expensive... once again pushing up the salary of the entire industry...

In the end, the production budget of TV series continued to increase until the "actor" accounted for a huge proportion of the pay and became the "master" of the crew. Eventually, less and less funds were spent on filming and production... We could only produce shoddy products and rely on publicity...

You must know that "data" and "traffic" can be faked.

When the entire industry is overwhelmed by "traffic", will a "hit drama" be a hit? Then only ghosts really know!

Anyway, it is definitely difficult for the audience to know whether it is true or false, and they can only follow the "promotional information" on the Internet!

This is a major trend that cannot be stopped.

But there are definitely companies and people who are serious about filming, but they are relatively few.

"Reply to Noon Sunshine. We won't send anyone there. Just send us the preliminary list before setting the angle." Lin Nan ordered.

"Okay, Director Lin."


There is less than one day left before the release of "The Wheel of Peace (Part 1)".

This movie and "The Year in a Hurry" released on the 5th, are the most competitive domestic films in the film market in the first half of the month, full of gimmicks.

As for TV series, it is no less impressive.

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes", which premiered on the 3rd, has been criticized and ridiculed by netizens, occupying a place on the Internet in a black and red way.

As for Fan Bingbing's heroine TV series "The Legend of Wu Mei Niang" released in late 2019, it is really the focus of attention and a big hit on the Internet.

Because the stills and trailer are really eye-catching, there are so many balls, big and round!

Lin Nan heard from Wang Wei that Tudou had bought the exclusive webcast copyright of "The Legend of Wu Mei Niang", which was not cheap.

At 12:30 noon, Director Lin drove back.

He found that the yard was already busy. There were huge blankets on the lawn, and there were many simple dining tables and grills beside it.

Food delivery people in many restaurants are arranging dishes, including cooked food, raw food, snacks, etc. There are many categories, and the cakes customized by Liu Yifei are already in place.

But after a quick glance, I didn't see Miss Liu or Shu Chang at all.

Seeing the great director Lin Nan, the person in charge of the restaurant immediately said hello, "Director Lin."

"Sorry to trouble everyone."

"You're welcome, this is our job."

Lin Nan walked into the villa and vaguely heard voices coming from the direction of the wine room on the first floor.

"These boxes were given by Brother Xiao Ming... The bottles over there were brought by Huo Wenxi last time and were given by Yang Shoucheng... I bought them over there..."

"...Don't touch that bottle of champagne, that was brought by Matt last month... How about opening this bottle today?"

"I think that bottle is good. It must be very expensive if it is placed so high!"

Only five or six meters away from the door, Lin Nan heard Shu Chang's voice, good guy, are you here to rob?

"With so much red wine in your house, more than half of it is given by others?" Zhu Yawen clicked her tongue.

"You talk a lot. If you're not convinced, you can ask them to give it to you, haha." Luo Jin laughed directly.

"Just this bottle. It was given by Leon at the beginning of last year. It seems to have been produced in 2004."

Standing at the door, Lin Nan happened to see Liu Yifei wasting her money!

But the person he greeted was another unexpected face: "Oh, you are a rare visitor, Tangtang."

Only then did a group of people notice Lin Nan. Tang Yan smiled a little embarrassedly: "Director Lin, aren't you rude?"

"Not rude, not rude, Luo Jin... ah no, Lao Zhu, why didn't you bring your wife?"

"He's on the set."

How could a group of people not tell that Lin Nan was teasing Luo Jin? Everyone just laughed and said nothing.

"Hurry out and get ready to start."

Liu Yifei walked out first and handed Lin Nan the red wine. She wanted to go upstairs to the study.

The weather is rare and sunny and not cold. Several people were sitting on the lawn, surrounded by delicious food.

Shu Chang was the birthday boy today. After blowing out the candles and cutting the cake, he looked impatiently towards the entrance of the villa.

"Why don't you come out? Sissi is hanging on me on purpose...Brother, is it the script your company sent for review?"

"I have no idea."

Lin Nan and Luo Jin clinked glasses and ignored Shu Chang, telling her to hurry up first.

In less than two minutes, Liu Yifei walked out slowly, as if taking a walk, with a playful smile on her face.

"Sissi, hurry up, you're going to kill me."

Lin Nan, Zhu Yawen, Luo Jin, and Tang Yan all looked over. Director Lin was a little dumbfounded.

No wonder it took so long and I found a box to put it in!

"Here, it's for you. Don't say I'm not generous, I thought of you immediately."

Liu Yifei raised her beautiful chin slightly, looking too arrogant.

"Yeah, I'll open it now."

The three people nearby came over and saw that inside the opened gift box was a script!

""Go away! Mr. Tumor"!"



Just when Shu Chang was nervously putting it away, ready to go back and look at it for himself.

Liu Yifei suddenly spoke, and couldn't help laughing:

"That, Changchang, that's the movie. The content is similar to the name, the heroine is terminally ill.

As for, ahem, as for whether director Guo Fan will ask you to shave your head when filming, I can't decide. You have to be mentally prepared in advance. "

As Liu Yifei's words fell, the scene fell into dead silence.

Two or three seconds later, everyone burst out laughing:

"Haha, I was laughing so hard.

Good news: the birthday gift is the leading lady of a movie! Bad news: the heroine has to shave her head! "

"Changchang, hurry up and eat the cake. You may not be able to keep your long black hair. Let them eat and go!"

Although they were all teasing Shu Chang, Zhu Yawen and Luo Jin both had a different look in their eyes, and Tang Yan next to them was also very envious.

"I, I, I will risk myself!"

Shu Chang sat there angrily, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Don't think about it. I've already helped Qianqian decide on the female lead from Guo Fan, so I can't say anything anymore. When the time comes, he will audition for the role, so you can go and try it out."

"OK, no problem!"

A group photo of six people was updated on several people's Weibo.

Shu Chang stood in the middle, surrounded by several people, smiling heartlessly. In the background, there are many delicious food and huge lawns and gardens.

Other people's Weibo posts were all about wishing Shu Chang a happy birthday, while hers was a crying and laughing expression with the following text:

"The birthday gift from Sissi, it's poisonous..."

"Let's end the matter of "Why Shengxiaomo", don't tear it up..."



The time finally came on the 2nd.

The headlines of major media and hot searches for film and television information all focus on the "Titanic of the East", followed by other gossips.

"Co-produced by China Film, LeTV, Huayi, Youzu, and Pony, and directed by Wu Yusen, the master of violent aesthetics.

Starring Zhang Ziyi, Jin Chengwu, Huang Xiaoming, Song Hye Kyo, Tong Dawei, Nagasawa Masami and others:

The war epic "The Wheel of Peace (Part 1)" was officially released today. The first-day film scheduling rate of domestic theaters is as high as 34%! "

"Three weeks after its release, the imported science fiction blockbuster "Interstellar" has a total box office revenue of 1.222 billion, and the daily box office has dropped to more than 8 million.

It is reported that the total box office of "Interstellar" in the global film market has exceeded US$700 million, and it has achieved high profits and is still growing. "

"Qiong Yao's case against Yu Zheng will be heard today. The former is claiming 20 million yuan. Wang Hailin, vice president of the Film and Literature Association, serves as Qiong Yao's assistant to answer professional questions such as plagiarism and adaptation."

"Co-produced by Tangren and Sohu, starring Han Dongjun, Jin Chen, Zhang Ruoyun, Chen Yao and others, the Republic of China fantasy TV series "Wuxin Master" officially starts filming today!"

Actors and stars in the film and television industry are all showing off their movie tickets for "The Taiping Wheel - Part 1" and cheering for the movie.

Seeing this, Lin Nan felt that these people were trying too hard, and they weren't that flattering. Don’t consider the consequences of being scolded by the audience at all!

On the desk, the phone buzzed. Lin Nan glanced at the caller ID and answered the call immediately.


"Director Lin, do you think it's a good time for us to come over and measure clothes?"

"These two days are fine. I will send you the specific address later. Just give me a call before coming over."

There was a pause on the other end of the phone: "Director Lin, let's do it tomorrow, I'll bring someone over here in person.

You can rest assured that we are all time-honored brands with old craftsmanship, and we are famous in places like Beijing Film Studio and Xiying Film Studio. We are well versed in the standard of Fengguan Xiapei, but now few people can make the complete set. There are too many castrated versions out there, which makes people laugh..."

Listening to the call, Lin Nan couldn't help but laugh. This old master was quite talkative. Maybe it was because he hadn't seen anyone asking for a full set of dishes in a long time.

Although Feng Guan Xia Pei is dignified and beautiful, it is quite cumbersome to wear, and the complete set is a bit heavy for ordinary girls! Therefore, the most widely circulated ones on the market now, although they are also very beautiful, are all "castrated" and "beggar's versions".

But for Liu Yifei, these are not problems, after all, Miss Liu is a martial arts practitioner!

"Well, of course I believe you. My teacher introduced you here."

"That's good, that's good. Did Director Tian tell you..."

"Just do what you do here. Those are not problems. We will talk in detail after we meet tomorrow."

"Okay, then I won't disturb Director Lin."


Lin Nan was not angry at all when the other party hesitated to ask about money on the phone.

Because it will take a long time to complete the whole set by hand, and it will require dozens of manpower.

The best materials were used, and Lin Nan required rush work, so the cost would definitely be over eight figures.

The approximate amount will have to be determined tomorrow.

All we can say is that when it comes to real luxury goods, Chinese luxury goods are ancestral!


"We cannot let outside reports get ahead of us. After confirming that he has completed the reduction, we will make an announcement ourselves.

Before it was launched, I borrowed his name as director of Golden Lion, which was indeed very useful. But now we have to prepare for a rainy day and pave the way for his complete clearance. We cannot let his departure have too much impact on us. "

Huayi, Chairman's Office. Wang Zhongjun thought over and over again and ordered.

"The people below reported that more than 1.5 million shares have been sold there. I guess it will be around 2 million this time?" Wang Zhonglei guessed.

In fact, the two brothers also occasionally do cash out, but they always cash out at high prices and buy at low prices, unlike Lin Nan who rushes to clear his position and leave!

"If he is willing to lower the price, we can buy the stocks in his hands at once."

"Then he might not agree. Judging from his cash-out frequency, he doesn't seem to be short of money at all." Wang Zhonglei dismissed Wang Zhongjun's idea.

Large equity transactions must not be at stock market prices. Lin Nan will never agree to a one-time price reduction transfer.

"Okay, just keep an eye on it and do as I say."


Sometimes, it's just such a coincidence.

Liu Yifei just said on the Internet that she would give the heroine of a movie to Shu Chang as a birthday gift. People in the industry are speculating and discussing, is it the one from Lin Nan Pictures? The Houji Film Bureau has issued an announcement!

The media, all with dog noses and keen senses of smell, reported it immediately. The film and television industry suddenly became even more chaotic.

"Reposted from the official website of the Film Bureau, the December script review results are announced:

Submitted by Lin Nan Films, the movie script "Get Out!" "Tumor King" has been approved and approved for registration and project approval, and can receive a film shooting permit. "

"According to the film bureau's official website, after review of the script synopsis, it was learned: "Get Out! Tumor King" is adapted from the comic book of the same name. It is an inspirational love comedy about a heroine suffering from cancer who still smiles at the challenges of life even as she fights the disease. story."

What a great subject! This is the first reaction of many actors in the industry!

A large number of netizens and insiders started advocating on Aite Shu, asking if the birthday gift she received was "Get Out!" "Tumor King"? Do you know who will direct the movie?

Of course, Liu Yifei was not spared, and Weibo was also blocked.

The film and television industry is also staring at this "Get Out!" Tumor King". Because the movies of Lin Nan Pictures are top resources for building your resume!

Many media reporters blocked Lin Nan Pictures, but fortunately they did not block Lin Nan.

Yue Jun did not give a clear answer during the interview, but said that when the film is filed and cast, it will naturally be made public. A little sense of mystery is still necessary!

"Hey, I wonder if Director Han is reading movie reviews online at the moment?"

Lin Nan leaned against Liu Yifei's bear pillow and lay lazily.

He couldn't help but murmured as he looked at the movie reviews of "The Wheel (Part 1)", which has become "extremely angry" and has exploded in popularity.

It's so miserable!

As the director of "The Wheel", Wu Yusen is being abused, belittled, ridiculed and ridiculed by 99% of the audience on the Internet who have already watched the movie! It’s almost comparable to cyber violence.

"Mountains and rivers are broken into caricatures, and the ups and downs of life are like Qiong Yao! "The Taiping Wheel" is indeed a 'shit corpse masterpiece'!"

"The brokenness of family and country and the ups and downs of personal life, such good and simple themes, can't be made into an epic, and it might as well be made into the experiences of Gone with the Wind. But the great director Wu Yusen just made it into a bad movie, with all three emotional lines. It’s incomplete, like a remix of multiple movies, fragmented and has no theme.”

"If it weren't for the incredible release of three white doves, reminding us that this is the trademark of director Wu Yusen, I would have been watching a mixed version of a third-rate film with unknown priorities and different themes!"

"Frankly speaking, I was very disappointed and tortured after watching this movie. One word of spoiler: a low-level romantic drama alternated with the game Contra. After two hours of acting, I haven't even gotten on board yet! How can I have the nerve to say it's the Eastern version of "Titan" "Nick"?"

"Six years have passed since "Red Cliff", and it turns out that Director Wu Yusen is still not good at making big-scale, big-budget films!"

"He talks about making epic movies, but in his heart, Wu Yusen is still about gunfights and gunfights in the mean streets. He is completely unable to handle the grand and thick epic and historical background!"

"I will never watch the second half of "The Wheel" again. The first half was so bad. Don't even think about the second half, it's definitely a piece of shit!"

""The Wheel" is said to be a war movie, but it is actually a large-scale gun battle movie!"

"Can I get a refund? It's so bad and so expensive!"

"I heard that more than 400 million and nearly 500 million were invested, but it was all in vain!"

"I sincerely suggest everyone, don't buy tickets for "The Taiping Wheel", otherwise you will call yourself a fool! It's too bad!"

The main creators were still shouting and promoting in the morning, but now they are all silent, no one speaks out.

Because looking at the situation online, it is really scary. There are overwhelming curses and negative comments.

"I'm afraid this will be a big blow to Director Han! In an interview yesterday, he said that "The Wheel" was the final film of his career at China Film."

Liu Yifei, wearing a hip-hugging skirt, sat down next to Lin Nan and said sadly.

"Look, even now, Director Han hasn't called me. What does that mean? It means he saw the large-scale movie reviews online."

Lin Nan also just realized that if the movie reviews were good, wouldn't Han Sanping call to show off and slap Lin Nan in the face?

"If it's so bad, don't even think about overseas copyrights. There aren't that many fools! In fact, I quite sympathize with Dong."


Miss Liu leaned against Lin Nan, a little confused.

"If you think about it, the success of the movie is due to Director Han and has nothing to do with La Dong. Because this is a film project that was decided to invest in at the end of 2011. If La Dong wants to take the credit, he can't do it.

But if the movie sucks and loses money, Director La will have to take the blame. Who makes him the current chairman of China Film Group Corporation!

As for Director Han, hey, he just failed to keep his job in the evening festival and became a big joke in the industry. But for a person like him who has a good reputation and a good reputation, this is no different from the immediate execution of the death penalty, which is embarrassing and embarrassing, haha..."

"Think about it, this kind of large-scale scolding costs nearly 500 million, it feels like..."

"Don't worry, it's over. This movie is definitely going to go down in film history, but it's going to be used as a negative example."

Just when Lin Nan was about to praise Liu Yifei's hip-hugging skirt, a call came in.

"Huh? Xiao Ma? What kind of note is this?" Liu Yifei asked in surprise.

"It's from Galloping Horse. That day at the premiere of "The Wheel" (Part 1), I had a few words with the current chairman of Pony.

I think you figured it out and gave up after reading the movie reviews online, right? Lin Nan said thoughtfully.


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