That Scumbag is Going To Heaven

Chapter 813: Settle accounts

   Chapter 813

The Fasil Embassy received a call. First, the Fasil was received inside the embassy, ​​and then the Visaya Ministry of Foreign Affairs was contacted to protest. Within two days, the mine was completely blocked and two hundred illegally detained were rescued. Worker.

  Lu Yingshu sat on the sofa, watching the international news broadcast with a grim expression, and watching the workers lining up, the jaw line was obviously clenched.

   "God, I can't believe that I can still come out alive, my God, I feel that the explosion two days ago, it was God who heard my prayers that made me come out alive."

"My friend and I came to travel and encountered two children having difficulties. We helped them to send home. When I woke up, I found myself sleeping on a stinky and dirty wooden board, and my friend Alan doesn't know where he went..."

  "I never thought that I would face detention. I lived here for half a year. It was a miracle that I could survive. Because I saw many people die in front of me."

  "This is a group of demons. They have defiled this beautiful land."

The rescued workers disclosed the crimes of the mining plant in front of the media around the world. Everyone was crying and telling their own experiences. The crimes of Xinzhu’s hard book aroused the anger of the people all over the world. Workers from various countries were detained. The country puts pressure on Visayas, and the government of Visayas must give the world an account.

  The camera scanned the faces of the victims. Lu Yingshu saw that even if they were rescued, their eyes were still full of terror. The remote control in his hand was tight, and Lu Yingshu lightly closed his eyes.

  As the camera swept across a pile of bones, Lu Yingshu bit his cheeks tightly, breathing a little shortly.

  Here is the place where his son Lu Shian lived for ten days, ten days... He didn't mention what happened to him. After successfully rescuing the technicians, he immediately asked for his return to China, and he didn't stay in the country overnight.

  He returned to Southern Province and returned to his student status. However, he didn't mention anything about what happened, including him as a father, and he also chose to conceal it.

  It took a long time for Lu Yingshu to recover. His son is so good, he is proud of him!

  The news caused a great uproar in our country, but the students who participated in the IMO selection competition didn't know at all. They only watched the news on TV for 30 minutes at night, and they would never want to watch TV for a second.

  Shining looked at the wound in Lu Zhian's palm, and tightened his brows, "strangled?"

   "Well, I did some heavy work and left a little injury." Seeing her at a glance, Lu Shian saw why he was hurt. He wanted to hide it and he simply admitted that it was indeed a strangle.

His frank admission made Shi Ning's brows tightened, and his eyes fell on his shoulders. Before Lu Shian could react, she pulled off his T-shirt collar. Xi Qinghuan just wanted to show politeness and turned his head away from watching. The moment he turned his head, his pupils suddenly tightened when he saw the wound on Lu Shian's shoulder from the corner of his eye.

  I don’t know how many times the injury on the shoulder is more serious than the injury on the palm.

   "Your injury, I'm afraid it's not just some heavy work." Shi Ning let go, tidying up Lu Shian's T-shirt collar, "It's the injury like this, abuse and coolie. It's not easy to come back alive."

  Excuse me to the task that Director Lu personally came forward, huh, she doesn't believe that Lu Shian only did some heavy work.

  Good night, my little cuties.

  I saw the message saying that there is a repetition, it is probably a version problem, refresh or re-download it, my reading version is not updated, and there are duplications, upgrade and re-download, which perfectly solves the problem.

  (End of this chapter)

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