That Scumbag is Going To Heaven

Chapter 800: Poor worm

   Chapter 800

  Shining said to Yu Su that first there was a hatred of love, and then a hatred of hurting her to go to prison.

  Now I see Shining wearing the school uniform and sitting freely outside, while she herself is in jail, losing her freedom..., Yu Su almost didn’t strain her true emotions.

   "Susu, you must pretend to be crazy. Mom will find a way to get Shi Ning to come and see you. Remember, after you saw her, you were stimulated again..."

   A faint and urgent voice came from his ear. Yu clenched his hands and tried his best to suppress the true emotions. Mom said, you must act mad, this is the only way out!

  Take a deep breath in secret, her eyes widened with disheveled hair, staring at Shining who was sitting outside the glass wall.

"You hurt me, Shi Ning, you hurt me! Get out of me! Get out of me!!" The voice was low for a while, high for a while, and screaming with his throat for a while, and the whole person's spirit appeared abnormal. state.

  She acted like this, but Shi Ning suddenly realized that she understood why Yu Sufei wanted to see her.

A touch of coldness passed through his eyes, and Shi Ning sat down and smiled calmly: "Hurt you? What do you deserve for my harm? The boy you like likes me, and the talent you are proud of, I also have, you I have all what I want to have. Yu Su, may I ask, is there anything you deserve for me to harm you?"

  Pretend to be crazy, this is a talent, I have recruited, and now I want to pretend to be crazy, who gave her such a stupid way?

  Be irritated and crazy, OK, since you like stimulation so much, let's have more stimulation!

Shi Ning curled up the corners of her mouth with a chill in her eyes, and the words came into Yu Su's ears clearly, "You take yourself too seriously to harm you? What good is it for me to harm you? I harm you again. What can I get? I have what you have, and I have what you don't. I still need to harm you?"

   "Yu Su, you really need to find a mirror to take a picture of yourself, so that you can have a good self-knowledge of yourself. Living in the perfect world that you have made up, Yu Su, you are actually very pitiful."

Sitting in it, Yu Su could hear every word of Shi Ning clearly. Every word was like a long needle with a barbed, which pierced her heart with needle by needle, and reborn again. Pulled out, blood and flesh came out with the hook, and her body was so painful that she couldn't help shrinking.

  This time, she was really stimulated.

  The boy she likes likes Shining, so is she pitiful?

Do not!

  As long as she can go out, she must have a chance to get Lu Shian! Yu Su bent over, and she started to laugh.

  Hahaha, hahaha, where is she pitiful?

  No, she is not pitiful at all.

  She has what she wants, and she can get what she wants. If she can’t get it, then destroy it!

  No one can expect anyone she can't get!

pitful? She is not pitiful at all.

  "Do you want to hear something more exciting? Well, forget it, for the sake of a school, I won't say much. I hope you can reform and be a new person."

   “Don’t think about unrealistic things all day long. For example, pretending to be crazy and selling stupid. I can see it. Will the siblings fail to see it?”

  Shining’s voice came again, and Yu Su, who had a waistless waist, suddenly stiffened, and was...was noticed by Shining? She... Doesn't she pretend to be like?

  (End of this chapter)

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