That Scumbag is Going To Heaven

Chapter 646: Only him in the net, not her

  Chapter 646 Only him in the net, without her

  "I want to take the direction of scientific research, military-industrial scientific research. You and I are also considered to be one in the field, one in the martial arts. Each field is different, we may not have the opportunity to meet again. Lu Shian, I choose the most difficult path."

  That night, she told him what kind of road he would take in the future. She really didn't just talk about it casually. She wanted to deal with the shells, and she had been steadfastly and unwaveringly moving towards her goal.

  The road she will walk in the future will be really hard. She already knows but still insists. That is the true love to understand so deeply, so passionately and persistently.

In front of him, Le Lao came from scientific research and an expert in the field of'Applied Celestial Mechanics'. Shi Ning told Le Lao that she had a little understanding of'Applied Celestial Mechanics'... Hey, it's not the emperor penguin. If you have an understanding, let's get a deeper understanding.

Shi Ning said that'applied celestial mechanics' has a lot to do with missile research and launch... When Le Lao heard this, he had a stronger appreciation than before, as if he had discovered some rare treasure, his eyes were all focused on Shi Ning. , Totally reluctant to interrupt Shining.

  No one is willing to interrupt Shining, mainly because they dare not interrupt.

  If you don’t understand and dare not ask, then stand and listen to the heavenly scriptures.

  Lu Shian stood by, listening quietly, the black eyes that had been watching Shi Ning were gentle and firm, deep in the love that made Yu Su's heart fall directly into the abyss.

  It was so deep and so thick. Except Shi Ning, there was no one else in his eyes. He even gave a ray of light to himself who was sitting next to Shi Ning.

   looked back in a hurry, his fingernails had torn the seat cushion and ripped it out. Only with constant effort with his hands could the panic deep in Yu Su's heart settle a little bit.

   Lost, this time she lost more thoroughly! ! !

  Xi Qinghuan's English proficiency is slightly inferior to that of Lu Shi'an. After listening for a while, he turned his head and glanced at Lu Shi'an when he probably heard something, but after a glance, Xi Qinghuan withdrew his gaze.

  Shining...Shining, how much shock do you still have to shock people?

  Can it be less?

  A little bit less shocked, will you let your eyes fall on her a little less?

  Rather than like now, because I watched her for too long, so I was afraid of being discovered by friends around him... Sudden love disturbed his heart and added guilt...

   Next to his ear, Shi Ning's voice still came out in a clear and shallow voice, and the voice turned into silk in his ears, and the silk woven into a net. The net caught his heart and his people.

  On the net, there is only him, not her...

  Others are still in shock, but Xi Qinghuan’s heart is already sorrowful. The "net" he has been woven into is trapped in the desolate and desolate mountains. There are no green mountains, no trees, but desolation.

   The peach eyes behind the spectacles trembled and closed, a deep breath had not yet been completed, and a very discordant voice suddenly came, "Shining, do you drink water? I'll give you..."

  Closed eyes opened quickly, his eyes pierced like a cold arrow straight to Yu Su.

Le Lao didn't give Yu Su a chance to continue. He glanced at Yu Su with a serious expression, raised his hand slightly, kindly and with majesty, suddenly made the half-rising Yu Su stiff.

   His body froze, and the smile on his face froze. Yu Su panicked as if he was stuck, and explained, "Grandpa, I'm just..." With a kind heart, he wanted to get a bottle of water for Shi Ning to drink.

  La la la la, see you tomorrow.

  On my birthday, I, who is still working hard at home to update the code, need to be praised

  It’s September, monthly ticket, recommendation ticket, message...I need, I need, I need...

  (End of this chapter)

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