That Scumbag is Going To Heaven

Chapter 624: Goodbye, excuse me

  Chapter 624 Farewell, excuse me

   Facing the onlookers of the classmates, Shi Ning regretted that she had a whim. It was not that she, Lu Shian and Xi Qinghuan were solving the problem together, but being watched by people solving the problem.

Yu Su just approached, and she happened to hear Shi Ning's words. She had always been a little stiff and smiled. She said to Teacher Liu in a pretty voice, "Teacher Liu, you can't just because Lu Shian and Xi Qinghuan will understand them. , I think all of us will understand."

"Freshman high math contest questions, are you planning to spare time for us to study high math next semester? It is too challenging, I am a little scared now, have you forgotten that we are all a group of junior high school students, high school? Birth!"

  Yu Su, who has always been ranked in the top six of the grade, still has a certain amount of weight in high school. After she finished jokingly, the surrounding boys laughed.

  At the same time, it also attracts the attention of other passengers in the carriage.

  A group of student dolls, wearing uniform school uniforms, all of their vigorous faces are particularly noticeable. Now that Yu Su is so yelled, the passengers sitting in the carriage cast their sights.

  Junior high school and high school students do high school mathematics?

  There are passengers who don’t know what high math is, and they understand what it is after listening to the explanation from nearby passengers. High mathematics, the advanced mathematics only learned by college students, is much more difficult than the mathematics in high school and junior high school.

  It’s amazing. It’s amazing to start doing college mathematics before going to college!

  Some curious travelers simply stood up, stretched their necks and looked over.

After listening to what Yu Su said, the boys all laughed one after another: "Yes, Teacher Liu, we are so stressed like you. I feel that we have not learned the knowledge points of the first and second grades of high school, so we have to learn high school. I've counted it, I feel flustered."

   "Ms. Liu, we can't compare with the Rockets class, no, no, no, please let us go."

The topic of    was taken by Yu Su lightly to discuss whether he would learn mathematics in the third year of high school.

  At the same time, attention was also pulled away from Shi Ning, without paying too much attention.

  Yu Su, who coldly hooked the corner of his mouth, glanced at Shi Ning, and there was a gloomy dark light passing by the bottom of his eyes. She was afraid of Lu Shi'an and the Lu family behind him, and couldn't directly take action all the time, heh...don't think she would stop there!

  Since Shining could not be abolished directly, then she slowly sharpened her soft knife until she saw blood on the blade, and grind until her reputation was ruined!

  When the time comes, will Lu Shian still like Shining? Do people around you still think that Shi Ning and Lu Shi'an match well?

  Rumors and rumors can naturally exhaust the two of them physically and mentally, and eventually they have to break up!

  She, Yu Su wants to clean up a person, there are thousands of ways to do it!

  Faced with the students’ worries, Teacher Liu laughed and said, “You guys, even if you want to learn advanced math, I’ll stop it.”

  "My classmates, the cornerstone is particularly important, and the cornerstone of mathematics is to determine whether the superstructure is good. Although you are all good, you need to be more solid."

  "Don’t think too much. If you want to study advanced mathematics and wait until the college entrance examination is over, if you are willing, please feel free to find me to group classes during the summer vacation and take you to the wonderful world of advanced mathematics!"


  After the college entrance examination, continue to make up classes during the summer vacation?

  Not interested, goodbye, excuse me!

  Yu Su walked to the front from the end, and stood up side by side with Su Muhan who came first.

  (End of this chapter)

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