That Scumbag is Going To Heaven

Chapter 1105: Rewriting of the times

  Chapter 1105 Rewriting of the Times

  In the face of the ten or so scientists present, Shi Ning was not at all timid. He spoke clearly, spoke at a moderate rate, and controlled the rhythm throughout the entire process. She explained the information she wrote in more detail page by page, combined with examples.

"For example, the combat environment of a transport aircraft generally requires fighter jets to escort. Therefore, the threat of a transport aircraft mainly considers the front-line low-altitude threat type. The portable missile is convenient to carry and moves quickly, which poses a threat to the low-flying transport aircraft within its threat range. Especially when the aircraft takes off and landed at the front-line airport, its speed is low, and it is exposed to the missile range... We must protect the safety of our transport aircraft, and we must also be able to snipe the enemy’s transport aircraft. Then, portable surface-to-air missiles , Which is this..."

Shi Ning picked up the drawing he drew before, "Assume that the target will be subsonic and supersonic aircraft and helicopters, with a range of 0.2 to 4km, a shooting height of 3.5km, a conductor system for dynamic infrared, and a Kenshi field of view angle of 5°. The barrel length is 1.8, and the projectile diameter is 70mm..."

Taking what he is good at, Shining’s speaking speed is not hurried or slow, and his logic and thinking are clear and easy to understand. A very simple example will make it clear that the power of a portable missile is composed of words through words, as if everyone’s mind is full of words. With an incomparably clear picture, every time Shi Ning said a step, the picture would move one step, and finally, with a "boom", the missile was launched, successfully completing the strike.

"The Monte Carlo cannon is used to carry out the mathematical simulation of the entire interference process. In the simulation process, the initial launch position of the missile is set to follow a random and uniform distribution. When the distance between the missile and the aircraft is less than the aircraft’s warning distance, the aircraft launches an infrared decoy. Infrared interference is carried out on the missile, and the missile actually measures the distance between itself and the target. When the distance is the smallest, it explodes. Here, there is an anti-jamming problem, that is, the technology that our missile must have. This is one of my entire materials. The general policy is that we must not only effectively use infrared decoy bombs to interfere with missiles, but also solve the interference of enemy infrared decoy bombs on our missiles..."

"The plane launches a decoy bomb, the missile chases the center of mass, calculates the coordinates of the plane, the decoy, the center of mass, and the missile...The missile tracks the aircraft, calculates the position of the missile and the aircraft, obtains the distance between the aircraft and the missile, and the missile explosion misses... this process , Is a process of being beaten and counter-pursuing, to be able to defend and attack..."

In the entire conference room, there was only Shi Ning’s whispering voice. The words were clear and practical. She was saying that the scientists who were sitting memorized carefully. No one questioned that Shi Ning’s words were just casual talk, because Shi Ning What Ning said are all the problems they are currently trying to overcome.

"I mentioned this in the information..." Shi Ning wrote a few words on the whiteboard with a black brush. "Its existence is an important means of self-defense against incoming missiles. It is useful for protecting the carrier aircraft. It is protected from air-to-air missiles and surface-to-air missiles. This is "defense", while "offensive" means..."

  As Shi Ning's in-depth analysis, what he said became more and more professional, and there were even new terms that had not been touched by the scientists sitting here, and Shi Ning also explained them one by one.

  This is a dialogue between the future and the present. It is a dialogue that spans time and space. It is also an important dialogue in the future of weapons and technology operations, and it is an important dialogue that rewrites the times.

  At that time, Ning mentioned the most important issue, and it was also the issue she deliberately left: materials.

  Because it is related to some majors, I checked some materials on the Internet or bookstores, and my writing was a little slower.

  Hahaha, although it is a small white article, I have been working very hard to write a serious article with a bit of depth...I really write it seriously.

  See you tomorrow.

  (End of this chapter)

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