Yasaka looked at Artolis with a stunned face, and Yasaka couldn’t understand what Artolis was doing.

“Don’t hide in your dreams like a coward, that heroic Valkyrie should not be like a little girl who only knows to hide in the bed and cry when she encounters things.”

Artolis looked at this Visha Muntian, and still had no effect.

Artolis pinched his chin, then looked at Yasaka and said, “You go out first.” ”


Yasaka immediately bowed and left afterwards

About half an hour had passed before Artolis’s voice came from the room.

“Come in!”

As soon as he opened the door, Yasaka saw Bishamontian, who had woken up, but this time he was indeed curled up like a weak and helpless little girl.

It seems like a girl who has just been forced to do something.

“Take Bishamen Tian to clean up Bishamentian.”

Yasaka nodded, and then immediately took Bishamontian to clean up Bishamontian.

However, what surprised Yasaka was that the kind of thing that Yasaka thought would happen did not happen at all.

Artolis did not do something indescribable to Visha Mentian, which made Yasaka surprised and at the same time a little puzzled, what method Atorius used to actually sober up Vishamentian .

Wait until Yasaka comes out with Bishamonten.

Artolis looked at Bishamentian: “What are you going to do next?” ”

A strong color of hatred flashed in Bishamentian’s eyes: “I will definitely not let them go of those gods of the High Heaven Plain!” ”

Artolis, who heard this, did not care, and Atorius only tapped the armrest of the seat with his index finger for what Bishamentian said.

“You are going to deal with those gods of the High Heavenly Plain, then I only ask you one word, can you do it?”

Bishamentian was suddenly silent.

“You gods of the High Heaven Origin seem to be able to rely only on artifacts, and it seems that you without an artifact are no different from an ordinary person?”

The gods of the High Heaven Plain completely gave up their power, and instead gave names to human souls, and then transformed them into artifacts for use.

Relying on artifacts formed by various human souls to fight, this inspiration was originally inspired by the artifacts of the biblical gods.

And the main reason why the gods of the High Heaven Plain are not ranked in the world is also because this system is too fragile, and there is no difference between the gods of the High Heaven Plain and ordinary people without artifacts.

However, the advantage of this system is that the lower limit is extremely low, and the eight million gods of the High Heavenly Plain can basically reach the intermediate demon level as long as they find a passable artifact at random, and those with better luck can reach the level of high-level demons or even the highest level demons.

Hearing Artoris’s words, Bishamentian could not refute that all the strength of the gods of the High Heaven Plain was above the artifact, relying on the various powers of the artifact to fight.

Once there is no artifact, the strength of the gods of the High Heaven Origin is not much stronger than that of an ordinary person.

Artolis looked at Bishamentian like this, and after a long time, Bishamentian pleaded with Artolis: “Please help me take revenge, no matter what the price is, if you like it, my body can also be whatever you want!” ”

Artolis raised his hand to stop Visha Mentian from continuing: “I will not deny what you want to say about my affair

After all, I do like beautiful girls

But I am not obscene, and I will not use this kind of threatening and coercive means

So if you want revenge, then rely on your own power

While there is still some time left, go and find a spirit that is willing to become your artifact! ”

“Even if I found a spirit that was willing to become my artifact, it didn’t take a long time to cooperate

The strength I was able to exert was simply not enough for me to take revenge. ”

Artolis, who heard this, looked at Bishamentian: “If you don’t try it, how will you know that your original artifacts have already perished, so go and look for it again and build a new home!” ”

Bishamentian’s face suddenly turned pale!

Thinking of those dead artifacts, Bishamentian couldn’t help but think of the past, and the same time, only one of his artifacts died.

The two destruction of the artifact made Bishamen Tian no longer have the slightest thought in his heart.

Bishamentian was worried that if he established the artifact family again, then the next time was likely to continue to repeat the same mistakes.

As soon as he thought of those dead artifacts, a huge fear faintly arose in Bishamentian’s heart.

Seeing the fear in Visha Mentian’s eyes, Artolis didn’t say anything more.

Visha Mun Tianzai Atholis seems to have been abandoned.

“How can you take revenge without an artifact, do you really expect me to avenge you?

Even without your request, I wouldn’t let go of the gods of the High Heavenly Plains, but don’t you want to take revenge with your own hands?

In addition to the gods who have died, Amaterasu, Susanoo, Tsukiyo, etc., don’t you want to avenge those dead dependents with your own hands? ”

Bishamentian’s fists clenched tightly.

Of course I thought about it, but what about Bishamontian?

“Try again, it’s a big deal, when the time comes, I will cut off the other party’s hands and feet and throw them in front of you so that you can take revenge with your own hands?”

Bishamen Tian was stunned for a moment, but then a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes and looked at Artolis in front of him and said: “I have a way!” ”

Visha Mentian said to Artolis.

Artolis looked at Bishamontian with some doubt!

“Turn myself into an artifact, and then you use the artifact I turned into to kill those gods!”

Artolis looked at Bishamentian with a hint of stunned in his eyes.

Good fellow, Bishamen Tian actually intends to turn himself into an artifact?

“Are you sure this will work?”

“I don’t know, but I’d like to try it, if possible.”

Bishamentian looked at Artolis: “Please promise me!” ”

Artolis nodded after hearing Bishamentian’s words.

“Okay, so what to do!”

Bishamentian looked at Artolis with some shame: “I will guide you!” ”

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