Beauty, beauty as if it came out of a painting.

Even though Artolis was used to seeing so many beautiful girls, there were not many who could compare with Condensing Light.

What is even more rare is the temperament on Ning Guang’s body.

Or rather, noble!

“You know me?”

Artolis was a little surprised, this gaze looked as if he knew himself.

“Naturally, there is also a live broadcast in the world of Tivat.”

Artolis’s brow furrowed all of a sudden.

“Tivat World also has a live broadcast?”

“Yes, but our understanding of Gongzi is not limited to live broadcasting.”

“What’s the solution?”

That live broadcast room not only appeared in the world where he was, but also appeared in the world of Tivat, and most of the things he obtained came from the world of Tivat.

The Heart of Thunder and the Rock God, the Thoughtless Sword, and the Dream Heart all come from Tivat.

“The world of Tivat is falling into destruction, and Tenri has fallen into a deep sleep, and the appearance of the live broadcast room at this time allows us to see the opportunity to save Tivat.”

Artolis looked at Ning Guang in amazement, can it still be like this?

“You mean the world of Tivat is about to fall into ruin?”

“Not imminently, but falling into destruction, the Seven Kingdoms of Tivat, Solstice, Fontaine and Nata have been destroyed, only some people have escaped, and even these people do not know how Winter, Fontaine and Nata were destroyed.”

Artolis gasped.

Tivat is cold?

Artolis was a little shocked for a while, but then quickly reacted.

“You said the live broadcast room gave you a chance to save Tivat?”

Ning Guang looked at Artolis, the corners of his lips slightly raised.

“The best proof that you can come to Tivat is the best proof, and that live broadcast room tells us that as long as we are more closely connected to you, the more likely it is that the world of Tivat will be integrated into your world.”

“It is precisely because of this that General Raiden and the Rock King Emperor Bureau even did not hesitate to send each other with the heart of God, and Thunder God even handed over his body of a demon god and thousands of refined martial arts and consciousness to you with one heart.”

Artolis’s pupils shrank, Thor’s consciousness stayed in the dream heart, and he also obtained Thor’s demon god body, so it was, no wonder.

“And now you can come to Tivat, but I don’t have much time in this world, only an hour a day

However, the two worlds have already had an initial connection, and the closer the relationship will be, the more time you will be in Tivat. ”

“Both Thunder God and Rock God sent each other with the heart of God, so they just established a connection? If you have a way, I don’t mind helping you, provided that it doesn’t harm my interests

And you said that your knowledge of me is not limited to live broadcasts, do you mean to dream that the single-minded Thor can talk to you in the chat room? ”

“Don’t be in a hurry for the time being, after establishing contact with your world, the live broadcast room has already informed us that the destruction of the world of Tivat has stopped

The next thing is to deepen the connection between the two worlds, then the world of Tivat will not be destroyed, but will slowly integrate into your world, and finally become a part of your world

As for the fact that Thor can indeed chat with us in the chat room, we also know something about you because of this. ”

Artolis looked at Ning Guang, and after a while he spoke: “As long as it doesn’t endanger me and the world I live in, if there is anything you need help, just open your mouth, I can help as much as I can.”

It is regarded as a reward for the two gifts of Thor and Rock God. ”

Hearing Artolis’s promise, Ning Guang smiled slightly.

“Then when the time comes, if you need help, I won’t be polite with you.”

“As long as I can help!”

“This is what Mr. Zhongli asked me to hand over to you when I came, maybe it will help you a little.”

Condensing Light spread out his hand, and then an illusory little dragon emerged from Condensing Light’s palm, and the next moment the little dragon flew in front of Atolis, turning into a little light and merging into Artolis’s body.

And Artolis seemed to be incarnated as Morax in an instant, experienced all the battles of Morax, and gained Morax’s 6,000 years of combat experience!

Come back to your senses.

“I am very satisfied with this gift from the Rock King Emperor, and I thank the Emperor on my behalf.”

“I will tell Mr. Zhongli, but now I have something to tell you, you are now the emperor of Liyue, starting from the moment you get the Heart of God!”

Artolis was stunned!

But then he didn’t care about this matter, just wanted to deepen his connection with the world.

“How about showing me about the world?”

“Of course, you can, but before that, there is one more thing that I didn’t tell you before, that is, from the moment you meet me, everything I see and hear will be broadcast in the Tivat live broadcast room.”

Artolis: ???

The eyes that looked at the condensation gradually became dissatisfied, but then calmed down.

“If this is replaced by a hungry ghost, wouldn’t it be a death on the spot?”

Ning Guang smiled.

“If it’s you, I don’t mind!”

Artolis smiled, and then calmly said to Ning Guang: “I don’t want this kind of thing to have another time!” ”

Ning Guang retracted his smile, and then looked at Artolis with a serious face.

“Don’t worry, there will definitely not be a next time.”

Artolis waved his hand to interrupt Condensation’s words.

“I can understand the previous behavior, after all, the live broadcast room hurt me wind comment was killed, it is normal for you to be worried, but I am curious, if I am really that kind of hungry ghost, then you plan to sacrifice yourself?”

Ning Guang was not speaking.

Seeing this, Artolis sneered: “So I hate people like you who are self-righteous and sacrifice for others, so let’s stop here for today, I will leave first.” ”

The black hole appears next to Artolis, who crosses the black hole and leaves the continent of Tivat to return to his own world.

Artolis, who returned to his own world, leaned lazily on the sofa and spread his hands.

Two chess pieces, one purple and one golden, appeared in Artolis’s hands!


The two divine hearts were reintegrated into Artolis’s body.

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