Teyvat: I'm just selling comics, please respect yourself girl

Chapter 311 Super Treasure Star Core, two new comics

Chapter 311 Super Treasure - Star Core, Two Brand New Comics

Villatte tasted Su Han's tea, and his eyes lit up. He immediately praised: "Good tea, good water. Where is this product?"

"How does the Chenyu Valley next to Fontaine taste?"

"Very good, this is the best thing I have ever tasted."

Villatte did not hesitate to praise.

Because the food is really good.

Su Han smiled lightly, and then began to talk about the water god Fukalos.

"The story should start from five hundred years ago, probably like this, I promised her to destroy the throne, and the price must be to destroy the water god."

"The throne? What is that."

Yingmei didn't understand.

What exactly is going on? Fukalos must be killed, and the other party is a demon god.

Villette felt the power in his body and guessed the source of the problem. He sighed with a complicated expression: "It should be the original fetal sea, Mr. Su Han. Other than that, I can't think of any other reason."

The things that can make a demon god willing to die must involve countless people.

And there is probably only one thing that can do this.

The water of the original fetal sea.

Ying rolled her eyes, feeling that the two were playing a guessing game, and asked if they could say something she could understand.

Looking at her lover's reaction, Su Han smiled and said: "Let me explain. In simple terms, the Fontaine people are different from others. They are creatures created by the power of the original fetal sea. To be more precise, if the original fetal sea erupts, all the Fontaine people will dissolve in the water."

"This is terrifying, how could this happen?"

Ying finally understood the seriousness of the problem.

If it involves the entire people of Fontaine, it is indeed something that Fukaros cannot avoid.

Even if he sacrifices himself, he must save these people.

Su Han looked at the tea in the cup and sighed, "Yes, even if everyone doesn't want to see this scene, it is actually true. The creation of humans is against common sense, and the death of the former water god is also partly related to this. But if you want the people of Fontaine to lift the restrictions, there is only one way, let Mr. Villette take back the authority of the Dragon King, am I right?"

He turned his eyes and looked at Villette.

The latter nodded slightly, which was considered as tacit agreement.

The truth of the whole incident was revealed.

But Ying still had one thing that was puzzled. She looked at Su Han and asked, "Since it happened five hundred years ago, do you have a way to prevent the tragedy from happening?"

"Yes, that's why I chose to do it at this time."

Su Han smiled cunningly, and then unlocked the seal of the underworld.

Fukalos, who was sleeping in it, appeared in the room in a complete posture.

Seeing everyone's shocked expressions, the water god stuck out his tongue mischievously and laughed, "Are you shocked? But this is all thanks to Mr. Su Han. If it weren't for him, I would definitely be dead."

"Miss Fukalos? You...you're fine."

That Violet was shocked.

He never expected that the other party was not only alive, but it seemed that the origin was even stronger than before.

It was incredible.

Ying was also relieved when she saw this.

Fukalos said proudly, "No, I'm dead. I'm not called Fukalos now. You should know that Violet, the world tree will record everything, so the former me has perished, and now I'm not Fukalos."

In order to get rid of the shackles, the price she paid was not ordinary.

First, she died once.

And signed a contract to sell herself.

If the world tree continues to record this, she will lose a lot.

Villette quickly figured out the key to the matter and nodded quickly, saying, "I understand, but what should we do next?"

The Primordial Sea has not erupted yet.

But the gods are dead.

There are many things accumulated, how to deal with them?

Fukaros cast his eyes on Su Han and said, "You have handled Fontaine very well in the past five hundred years, so I decided to let you manage Fontaine, and Fu Nina and I will retire again. As for what to do next, it will naturally depend on Su Han, I will have an idea."

The world is about to be destroyed.

The abyss will eventually flood the earth.

Before that, only Su Han can save the world.

Everyone looked at him.

Su Han said calmly: "No hurry, we just need to promote the comics step by step. Now that the five countries are promoting together, we can get a lot of treasures. As long as there are enough treasures, the abyss is nothing."

"In that case." That Villette murmured and suggested: "Why don't we hold a comic festival, and let Miss Funina be the host. In this way, Fontaine's comics will usher in a peak in sales."

Yingmei's eyes lit up and felt that this proposal was very good.

Lord Water God likes comics, which will definitely drive a large number of people.

"I agree."

"I agree too."

The proposal was confirmed.

The next day.

Various promotional advertisements began to appear in the streets and alleys.

There were even various gossips.

In order to attract the attention of the public, Su Han specially asked Villette to hold the comics and walk around the central street.

The effect caused by this incident was very terrifying.

In just half an hour, the newspapers announced that the Grand Inquisitor also liked to read comics and even found them very interesting.

The new political law may be found in comics.

I wonder who wouldn’t be shocked after hearing such explosive content.

As a result, more and more people began to buy comics.

After Su Han printed a large number of comics, messages from the system continued one after another.

The first is the fate series. The level directly breaks through level 7 and you can also draw 3 times.

Other comics have also made a lot of progress.

That afternoon.

Su Han started the lottery in a secret room.

The system's beeps kept ringing.

[Ding Congratulations on winning the Matou family's "Insect Technique" from the "fate" world. 】

[Ding Congratulations on drawing the Noble Phantasm - "Lock of Heaven" from the world of "fate". 】

[Ding Congratulations on drawing the Noble Phantasm - "Mountain Shocking Star Salary" from the "fate" world. 】

Two treasures, one special magic.

For Su Han, things were pretty good.

But it is of no use to the world.

The distant Utopia drawn before is the place that can truly protect the world.

He planned to use that treasure in Yuanxia Palace.

"It seems that there is no way to count on these treasures."

Su Han rubbed his eyebrows and felt a little headache.

Next, we can only look at the world of One Piece, maybe it can provide some miracles.

Draw two bursts.

[Ding Congratulations on winning the treasure - "Washing Fruit" from the world of "Adventure King". 】

[Ding Congratulations on drawing the treasure - "Painting Fruit" from the world of "Adventure King". 】

Things are pretty good.

But unfortunately, it still has no effect on the world.

"Tsk, what should I do?"

Su Han felt that the remaining treasures were probably of little use.

At this time, the system beeped, and it turned out that Fontaine's comic shop exploded.

The authority has been increased, which is a good thing.

[Tip: Congratulations on increasing your system permissions to level 7, unlocking a new comic level permission! 】

[Tip: Due to your elevated authority, the system will give you 2 comics for free! 】

[Tip: The system authority has been upgraded, and you will be given 2 free strengthening opportunities, and you will also be given 1 new comic world advanced draw each time! 】

[Tip: The current Wanjie Comics system authority is level 7. If you want to upgrade further, you need to sell 3 million copies in total to unlock the 8th level authority! 】

[Tip: You can get a precious treasure. 】

"Upgraded? This is really good. The system extracts comics first."

Su Han looked at the system messages and felt that this might be the only way to solve the problem.

Two brand new comics.

If a high-level one appears, then all his problems will be solved.

With his call, the system prize pool appears.

A large number of comics are constantly flashing inside.

Soon, the covers of two comics appeared in front of him.

[Tip: Congratulations on drawing a new comic - Xuanyuan Sword: Traces of the Sky. 】

[Tip: Congratulations on drawing a new comic - The Legend of White Snake. 】

Both comics are all heroes.

This made Su Han overjoyed.

"Yes, now the problem can finally be solved."

Needless to say, the Xuanyuan Sword series contains a variety of treasures, including many that can suppress the world.

The Legend of White Snake is also very powerful. This is a pure immortality novel.

Although it is about love and hatred, the cultivation methods and the treasures involved are not inferior to the fairy sword at all.

After getting the comic.

Su Han decisively started the lottery.

For both comics, he can get one reward first, and it is not included in the normal calculation.

I'm really looking forward to it.

He rubbed his hands and then opened the prize pool.


A colorful light bloomed in the room.

[Tip: Congratulations on getting the super treasure - the Demon Refining Pot from the world of Xuanyuan Sword: Traces of the Sky. 】

The moment he heard the sound, Su Han's heartbeat slowed down a beat.

Top ten artifacts!

He won the top ten artifacts! ! !

What a blast! !

The light gradually dissipated.

When Su Han restored the world, a pot with blue stripes floated in the air. It looked similar to an ancient bronze vessel, but it possessed great power.

In the world of Xuanyuan Sword, the demon refining pot is a tool that can create life in the first place.

The space inside it is so huge that it is called the world in the pot.

Su Han held the Demon Refining Pot in his hand, and a thought slowly merged with his. In the blink of an eye, he felt that he was bound to the Demon Refining Pot.

At the same time, Su Han also felt that the world in the pot was very big.

He wanted to take a look.

When this thought came out, a vast and ancient world appeared in Su Han's mind.

so big.


There is sea.

There is sun.

There is a moon.

This is simply larger than the entire Liyue, plus the entire Mondstadt.

Even if you calculate it carefully, it is estimated that the entire Teyvat is not as good as here.

"Thinking about it this way, can I take everyone to hide?"

Su Han couldn't help but think of a trick.

Rather than repair this broken world, it is far better to throw it away.

Everyone can hide in the artifact, and then Su Han can take it out of the world. No matter how powerful the abyss is, it will never be able to affect the entire world.

But this idea is actually nothing more than imagination.

To really do it, it is not only very troublesome, but also a problem of resource allocation.

But it is a way out.

If there is really no other way, you can actually take everyone away with you.

"Well, let me see what happens next."

Su Han opened the lottery for the Legend of the White Snake, and the reward he got this time was not bad.

[Tip: Congratulations on getting the super treasure - the purple gold bowl from the world of the Legend of the White Snake. ]

Fahai's magic weapon?

He looked at the item attributes.

[Name]: Purple Gold Bowl

[Attributes]: Contains a powerful repressive force, which can have a devastating effect on some evil spirits

[Notes]: This is a thing of the Buddha. If it is placed together for a long time, it can have a repressive effect

"Tsk, this is not bad."

Su Han laughed.

One of the ten great artifacts, a treasure of the Buddha.

This lottery is worth it.

After collecting all the things, Su Han began to receive the extremely precious treasure, which was distributed by the system and not won by the lottery.

"Prompt: Do you want to receive the treasure?"


Su Han waited quietly, and then a ray of light appeared out of thin air.

The light was not dazzling, so it was easy to see the treasure contained in it.

The treasure was a sphere, floating quietly in the air, shining with faint starlight.

Su Han looked at the system introduction, and then he understood what he had obtained.

[Mysterious Star Core]

[Effect]: In a certain middle thousand world, the core of a planet containing special power. If you can comprehend the mystery, you can gain extremely powerful power.

"Star core?" Su Han looked strange, he felt that he seemed to have drawn something incredible, "Could it be that it is the treasure of that world? Speaking of which, this is really a bit of fun."

If his guess is correct.

This should be something from the Collapse Iron World.

The star core inside often contains powerful power, but there are also certain risks.

Especially when you can't control the star core, this thing can often cause a lot of damage.

For example, a world with backward power-Yalilo.

The entire World Cup was covered with ice and snow.

Not only did the civilization fail to advance, but the world was also constantly being destroyed. Only after the pioneers passed by did they start sailing again.

But it was really bad luck.

Su Han held the star core and muttered to himself: "If it is really the power of that world, it is actually not bad. The only problem is how to master it? The star core is often accompanied by terrifying power. Can I absorb it through the system?"

The power of the demon god is very strong in this world.

But in the world of Collapse Iron, it is estimated that it can't even beat a bug.

I'm not kidding.

The order over there can destroy a galaxy.

Not to mention the pseudo order level.

But if you can master this star core, maybe you can surpass the law of nature.

In other words, Su Han now has another opportunity to advance.

"I can only take it one step at a time. Try to understand it first. Maybe it's easy to absorb."

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