Terror broadcast

Chapter 43 Replacing the murderer


In Wang Hongsheng's heart, ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past. He turned around suddenly, and at this time, a rapid trembling sound came out. Wang Hongsheng reacted quickly, just like when he avoided Su Bai's sneak attack before, his The reaction speed is indeed amazing;

However, this time, he couldn't dodge, because the bullet that was shot was a bullet with a silencer, so the sound was very low. No matter how fast Wang Hongsheng's reaction was, his speed could not match the speed of the bullet.


Wang Hongsheng was shot in the chest and fell to the ground. But the next moment, he clapped his hands and hit the floor. While steadying his body, he took out a gun with the other hand.


Wang Hongsheng felt his palm go numb, and his gun had been knocked away. Then, the closet door was kicked open, and a man rushed out and kicked Wang Hongsheng directly.

Wang Hongsheng raised his hands, trying to grab the opponent's feet. However, the next moment, the opponent's leg method changed from kicking to stomping, and he stepped directly on Wang Hongsheng's chest, where he had just been shot, and Wang Hongsheng spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The next moment, the man turned over.


Su Bai came over and fired a bullet.

Immediately afterwards, Su Bai also rushed into the bedroom and raised his gun again. The other party also raised his gun, and the two sides pointed their guns at each other.

Wang Hongsheng was shot first, and then kicked hard. If he hadn't been a martial arts practitioner, he would have fainted by then. However, at this time, he was basically out of strength. He was lying on the ground and could only breathe heavily. With.

Su Bai looked at this man. He was wearing a raincoat to cover his body and a Sun Wukong mask to cover his face. However, there was a trace of cruel wantonness in his eyes.

"You're under arrest." Su Bai said nonsense.



The other party pulled the trigger, and Su Bai also pulled the trigger.

Su Bai was shot in the shoulder and leaned against the wall. The other person was also shot and lay on the bed;

However, both sides did not stop shooting.




The other party's body seemed not to be affected by the gunfire, and he could move freely after jumping up from the bed. However, Su Bai was a little shaken after being robbed twice more, especially when the other party came directly close, Su Bai's gun muzzle He was directly grabbed by the opponent's hand, and then flipped over, and the gun fell to the ground.

A blade appeared in the opponent's right hand and slashed directly at Su Bai's neck at an extremely fast speed. Su Bai covered his neck with both hands and squatted down.

The other party kicked Su Bai again, knocking Su Bai to the ground.

However, in the next moment, Su Bai, who was dying, suddenly jumped up from the ground, hugged the opponent's waist with both hands, and threw the opponent onto the dressing table with one force.


The mirror on the dressing table shattered to the ground, and there was a look of fear in the other party's eyes. Obviously, he originally thought that Su Bai, who had been shot several times, must have lost his ability to move, and could only wait for death, but The power Su Baisuo showed at this time made him a little incredible.

Su Bai held a piece of glass shard nearby with one hand, and then stabbed the other person in the chest without saying a word.

However, there was only a crisp sound and the glass broke.


Wear body armor!

The other party finally reacted and kicked Su Bai in the abdomen, knocking Su Bai onto the bed. Then, he ran out of the bedroom, intending to escape.

"Chase, chase quickly..."

Wang Hongsheng, who was dying, raised his hand and shouted to Su Bai.

Then, he immediately saw Su Bai looking at him with red eyes, and Wang Hongsheng's heart suddenly skipped a beat;

Su Bai closed his eyes, shook his head vigorously, then took a deep breath, let out a low growl from the bottom of his throat, and then rushed out of the bedroom and chased after him.

Wang Hongsheng felt that he was once again walking around the gate of hell. He leaned his head on the ground. The gun rang out, and soon a fellow policeman came. The other party's shot did not hit his vital part. It seemed that he had been shot. It was on my chest, but it was only a flesh wound, but the opponent's kick was the most critical. It almost directly kicked away my strength. To use the description in martial arts novels, it shook away my internal strength. , I lost my ability to move in a short period of time.


Su Bai's vision had turned scarlet, but because of this, his speed became faster, like a hungry beast, frantically chasing its prey.

The other party is obviously familiar with the environment here. He always takes the small path, and his skills are better than Wang Hongsheng to a certain extent. He can easily overcome some obstacles for ordinary people.

After chasing for about five minutes, Su Bai felt that his body began to weaken. He needed blood, he needed blood very much. He could not pursue him any longer, and he could not catch up.

When the other party climbed over a fence, Su Bai spent more time than before to climb up the fence. Then he ran out of the alley and saw that there were many police officers there.

How can it be!

People disappeared?

Su Bai was also a policeman, but instead of going out to meet them, he jumped directly over the wall on the other side.


Wang Hongsheng was carried into the ambulance, and the car started to drive quickly towards the hospital. At an intersection, the car suddenly stopped.

A doctor accompanying Wang Hongsheng immediately asked what was going on ahead. The injured was in a serious condition and could not be delayed. He must be sent to the hospital immediately.

The driver opened the small window at the back:

"There's a policeman."


Su Bai opened the back door of the ambulance, then took out the police officer's ID card.

"I have something to tell Officer Wang. It's top secret. You guys sit in front first."

"This is not allowed, his injury is serious!" The doctor insisted on his professional ethics.

"Doctor, listen to him. I'm fine for the time being. I can't die. If we delay in catching the murderer, more people will be harmed, and my injuries will be in vain!"

At this time, Wang Hongsheng opened his mouth to help Su Bai.

The doctor didn't say anything, and he and the nurse beside him got out of the ambulance and sat in the driving seat in front.

Su Bai got in the car and closed the door.

The ambulance restarted and drove to the hospital.

Su Bai closed the small windows in the driving position and the rear car position, and looked at Wang Hongsheng:

"You didn't bleed much, did you?"

"I clamped the wound with my muscles, and there wasn't much blood."

Wang Hongsheng replied.


Su Bai smiled and took off his hat. He had been wearing a hat all day today, but when he took off his hat at this moment, what Wang Hongsheng saw was an extremely pale face.

Not paying attention to Wang Hongsheng's gaze, Su Bai directly took off the blood bag that was transfusing Wang Hongsheng's blood, and put his mouth to the blood bag to suck, sucking very quickly and selflessly.

Wang Hongsheng frowned and looked at Su Bai. After Su Bai drained a bag of plasma, a touch of blood finally appeared on his face.


Su Bai let out a satisfied gasp.

I was a bit dissatisfied, because the box of beads I finally obtained was not allowed to be brought into this story world. Otherwise, if there was that red bead, even if there was only one, I wouldn't be in such an embarrassing situation.

"What physique did you exchange for?"

"Vampire." Su Bai replied, then continued to rummage and found another bag of plasma. This time he sucked it more slowly, apparently because he had already passed the strong hunger at the beginning.

"You didn't catch anyone, did you?"

Su Bai nodded.

"That man is more skilled than you."

"It's really powerful." Although Wang Hongsheng was fooled by Su Bai at first, and then was caught off guard by the opponent, he also met the opponent. The opponent's skills were fast and fierce, and he was obviously a martial arts practitioner, and he walked away It's not the way of a noble family, it's a bit wild.

"The pistol still has a silencer, and he is also wearing a body armor, haha." Su Bai began to recall.

At this time, Wang Hongsheng did not continue to pursue the matter of being tricked by Su Bai, because it was meaningless, and Su Bai also came out at the right time, otherwise he would be dead, and Su Bai had not fully completed the matter. Absolutely.

"Have you found anything about your identity?" Wang Hongsheng asked.

Su Bai took out a piece of paper from his clothes bag and placed it in front of Wang Hongsheng.

"You also have this note, right?"

Wang Hongsheng nodded.

This note should be owned by everyone who enters this story world. It will be sent to every listener and experiencer by horror broadcasts like a clue from the beginning.

"Look at all the people the murderer killed back then."

Su Bai pointed to the items on the note and continued:

"They are all women who live alone or walk alone late at night. What does this mean? It means that the murderer is basically a wretched, petty, mean-spirited and weak-willed wretch.

But is the guy we just met like this?

Knocked you and me down together, along with silenced pistols and body armor. "

"What do you mean?" Wang Hongsheng understood Su Bai's thinking and looked shocked.

"Yes, I think there are people, probably people like us, who are imitating or replacing the murderer of this murder case in history to continue to commit these crimes!"

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