



The demon Kirihara quickly pulled out two points with lightning speed.

The obvious increase in speed made it difficult for Birch to parry.

Watch as the race draws to a close.

Several people from the Ice Emperor were a little anxious.

“Damn, that sea kelp head, entering that state, speed and strength have obviously increased a notch!”

Hado gritted his teeth, and his heart couldn’t help but feel nervous for Birch who was about to lose the game.

Even if it’s an exchange game, not an informal competition.

But Hades himself is particularly concerned about losing the game and is extremely obsessed with winning.

And all this stems from the provisions of the Ice Emperor.

Anyone who loses the match on the occasion of an official match will be replaced immediately.

And the opposite.

The ninja warrior was relatively calm, and said half-mockingly: “This should be the open and hanging player in the game, it is too unfriendly to us ordinary people.” ”

Feng nodded in agreement.

Whether it is Kirihara’s demonic state.

Or the heart of the birch.

It’s like an open hang in the game, superimposing the existence of a BUFF on yourself.

With these BUFFs, they can improve to the state of others training hard for months or even years in a short period of time, and this sense of talent gap is extremely easy to affect the psychology of these ordinary people.

But no way.

This is the reality.

They can only accept it gladly.

There are many geniuses in this world, there are many monsters, there are many excellent conditions for outside, but there are more ordinary people!

And they are already stronger than many ordinary people.

Know how to be enough, so that you will not be so tired.

“However, why didn’t Birch learn to demonize that kelp head? If it goes on like this, he will lose. ”

Feng weakly asked a question.


He hasn’t seen the clue yet.

“Because birch can’t learn.”

The traces on the side smiled.

“That second-year imp at Lihai University, the fundamental factor of that state comes from his mental state.”

“And Hua Di can only quickly imitate the movements and feelings, and he can quickly learn everything from the stunts, but he has not yet reached the state of being able to perfectly imitate the [spiritual] level.”

“Everyone’s experience is different, and the mental state is naturally different.”

“How can Birch learn the mental state of others if he has not experienced what others have experienced.”

“That’s the weakness of Birchland.”

“That guy… Too clean and simple, like a blank piece of paper, this is his strength, but also his most fatal weakness. ”

“And that second-grade imp…”

Trace’s eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Kirihara who was chasing the ball on the court.

An unconcealable appreciation in the eyes.

“That little ghost, he didn’t look angry at all.”

“On the contrary…”

“He’s terribly sober!”

The traces were broken.

Kirihara on the pitch has already come to the match point for the final goal.

The originally red eyes began to dissipate and regained some clarity.

“Hey, hey!”


Kirihara grinned slyly, his eyes bright and very sober.

Before trotting all the way to the net, he first made a smash move to the back of the bottom line, tricking Birch to the backfield.

Then the racket stops and picks it gently.

The tennis ball landed on the front court of Birch.


Hang short balls!

End the game!

“Game over!”

“This round is won by Kirihara!”

“Score 6-4!!”

The referee announced loudly.



“Kirihara !!!”

“Kirihara won!!!”

The moment the final score came out.

The entire stadium cheered for Kirihara.

The sound of joy and praise reached Kirihara’s ears, making his ears red.


An emotion that was difficult to express in his heart brewed in his heart.

“It turns out that I can get so much applause.”

Before that.

Most of the people’s impression of Kirihara is fear.

Even after winning, there will be discussion because of his demonization.

But now.

After seeing that he won the game with brains, the cheers of the people at Lihai University gave him a sense of accomplishment.

Line of sight panning.

Marui-senpai’s victorious gesture.

Senior Liu nodded affirmatively.

Vice President Sanada smiled gratifyingly.

President Yukimura’s confidence from beginning to end.


Kamisato seniors pretended to be calm that nothing happened.

All the seniors of the tennis department seem to be paying attention to his growth.

This scene.

I couldn’t help but make the corners of Kirihara’s eyes wet.

He is like.

I have never felt so directly and truly that I have a strong sense of belonging to Lihai.

“Vice President Sanada, I seem to understand… Why is he so attached to the triple hegemony of Lihai University~. ”

“Lihai Da… No! , Lihai Da, who has the seniors in the gods, is really Saigada!!!!!!!! ”

Kirihara clenched the racket in his hand.

Make a secret determination.

“I definitely will! Certain! Certain! Certain! Will bring more and more championship trophies to Lihai University! ”

“Kamisato-senpai is right!”

“We stand in the sea! It’s not just three consecutive hegemons, but also four hegemons! Five consecutive hegemons! Six in a row! Many, many consecutive hegemons!! ”


Kirihara’s heart grew quietly.

Seeing this, Shenli on the balcony on the second floor smiled slightly.

“This guy Kirihara seems to have added a lot of scenes to his mind.”

“What an imaginative guy.”

“However, it seems that the spiritual power has improved a little?”

Shen Li sensed that the aura on Kirihara’s body had obviously changed, took out the pen in his hand, and scribbled and modified it on the spiritual power column.

Kirihara’s current demonization panel has been decided.

【Name: Akaya Kirihara】

【Grade: 2nd grade】

[Status; Demonization]



【Physical strength:2】


【Mental power:5.5】


The data is good.

It can be roughly determined that after demonization, Kirihara’s overall ability can be roughly increased by one-third.

This also means that with the subsequent comprehension of [Angelization] and [Selfless Realm], Kirihara’s ability can at least multiply many times.

“The second-grade ace of Lihai University is a bit of an ace.”

God smiled with relief.

Kirihara, what an interesting child.

“Under your guidance, Kirihara has improved very quickly, exactly the same as a week or two ago.”


Yukimura, who watched the entire game, said with a smile.

The change in Kirihara is real.

“He is already able to control the demonization?”

“Well, but the time to control is not too much, this kid is still smart and knows how to use the tiebreaker at the last minute.”

Kamisaki nodded.

“When playing [knuckle serve] on the opposite side hurt him, the first thing he thought of was not anger, but understanding the other party, unable to control the landing point of the knuckle serve, so as to guess that the other party was not able to imitate everything.”

“To turn on [Demonization], one is an illusion to confuse the opponent, and the other is to use the demonization to quickly end the game in the only time.”

“Not only did he know his opponent better, he also knew himself better.”

Yukimura spoke about the changes he had just seen in Kirihara.

This change is so great that even he finds it incredible.

It’s like being reborn.

“It seems that he listened carefully to the lessons taught to him.”

“Oh? What lesson? I also want to listen. ”

Yukimura came interested.

Kamisaki smiled and said softly: “Fully open the five senses, observe everything on the field, including the opponent, the weather, and yourself, feel with your heart, and play with your brain.” ”

“Tennis… It’s more than just catching and serving. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Yukimura was silent.

“Tennis is more than just catching and serving.”

These words deeply touched Yukimura’s heart.



“Carrying the collective.”

“Carried fate;”

“Contains love;”

“poured into it;”

“Accompanied by growth;”

“Brings honor.”

“Tennis, not just tennis.”


Kamisato glanced at Yukimura behind him.

At this time, Yukimura feels very different.

From his sparkling eyes, it was not difficult to see that his spiritual power seemed to have also improved.

Not?? This?? What’s the situation?

God was a little confused in his heart.

How it feels weird.

Suddenly sensationalized.

Now the players of Lihai University have begun to make up their hearts?

Or is it rather?

My aura has become more and more powerful, and I have reached the spiritual level of intermittently guiding the other party by saying a word?

It seems to be!

It seems to be so!

The gods seem to have discovered another new power of their own.

The improvement of the aura seems to have undergone a qualitative change.

Not only the surrounding scenes, but also began to set off and cooperate just right, just like the breeze just now.

Even what you say will sound deeper in the ears of others.

Kirihara and Yukimura are the truest examples.



If the aura is raised again, will there be a vision of heaven and earth like in the novel, right?

Wave your hand, the wind and clouds change?

Move your mouth, hook the sky thunder?

That’s too handsome and draggy!!!

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the possibility was strong.

Make up your mind now.


Touch the fish!

Keep fishing!

Hurry up and improve your strength!

That’s the only way!

to be able to dominate the entire tennis world!

God has set himself a short-term goal.

And look forward to it coming soon!

“The next match between Ice Emperor VS Lihai Big Doubles II is about to begin.”

“Please come on the field as soon as possible!”

One game is over.

Without much pause, the next game soon began.

The competition is alternate.

That is, after a singles game, a doubles is played, then singles, then doubles, and so on until the singles are over.

Since this exchange match adopts a best-of-five system, Lihaida has already scored one point first.


In this doubles match, the Ice Emperor needs to make sure to win a set so that the match can be extended.

Only in this way can we make the most of this exchange competition to understand Lihai University.

“Let’s go, Himawari, it’s our turn.”

“‘Win this game steadily and quickly, and in color!'”

The long, dark blue haired Shinobu picked up his tennis racket, and a confident smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Through his pair of round-framed glasses without prescription, his cold eyes revealed a flame-like will.

Shinobu Yuji, who came to Tokyo from Osaka nine times.

Like the Buji Zhou group of the young school, Shinobu Yushi is also a genius in the Ice Emperor Tennis Department, among the people!

“Here it comes!”

“Let them see our Ice Emperor’s doubles!”

Xianghi, who had short burgundy hair, tied up his carrier and stood up from the rest chair.

The beautiful facial features also reveal a strong self-confidence like the Shinobu Yuji.

The two of them, one tall and one short, are already doubles partners who know each other’s hearts.

And the other side.

Lihai Grand Contestant Area.

Marui threw a piece of green apple-flavored bubble gum into his mouth.

“There is also a genius on the other side? Then of course I’m a genius on the field! ”

Finish speaking.

Marui grabbed his red racket and got ready to play.

The bald egg behind him, the jackal Kuwabara also gestured to follow.

But the next second.


Marui and Kuwabara both paused and looked back.

Sanada and Yanagi walked out with their rackets and looked serious.

“This game, you guys rest.”

Marui and Kuwabara raised their eyebrows and said helplessly, “Okay.” ”

In other words, other people grab doubles with them, and the two of them will not let it yet.

But Sanada and Yanagi have nothing to say.

“Hey! Really fake? Vice President Sanada and Yanagi Senpai are going to play doubles two? ”

“Are you ready to play so early?”

“In other words, have you seen the doubles between Vice President Sanada and Senior Yanagi?”

“Never seen it! Never seen them doubles before! ”

“I thought I wouldn’t have a chance to see Vice President Sanada compete! I didn’t expect to see not only see, but even Senior Liu appeared! ”

“Two of the Big Three! Now there is a good show! ”

“Sanada? Willow? These two team up to play doubles two? What kind of team is this? Don’t give each other a way to live at all? ”

Sanada and Yanagi are seen appearing.

Everyone was shocked.

Look at each other.


These two were actually ready to play doubles two.

Although it is said that because everyone in Li (Denuo Zhao) Haida is very strong, they often team up at will and partner freely.

But Sanada and Yanagi played doubles together and had never seen each other before.

It’s really weird.

Who are these two?

What identity?

Sanada, full name Sanada Kenichiro, vice president of the Tachikai University Tennis Club, has been the main selection of the tennis club with Yukimura, Yanagi and Kamisato since the first year, and is a veteran of the Tachikai University Tennis Club.

Because of his domineering style and good at defeating enemies from the front, he is called [Emperor]!

It is one of the three giants of Lihai!

And another.

Identity is equally heavyweight.

Don’t look at his small eyes that can’t see the pupils, standing there looks ordinary.

But no one dared to despise him.

Yanagi, full name Lianji Yanagi, like Sanada and Yukimura, is one of the three giants of Tachikai.

At the same time, it is also the staff division of Lihai University.

One king, three giants.

Two giants appeared at once.

It can be said.

This doubles play between the two giants gave the Ice Emperor enough face.

“Oh? It’s really wonderful, I didn’t expect to appear in doubles two so early, I can’t wait ah, Sanada. ”

Jibe glanced at Sanada, who walked into the stadium.

He was surprised.

Because according to his intentions.

He should have faced Sanada in the singles two.

Unexpectedly, the plan fell through.


Trace did not feel lost, on the contrary, he was more excited.

Sanada and Yanagi are two masters together, which means that the singles two are likely to be Yukimura or Kamisato.

Otherwise, you can’t say anything.

“Hmph, the game is getting more and more interesting. Right, birch-land? ”


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