0045 Why is he from the U-17?! Mifune Nyudo is jealous!!






Until the last ball of the seventh game, it was still Beijiang who scored with the [Chengying serve].

Gui Jujiro swallowed his saliva, and for a moment he didn’t know what to say.

If he had been hit with an ace before.

He could still make excuses for himself in his heart.

He just didn’t go all out. As long as he activated the other-dimensional ghost, his visual ability and physical reaction would be improved, and he would definitely be able to complete the fight back.


The four serves just now.

Not only were the balls faster, but even from the first ball on, they were attacked by spiritual power!!

Except for the last ball, he relied on the ghosts from another dimension to resist.

His mind went blank for a short time during the first three balls. It was as if someone had”stolen” his life and time for that moment.

Or in other words,……Life was cut apart!!

Thinking of this, his body subconsciously trembled.

He was afraid that if he thought about it any further, his fighting spirit would be completely worn out!!

However, the objective situation now was that he had fully demonstrated all his strength, but the result was still the same when facing Beijiang’s serve.

The inner pressure was like a mountain, causing his legs to begin to become uncontrollably numb.

“Beijiang scores! 5-2! Switch serve!”

Tanejima Shuji took on his responsibility as a referee in the last ball of this game.

He announced the score and looked at Irie Kanata, who also looked up at him unconsciously.

Both of them could feel each other’s feelings from each other’s eyes.


Unheard of.

They had never seen the oni Jujiro who opened the other dimension being defeated by anyone on the court with four aces.

The two of them couldn’t do it.

The other high school students of the first army couldn’t do it!

Even the Phoenix of Byodoin couldn’t do it!!

But Beijiang did it! So much so that the score was now 5-2 again!

The power of the ghost god hasn’t really exploded yet, but it has reached a desperate situation!!…

In the monitoring room.

Mifune Nyudo’s eyes were abnormal, and his hands tightly grasped the handles of the chair. His face flushed subconsciously.

Kurobe Yukio and the other two also sat in their seats in a daze.

Are you kidding me?……

That is the power of ghosts and gods!!

【Chengying serves] Even if the ball speed is amazing, it shouldn’t be……

“”Coach Kurobe, the analysis report of the four serves just now is out!”

Just then, one of the technicians who had not stopped working came over with the analysis report.

Mifune Nyudo immediately stood up and”grabbed” it.

After just a glance, he threw it to Kurobe Yukio and the other two.


He slammed his hands on the table, making a dull sound.

His eyes were red.

“Damn it!! Why is he from the U-17 team!!”

“If this talent is in Neon U-17……He will be the next Byodoin Phoenix!”

“No!! Give him another year, he will definitely be able to surpass the current Byodoin Phoenix!!”

Although Kurobe Yukio and the other two were shocked by Mifune Nyudo’s evaluation of Beijiang, they did not refute it, but just looked at the analysis report thrown by the other party.

“Speed…..Hiss!! 302KM/H?!”

“The spiral rotation torque is increased by 20% compared to the previous%?!”

“Strength and swing speed also increased by 20%?!”

“Abnormal mental strength……Breaking through the 7.5-dimensional value! Unmeasurable?!”

A cry of surprise rang out from their mouths.

The technical analysts also stood there and shut their mouths.

After all, when they got this data, they first thought that there might be something wrong with their analysis and the computer.

If the data they got from Beijiang had not shocked them too many times before, I am afraid they would not dare to give this one to Kurobe Yukio and others as the final conclusion.

How could this data be achieved by a junior high school student!!


“Okay! Don’t just stand there, there’s still one more game to go! Wait until all the information comes out!”

“Also, have someone bring that Yamato Yudai to the reception room and wait!”

It was Mifune Nyudo who first calmed down his emotions and spoke in a deep voice to Kurobe Yukio and the other two and the technical analysts.

But he himself didn’t even realize it.

In his words, he actually regarded the next game as the last game of this game!…

In the competition court,

Beijiang held the racket in his hand, tilted to his body.

His standing posture was like an unshakable pillar supporting the sky.

The sharpness in his eyes made Oni Jujiro, who had calmed down a little and was preparing to serve, look stiff.

Beijiang could probably guess what the other party was thinking.

But he didn’t care.

From the perspective of the fifth dimension, his strength was indeed not as good as Oni Jujiro.

But in terms of skills, speed, physical fitness and mental strength, he was not inferior to the other party at all.

However, he used [Observe Yourself] to make up for the disadvantage of strength in other aspects!

Moreover, Oni Jujiro was now mentally shaken.

The comprehensive advantage was on his side after all!


“Or, you can choose to abstain!”

Beijiang said calmly.

And just 2 minutes ago, Gui Jujiro was the one who said something similar.

“Northern Xinjiang……Now I understand why Byodoin Phoenix values you so much!”

“You and he are essentially the same kind of people!”

“Domineering and arrogant!”

“But……Your talent is even better than his!!”

Ghost Jujiro took a deep breath and spoke in a deep voice before throwing the ball.

Beijiang nodded slightly:”I will take it as you are praising me! But let me correct one thing, even if he and I are the same kind of people in your eyes, he should be more like me!”

“let’s start……You are also the first world-class player I met in Neon Sword!”

“I hope that in this game, you and I can get what we want!”

Kijujiro was stunned.

Asking for the sword?!

What we want?!

But in this situation, he didn’t study it in detail. He just focused his eyes.

Tossed the ball and swung the racket!!

The aura of the ghosts and gods from another dimension behind him also burst out.

The game is not over yet.

Even if he is at a disadvantage, even if he already feels that he may lose.

But the power of the ghosts and gods will still bloom in full force in this game!!


The loud sound of the ball hitting the ground echoed in the stadium, and the eighth inning officially began!

PS:New book, new book!! Please support me!! 10,000 words updated every day!! Please give me some free flowers and review tickets~~Please support me!! Thank you!!

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