0179 Niou Masaharu’s trump card! Are there two Tezuka Kunimitsu on the court?!

In the match court.

Although Tezuka Kunimitsu and Akutsu Jin did not hear Kitakyo’s explanation of the phantom in the players’ seats, they both knew more or less.

The means that Niou Masaharu is showing now are definitely not simple imitation.


“Hey! You!……Do you think you can win the game by becoming Kamio?”

Akutsu Jin said coldly, staring at”Kamio Akira” who was already standing in front of the net and facing him again.

“Humph! Akutsu! The game has just begun!”

“I hope you can always maintain your current arrogant attitude!”

“Don’t be scared anymore!”

“Just now, weren’t you also a lucky ball?”

Akutsu Jin narrowed his eyes slightly.

He and Kamio Akira disliked each other when they first met.

But later, their relationship eased a lot because they were in the same team.


Niou Masaharu”became” Kamio Akira.

It made Akutsu Jin feel as if he was back to the first time he met Kamio Akira, and the other party showed his”hard-mouthed” side to the fullest!

It was really exciting…….I really want to teach him a lesson!

Tezuka Kunimitsu and Yanagi Renji didn’t say anything. The former took out a tennis ball from his pocket and prepared to serve.

The latter took a deep breath.

He made a mistake just now.

In his calculation, the probability of Akutsu Jin being able to return the ball and score was no more than 5%!

But who would have thought that such a small probability would still work!

So that when Niou Masaharu activated the phantom, the”first-hand advantage” was gone in an instant. What he had to do now was to assist him and use his own data to complete a comprehensive defense!!


As Tezuka Kunimitsu raised his hand and hit another diagonal serve, the game started again.

At the same time,

Kurobe Yukio and Saito Shimo were sitting in the audience.

They both looked at Kamio Akira playing on the court with surprise on their faces.

“I didn’t expect it…….There are actually such talented kids among this generation of junior high school students!”

“Well, at least there has never been a player with this kind of phantom ability in the training camp! Once trained, he will definitely be qualified to become a key player!!”

“I just don’t know how well he has mastered the technique of illusion! If it’s just Kamio Akira from the Fudomine team, it seems that he’s still a long way behind!”

“The game has just begun! Now it depends on the quantity and quality of his phantoms! If he can quickly adjust and master multiple phantoms during the game! Then he is definitely an indispensable player for us!”

The two of them whispered to each other, looking at”Kamio Akira” in the stadium, and the expectation began to emerge little by little.

They originally just came to find Yukimura Seiichi, but now they have a new goal in mind!!


“Fudomine scores! End of the game! Score 1-0! Change of serve!”

As the referee announced the result of the first game,

Tezuka Kunimitsu had a light expression. Akutsu

Jin showed a slight smile of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

On the other hand, Yanagi Renji and”Kamio Akira” had a stiff expression.

The former’s data has begun to show signs of being completely broken.

In the previous game, Akutsu Jin’s batting method was completely unrestrained by the data.

In fact,

Yanagi Renji could see that

Akutsu Jin could easily change his original batting method by observing the movements of his two teammates before hitting the ball.

He hit an unpredictable ball trajectory!!

These temporary changes in batting situations are also completely impossible to calculate with the data.

Although Niou Masaharu’s phantom became”Kamio Akira”

, the speed he broke out in the game was enough to prove that his phantom was very successful.


He was still unilaterally suppressed by Akutsu Jin.

Not to mention how fast Akutsu Jin’s reaction speed is, just competing in speed.

He is completely inferior to Akutsu Jin.

Not scoring a single point is proof that this game between him and Yanagi Renji is still difficult.

The second game starts


The serve is exchanged!

Tezuka Kunimitsu and Akutsu Jin watched”Kamio Akira” stand at the serve line, and there was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

“The serve of”Kamio Akira” was not strong!

However, the next second , the pupils of both of them shrank.

“Kamio Akira” disappeared, and Niou Masaharu’s face flashed by, and a familiar figure appeared.

It was……Ibu Shinji!!

“You two! Surprise?”

“”Ibu Shinji” grabbed the bouncing tennis ball and spoke slowly.

Tezuka Kunimitsu and Akutsu Jin frowned slightly.

The junior high school students in the stadium audience couldn’t help but stand up.

“Oh my god!! Niou Masaharu turned into Ibu Shinji again!!”

“this……This is outrageous!! Not only can he transform into Kamio Akira, he can also transform into Ibu Shinji!!”

“How many players can he imitate?! Akira Kamio is a speed-type tennis player, while Shinji Ibu is a skill-type tennis player!! The playing styles and characteristics of the two are completely different!!”

“This game turned into a confrontation between Fudomine players…….This fraudster is really too exaggerated!!”


To them, they just thought that Niou Masaharu was imitating.

But imitating two players with completely different playing styles and being almost exactly the same also caused a storm in their hearts.

Ibu Shinji, who was sitting in the Fudomine player’s seat, couldn’t help but start mumbling at this time.

“What a rude guy…….”

“I wouldn’t talk like that on the court!”

“What the hell! Am I going to end up like Kamio, watching myself get defeated?”

“So unhappy……”

Tachibana Jiping and the others couldn’t help but laugh when they heard this.


Although they were surprised that Niou Masaharu had created a phantom for Kamio Akira and now for Ibu Shinji.

However, they also knew that this did not mean that they could pose any threat to Tezuka Kunimitsu and Akutsu Jin.

You know,……

Kamio Akira’s speed is no match for Akutsu Jin.

Similarly, in terms of technique, Tezuka Kunimitsu is half of Ibu Shinji’s teacher!!


When”Ibu Shinji” raised his hand and swung his racket, a beautiful side-spin serve came out.

Tezuka Kunimitsu stood at the receiving baseline, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

He took a step towards the right corner, and under the gaze of everyone in the audience, he switched the racket in his right hand.


The tennis ball bounced up quickly at a small angle, and Tezuka Kunimitsu hit the ball with his forehand in his right hand.


The powerful through ball suddenly passed by Yanagi Renji, who had not yet reacted.

Ibu Shinji quickly came to the point where the ball landed and tried to raise his hand to hit it back.

However, he found that the direction in which the tennis ball bounced off the ground was exactly the same as the side spin serve he had just hit.


When he swung the racket in the air, the tennis ball flew past his cheek

“Fudomine scores! The score is 0-15!”

After the referee announced the score,

Akutsu Jin looked at Yanagi Renji and”Ibu Shinji” who were stunned, and sneered:”Hey! You two……What kind of juggling is this?”

“Although I don’t mind playing with you guys for a while longer!”

“But!! You better show some sincerity!!”

“Otherwise, I can only think that this is a provocation to me and Tezuka!!”

“Do you really think that you won’t pay a price for playing against us as a Fudomine player?”

While speaking

, he raised the racket in his hand and pointed it at Yanagi Renji and the others.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the stadium became very depressing.

Many people noticed that

Akutsu Jin was a little angry.

It was also a sign that this Kanto bad boy was about to finish the game in his own way!

Although Yanagi Renji was afraid, he and Niou Masaharu had no way out.[]

They could only stare into Akutsu Jin’s eyes, which showed their attitude.

No matter what the other side wanted to do, they would continue the game in the current way!!

Akutsu Jin could naturally see their determination.

He snorted and said nothing more.

When the game continued.

The situation on the court was completely controlled by Tezuka Kunimitsu and Akutsu Jin.



For three consecutive games, Yanagi Renji and Niou Masaharu could not score a single goal from Tezuka Kunimitsu!!


Niou Masaharu’s phantom also gave the junior high school students in the audience a series of”surprises”.

After Kamio Akira and Ibu Shinji.

He also phantomed Ishida Gin in succession…….Even Keigo Atobe and Genichirō Sanada!!

Watching the two-handed wave ball, Tannhauser serve, Ice World, Fuurinkazan……

These stages, which made it difficult for most national-level players to face up to them, were all performed by one person in one game.

Atobe Keigo and Sanada Genichirō, whose phantoms were completed by Niou Masaharu, both had very complicated expressions on their faces.

It was the same feeling as Kamio Akira, Ibu Shinji, and Ishida Tetsu.

This feeling of watching”myself” on the court being crushed by Tezuka Kunimitsu and Akutsu Jin, and the method they were proud of being cracked! It was even more frustrating than losing the game on the court themselves!!

But despite this.

Atobe Keigo and Sanada Genichirō had to admit.

Everything that Niou Masaharu could do now was almost the limit of what they could do!

And being able to crush such a”self” didn’t even seem like he had used his full strength!!

The strength of Tezuka Kunimitsu and Akutsu Jin……

As you can imagine!!

The fifth game was about to begin.

Tezuka Kunimitsu stood at the serving baseline, his expression still calm.

The tennis ball in his hand seemed to represent the score that was about to be won.

“It seems that you have reached your limit!”

“Ishida’s two-handed wave ball is quite a burden for you!”

“The same is true for Sanada’s Fuurinkazan!”

“The most important thing is the world of ice that Atobe controls! If you force yourself to find the blind spot of me and Akutsu like him, your concentration and vision will also be affected!”

“If you keep playing, I’m afraid you may not be able to finish this game!”

Tezuka Kunimitsu said.

He raised his eyelids.

His eyes were fixed on Niou Masaharu who was phantoming”Atobe Keigo” across the court.

Perhaps he was persuaded by him, Niou Masaharu stepped out of the phantom, staggered and barely stood firm.

He was panting heavily, and did not care about showing his embarrassed side in front of Tezuka Kunimitsu and the others.

Beads of sweat kept dripping from his cheeks.

His jersey was already soaked.

In four games, he had phantomed five players.

The physical and mental burden was far beyond what ordinary people could imagine.

“‘Whoosh whoosh——”

Seeing Niou Masaharu gasping for air, Tezuka Kunimitsu shook his head and raised his hand to serve.

He felt that the game was over!

Niou Masaharu was no longer able to show more.

But before he could throw the tennis ball up,


He suddenly felt a pain on his cheek…….wind?

“The game is not over yet……Although I cannot become the pillar of Qingxue!”

“But, I can also be the pillar of Rikkai University!”

“Going all out to finish this game is what I want to do!”

The place where Niou Masaharu was standing originally

“”Tezuka Kunimitsu” appeared in the sight of everyone in the audience.

A cyclone of air representing the power of the ultimate gate of thousands of hammers and tempers burst out from under his feet.

Even the inexplicable wisdom in his eyes.

And the dazzling light flashed in the cyclone.

The second gate of no self, the limit of talent and radiance, was also opened!!

The audience was suddenly in an uproar.

“Am I seeing things?! Niou Masaharu……He can actually imitate Tezuka Kunimitsu?!”

“He even opened the two gates to the realm of no self!!”

“Crazy, crazy!! I can actually see two Tezuka Kunimitsu standing on the court at the same time as a rival!!”

“Niou Masaharu has definitely reached the national level!! When he turned into Sanada Genichirō and Atobe Keigo just now, I felt something was wrong!!”

“The fourth giant of Rikkai University was born! Moreover, he is definitely as powerful as Yanagi Renji and Sanada Genichirō! Even stronger!”


Niou Masaharu successfully created the illusion of Tezuka Kunimitsu, which undoubtedly made all the audience excited. The

Hyotei people led by

Atobe Keigo. The Shitenhoji people led by Shiraishi Kuranosuke.

Yamabuki, Rokkakuchu……

All of them were filled with astonishment.

Everyone knew that this was Niou Masaharu’s last trump card in this match!!

A trump card that would truly give him a chance to win the match!!

In the Rikkai University players’ booth,

Sanada Genichirō and the others also widened their eyes.

“Niou-san did it!!”Under the seemingly calm appearance of Inui Sadaharu, his tone could not hide a hint of excitement.

As a person who provided data to Niou Masaharu like Yanagi Renji, he knew very well that he and Yanagi Renji did not collect enough information on Tezuka Kunimitsu!

After all, they could only collect the strength shown by Tezuka Kunimitsu at the Kanto Conference.

But unexpectedly……But Niou Masaharu still completed the illusion!!

Compared to Tezuka Kunimitsu who suppressed Sanada Genichirō in the Kanto Conference, he is now almost identical!!

No matter in appearance or spirit, or even in the aura and the sense of oppression.

It’s as if there is really a second Tezuka Kunimitsu!!

Yukimura Seiichi also showed a look of surprise.

The”Tezuka Kunimitsu” on the court now made him feel an inexplicable pressure.

Even if he is confident of defeating the opponent, he has to admit that the current Niou Masaharu is at least not inferior to Sanada Genichirō.

In the Fudomine player’s bench.

Tachibana Yoshihei and others opened their mouths slightly, their eyes full of surprise.

Like most people in the audience, they did not expect Niou Masaharu to be able to do this!!

John’s expression also became a little serious

“It’s unbelievable…….”

“Six phantom players in one game! Even this was obviously his own game rhythm and plan!”

“Use Kamio’s speed, Shinji’s skills, and Ishida’s strength as a breakthrough point for trial!”

“Add to that the comprehensiveness of Sanada Genichirō’s Fuurinkazan and Atobe Keigo’s insight for a second round of exploration into the strengths of Tezuka and the other!”

“Finally, the final counterattack begins with Tezuka’s phantom!!”

“The thought is really deep…….”

Beijiang listened and nodded slightly:”Indeed! His performance also surprised me! I thought that Phantom Atobe Keigo was already his limit!”

“I didn’t expect that he could even Apparite Tezuka at the Kanto Conference to this extent!”

“The intensity of his training this month is probably shocking!”

“but……”Zha” paused, and cast his eyes on Tezuka Kunimitsu and Akutsu Jin.

“The result still cannot be changed……”

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