0134The breath of the beast! The crown is about to fall!

“Hey, hey, hey!! Did I hear that correctly?! Tachibana Jiping said he wants to play this doubles match alone?!”

“What the hell! This is a doubles match! Even if Tachibana Kihei is a national-level player, Yanagi Renji is the same! One versus two is too arrogant! ?”

“Ishida Tetsu looked like he was being attacked by Yanagi Renji and Kirihara Akaya, but he was not completely useless!! With the two-handed wave ball he just hit, he could definitely become a strong attacking point in this game!!”

“What was Tachibana Jiping thinking? Was he angry because Yanagi Renji almost injured him with that shot?!”

“Who knows! I feel like the other people in Budongfeng might not agree! Especially Beijiang! As the minister, he shouldn’t let this happen!”


When Tachibana Jiping announced that he would face Yanagi Renji and Kirihara Akaya alone, the students from various schools in the audience soon made a lot of noise.

For them, if the two opponents Tachibana Jiping faced were ordinary Kanto-level players, they would naturally not have much reaction.

But now!

One of the players standing on the other side of the court was a”military advisor” who was not considered weak even among the national-level players.”——Yanagi Renji!

Want to win by fighting one against two?!

Stop kidding!!

In the Hyotei team,

Atobe Keigo raised his eyebrows with a playful look:”Oh! He finally can’t help but make a move! Ishida Tetsu hit a two-handed wave ball, which has exceeded Yanagi Renji’s data analysis results!”

“If Tachibana Jiping still hides his strength, then this match will be too boring for me!”

The other members of Hyotei also seemed to have thought of something, their eyes flickered.

Especially Fuji Shusuke and Oshitari Yuushi

“Is it coming?……”

“Compared to the Metropolitan Conference, although Tachibana Jiping is not weak now, he has obviously suppressed himself a lot!”

“Oh, since he has the confidence to say that he wants to fight two people alone, then he must be sure of it! I am very interested in what will happen if Yanagi Renji loses this game…….What kind of expression would that be!”

The two whispered softly.

In the match court.

Ishida Tetsu faced Tachibana Jiping’s request, and he subconsciously hesitated.

He naturally wanted to continue playing in his heart!

But when he saw Tachibana Jiping’s sincere look at him, he decided to give in.

“Ishida, your problem with this game has been recorded, and the next game will not mean much to you!”

“You are responsible for the normal rotation of receiving and serving! The rest of the game can be left to Tachibana!”

At this time, Kitakami’s calm voice came from the Fudomine players’ bench.

With Kitakami’s instructions, Ishida Tetsuya no longer hesitated.

“OK Minister! I understand!”

“Tachibana! I leave it to you!”

Tachibana Jiping smiled:”Thank you! Ishida!”

At the same time, he nodded to Kitakami in the Fudomine player’s seat.

Kitakami sat in the player’s seat and took in Tachibana Jiping’s gratitude.

He knew very well why Tachibana Jiping wanted to play one against two!

Yanagi Renji’s goal still opened the opponent’s”scar” that was about to heal.

Although the self-seal has been completely broken, this is not a skin injury after all, but a psychological shadow.


What Tachibana Jiping needs now is a reckless game to vent his inner emotional fluctuations.


Isn’t it just one against two?……

If it was Tachibana Yoshihei at the Metropolitan Conference, it might be a bit difficult for him to face Yanagi Renji and Kirihara Akaya alone.

But now……There is no problem!!

Kitakyo agreed to Tachibana Yoshihei’s decision to play alone, which made Sanada Genichirō and others in the Rikkai University players’ seats look very unhappy.

Not only did they think Tachibana Yoshihei did not have the strength to do so, but they also felt that Fudomine was too arrogant!!

“Renji!! Teach this guy a lesson!!”

“One vs. Two……Do you really think that our Rikkai University is made of mud?!”

“Come on! Renji! Kirihara! Let this guy pay for his arrogance!

Marui Bunta and the others stopped pretending and shouted to express their dissatisfaction. Sanada

Genichirō also glared in the direction of Tachibana Yoshihei.

When has Rikkai University ever suffered such humiliation of being looked down upon in a game?

On the other side of the court, Yanagi Renji and Kirihara Akaya watched as Ishida Tetsu walked out of the court.

Tachibana Yoshihei stood alone at the baseline to receive the ball, his expression calm.

“You still have a chance to regret now!”

“otherwise……You will definitely taste the consequences of your arrogance!”

Tachibana Yoshihei did not respond to Yanagi Renji’s warning, but said lightly:”Continue the game!”

When Yanagi Renji’s eyes were cold, Kirihara Akaya’s eyes also began to turn red. The red eyes state could no longer be suppressed and was activated.

The game continues!


When Yanagi Renji was slapping the tennis ball in his hand and preparing to serve, suddenly!! he felt a terrifying aura coming from the other side of the court. He looked up in astonishment.

He saw a mysterious aura of enchanting scarlet on Tachibana Jiping on the other side of the court.

“This is……Breath of a beast!!”

He recognized it almost instantly.

After all!

This power was the ability that Tachibana Jihei had demonstrated at the National Conference last year!!

In the information he collected about the opponent, he found that the opponent had also activated it when he fought Hyotei at the Metropolitan Conference more than half a month ago!


Seeing this power emerging from Tachibana Jihei with his own eyes, he felt that his data seemed to be wrong again.

The momentum alone was more oppressive than he expected.

Yanagi Renji also felt from Kirihara Akaya in the red-eyed state that the opponent was obviously very afraid of Tachibana Jihei who activated the”breath of a beast”.

It could make Kirihara Akaya, who was extremely aggressive at this time, subconsciously fear……

Is this your true strength?…….Tachibana Jiping!!


Even though he was surprised, Yanagi Renji still resolutely raised his hand and swung his racket to serve.

Even though Tachibana Jiping, who had activated the”Beast’s Breath”, might be stronger than the data analysis results he had obtained before.

But this match was a doubles match!!

He still had a chance to improve the data again, and the only thing missing was time!!


The moment the tennis ball flew over the net, Tachibana Jiping’s body had already reacted.

“With the”smell of a ferocious beast”, he was like a wild overlord in the forest. He came to the ball landing point in one step!

He raised his hand to lead the racket!

“Ball Blast——”


When the ball bounced back, Yanagi Renji said coldly:”Don’t you think I don’t have the data on the explosive ball dance?”

“Although the ball’s rotation trajectory is irregular, there is a 70% chance that it will fly to the right!!”

As the voice sounded, Yanagi Renji had already rushed to the midfield.

In his sight, the”Explosive Ball Dance” played by Tachibana Yoshihei had already dispersed into 6 or 7 afterimages.

He raised his hand and swung the racket confidently!!

But the result was……


Yanagi Renji watched helplessly as the afterimage of a tennis ball passed through his swinging racket.


The sound of the tennis ball hitting the court behind him spread throughout the center court.

“Fudomine scores! The score is 40-40!”

In the stunned eyes of Yanagi Renji, Sanada Genichirō and the whole audience, the referee announced the result of the goal.

Only in the Fudomine players’ booth did everyone show no surprise.

Akutsu Jin chuckled. Tachibana Yoshihei’s goal had aroused his interest a little, and he continued to watch the game.

After all, if they didn’t have this strength, the opponent wouldn’t be qualified to be in the first echelon of Fudomine’s selection!

People outside thought that Fudomine only had many national-level players.

But (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Just like Kamio Akira and other Kanto-level players, they are the best among the players of the same level.

Then among the national-level players,……The same goes for Tachibana Jiping!!

“I didn’t originally intend to complete this game with such strength!”

“But your previous goal reminded me of something! So, I think it’s better to be serious! It would be better to end this game quickly!”

“Your data……At most, it’s just the strength I showed at the capital conference!”

“But now, my strength is far beyond that time!”

“So, your data tennis in this game……It was broken from the beginning!”

In the game field, Tachibana Yoshihei said lightly after scoring.

Yanagi Renji and Kirihara Akashi also swallowed their saliva.[]

All the data analysis about Tachibana Yoshihei in the former’s mind had completely collapsed in the”explosive ball dance” just now.

The latter felt the extreme danger in Tachibana Yoshihei’s shot!! Even though he kept thinking about teaching Tachibana Yoshihei a lesson.

But if he really faced that ball just now, he had no idea how to hit back!!

In the Rikkai University player’s seat.

Sanada Genichirō and others looked stunned.

“Lian Er’s data is complete……It doesn’t work anymore?!”

“Impossible!! Lian Er has never made a mistake in his statistics during a game!!”

“Can……The goal that Tachibana Jihei just scored really exceeded the analysis results given to us by Renji!……He’s improving too fast!!”

The Hyotei crowd in the audience watched Yanagi Renji, who had not given up the game despite Tachibana Yoshihei’s strong serve, and continued to raise his hand and swing his racket to serve.

“The result of this match is obvious!”

Atobe Keigo spoke in a serious tone. As a spectator, he did not see through Tachibana Kihei’s goal at the first time. He believed that his insight had undergone a qualitative evolution and he had completed the Ice World!

But if he replaced Yanagi Renji’s position and faced the”Blast Ball Dance”, the result would probably be not much different from Yanagi Renji’s.

This also means……Tachibana Yoshihei definitely has the strength to threaten him!!

Oshitari Yuushi took off his glasses and rubbed the sides of his forehead.

“What a headache! In the Fudomine team, not counting Beijiang! Tezuka, whose arm is healed, must be stronger than Tachibana Yoshihei!”

“Even though Toyama Kintaro and Akutsu Jin’s abilities may be a little behind the current Tachibana Yoshihei due to their age and playing experience, the gap is definitely not that big!”

“It’s really hard for people to think of resisting such a team!”

The fact that Hyotei, a recognized genius, could say such words shows what kind of blow Tachibana Yoshihei’s strength has caused him.

Fuji Shusuke didn’t say anything, but just kept silent with his head down.

Although he and Oshitari Yuushi were more concerned about Akutsu Jin’s strength, Tachibana Yoshihei was also the player who defeated both of them in the battle of the Metropolitan Conference.

Now watching the opponent alone on the court, suppressing Yanagi Renji, one of the”Big Three”, and Kanto-level Kirihara Akari.

He also had mixed feelings in his heart.

The other members of Hyotei had different expressions, and their morale was somewhat low.

As a coach, Taro Sakaki should have stood up at this time to calm everyone’s mentality.

But he didn’t know what to say now.

The Fudomine team has been synonymous with mystery since its establishment this year.

But after unveiling its unknown veil layer by layer.

Behind the mystery is a powerful strength that is difficult for the outside world to predict.

Even until the Kanto Conference, no team could explore the strength limits of all the players of Fudomine.

Such a team……Can he really be defeated?

No matter how other people on the field view the strength displayed by Tachibana Yoshihei.

The game on the court is still going on.

Yanagi Renji’s data has completely lost its effect, causing the rhythm of his game with Kirihara Akaya to be completely messed up.

Even if there are two people facing Tachibana Yoshihei.

But there is no advantage at all. For every ball hit by Tachibana Yoshihei, Kirihara Akaya has no ability to return the ball. Yanagi Renji can occasionally receive it, but he can’t stop Tachibana Yoshihei’s second attack.

You know.

Yanagi Renji is a data-based tennis player. Putting aside the data, his personal strength is just at the national level!

This kind of strength cannot withstand the lion of Tachibana Yoshihei.



When the last”Blast Ball Dance” hit Yanagi Renji and Kirihara Akaya on the court

“Fudomine scores! Game over! Score 6-1!”

“The winner of this doubles match is……Fudomine Junior High School Tachibana Yoshihei and Ishida Tetsu!”

“The final score is 2-0!”

“The next match is for Fudomine Junior High School!”

When the referee announced the result of the doubles match, Yanagi Renji and his partner turned pale.


Kirihara Akaya’s skin began to turn red.

He had suppressed himself for the entire match and forced himself to be in the”red-eyed” state at most.

Now he couldn’t help but let his emotions fluctuate, and he was moving towards the”demonization” state.


Yanagi Renji was the first to notice and shouted coldly.

This made Kirihara Akaya calm down a little.

Letting the opponent go back to the players’ bench to rest, Yanagi Renji walked to the net holding the racket.

“Tachibana Yoshihei……This game is something I have never experienced in my three years of middle school!” (OK)

“You won this time! But Rikkai University hasn’t lost yet! The National Conference is when we will truly compete!”

“By then! Rikkai University will personally avenge the humiliation of today’s two doubles matches!”

Tachibana Jiping looked at Yanagi Renji, who had not lost his fighting spirit even though he suffered a setback.

“In the two doubles matches, you did more or less expose some of our shortcomings!”

“Looking forward to your transformation at the national conference!”

“But let me correct you! You won’t just lose two doubles matches today! The next singles match is number three…….Genichirō Sanada will not be a match for Tezuka!”

“Besides! Even if Yukimura Seiichi can make it to this year’s national tournament, the final champion will only be Fudomine!”

After saying that, he nodded to Yanagi Renji, who looked solemn, and turned to walk towards the players’ seats.

His words made Yanagi Renji pause for a while before he walked towards the Rikkai University players’ seats.

While the two were talking in front of the net, the audience was boiling again.

Unlike other schools where students were talking to each other, the students who came to cheer for Rikkai University were almost all slumped in their seats.

Their team lost two doubles matches in a row!

Looking at the history of Rikkai University’s previous national tournaments, it is extremely rare.

Now Fudomine has the match point.

If their team loses again in the next game, Rikkai University will be unprecedentedly defeated in the Kanto Tournament.

Before the start of today’s Kanto Tournament final, they would never dare to think about this!!

The crown of the king is already crumbling.

The singles match No. 3, which is about to begin, is the last fig leaf of Rikkai University in this year’s Kanto Tournament.

Once they lose………

The crown of the king will not be lost.

Rikkai University’s two consecutive championships in the past two years will no longer have any glory.

“Rikkai University!!”

Some Rikkai University student in the audience shouted unwillingly. Nearly a hundred Rikkai University students in the audience followed suit and shouted the slogan”Rikkai University”. The battle of honor!!

Ready to go!!.

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