Mifune Nyudo came all the way here by helicopter because Yakuto had just been watching the game and he had seen all the actions of the German team.

Including that Beichen Xiu was the main player of Germany.

Including that Retulu took the initiative to invite Japanese players to join the German training camp.

All these things were notified to Mifune Nyudo.

Mifune Nyudo did not expect that Retulu would act so quickly and openly poach players in such an occasion!

This made him very anxious, so he came here directly by helicopter.

Some spectators recognized him and exclaimed:

"Wow...this...isn't this the head coach of the Japan U17 training camp, Nyudo Mifune?"

"The people following behind him are also the coaches in charge of training in the training camp!"

"And those few people, they all seem to be the first team of the national team! This is too exaggerated, why are they here?"

"Could it be that it’s also because of Beichen?"

"Maybe it’s true!"


Everyone felt that the ticket to the national competition was not bought in vain!

On the court.

Beichen looked at Mifune Nyudo's angry look, touched his nose, and said:

"Why did Coach Mifune get so angry? Your appearance is really unique."

Mifune had already learned that Beichen was the German captain, so he was not polite and said:

"Beichen, as the captain of Germany, don't you know that poaching is... unfriendly?"

In this World Cup, he has always wanted to push Japan to the semi-finals.

The change in the rules has brought together the right time, right place and right people!

How could he tolerate the German team coming over and clearing out all the fish in his pond?

Just as Retulu was about to explain something for Beichen, Beichen stretched out his hand to block Retulu and explained:

"Poaching? Coach Mifune, you'd better get things straight. None of these junior high school students are regular members of your Japan U17 team. How can you say you're poaching?"

"If anyone had announced in advance that they were members of the Japanese U17 team, we would not have said a word."

"Besides, the players have the right to decide whether to come to Germany or Japan. If they don't want to come, we can't put a knife on their necks and force them to come."

"Do you think what I said makes sense, Coach Mifune?"

Beichen's words were flawless.

Mifune Nyudo wanted to find a way to refute, but found that there was no problem.

It was indeed like this.

In the original work, Echizen Ryu 010ma first joined the German team, then followed Long Ya to the American team, and finally returned to the Japanese team.

Long Ya wandered between Japan, the United States, and Spain.

Therefore, in the world of tennis, there is no such thing as moral kidnapping that national players must play for their own country.

Retulu also echoed Beichen's words and said:

"Coach Mifune, our captain has made it very clear, right? We are only here to recruit players. Is there any law that prohibits us from doing this? Please don't say it so harshly."

Behind Mifune Nyudo, Saito Shige whispered:

"Coach Mifune, Beichen is a very articulate guy. We can't argue with him. It's better to talk as little as possible. The more you talk, the easier it is to make mistakes."

But suddenly, a man with long purple hair next to Oni Jujiro started to mock:

"The captain of the German team is actually just a kid who hasn't even grown all his hair yet. It's really laughable."

Hearing this,

Oni Jujiro angrily shouted:

""Tono! Shut up!"

That's right.

The one who dared to mock Beichen was none other than the Japanese First Army member known as the executioner on the court, the current high school student ranked No. 8 in the overseas expedition group -

Tono Atsuki!

After being scolded by Oni Jujiro, Tono still stared at Beichen with disdain, his eyes full of provocation.

Oni Jujiro said this to protect Tono in disguise. After all, Oni Jujiro knew the horror of Beichen better than anyone else. And Tono Atsuki, who had returned to the country with the First Army last night, did not know how Beichen was alone at that time.

He shot through the Japanese U17 alone.

If he knew that this junior high school student had crushed Tokugawa's self-esteem and shut out Oni Jujiro, his eyes would probably pop out.

Beichen heard Tono's voice and his cold eyes slightly shone.


Tono Atsuyoshi felt a chill running down his back!

How could this guy's eyes... be so scary!

Byodoin Phoenix was also suddenly shocked.

This kind of eyes... can only be emitted by extremely dangerous people!

"This boy is really not simple.……"

On the plane, he listened to Mifune telling some stories about Beichen.

Although he didn't fully understand it, Beichen's momentum alone was enough to prove that what Mifune said was not exaggerated.

At this time, the German team also rushed to Beichen.

Polk, P, Bismarck, and several tall figures stood behind Beichen.

They were like three towering mountains, and Tono Atsuki's face turned pale.

Seyfried pointed directly at Tono Atsuki's nose and cursed:

"Who do you think you are? How dare you act so arrogantly in front of my teacher?"

Retulu also frowned.

It was understandable that Mifune Nyudo was looking for trouble with him, and he didn't care.

But now the Japanese team was actually speaking rudely to their own captain...

That was another matter!

"Mifune Nyudo, is this the quality of the people on your Japanese team?"

Mifune heard that Retulu was angry, and he really wanted to slap Tono Atsuki in the face. Why did he provoke Beichen when there were other people to provoke?

If the Germans were angry, they would launch an expedition against Japan like they did against the United States... It would undoubtedly add some difficulties to Japan's group stage!

Thinking of this, Mifune Nyudo could only turn his head and say:

"Apologize to Beichen immediately!" Tono

Atsushi was stunned.

He just scolded this brat, why did Coach Mifune react so strongly?

���Lang also said in a deep voice:

"Didn't you hear what Coach Mifune said?"

Irie Kanata also tried to smooth things over, pulling Touno Atsukyo aside and saying:

"Yes, just apologize, it's no big deal."

Tono Atsushi still couldn't bring himself to apologize.

At this time, Beichen finally spoke.

"I think it's better to..."

"Don't you think that our recruitment of junior high school students in Japan will have an impact on you? Then let this Tono Atsuki play a game with me."

"If he can complete the game normally, regardless of winning or losing, I will leave immediately with the German team and never talk about recruiting players."

"On the contrary, if he doesn't even have the ability to complete the game, then you should get out as soon as possible. Such a Japanese team is not worth my saliva."

After this, everyone reacted differently.

First, the German team.

Bismarck showed a few strange smiles.

Beichen offered such a condition, firstly, it could make Tono Atsuko learn his lesson, and secondly, it could shut up the Japanese team and leave them speechless.

It can be said that it was killing two birds with one stone.

So, he echoed carelessly:

"The captain is absolutely right! Tennis issues should be resolved with tennis!"

"Moreover, the conditions proposed by our commander-in-chief are already the most benevolent, right?"

"Your country's players don't even have the strength to complete the game under our main player, right?"

Hearing these words, Seyfried couldn't help but laughed.

Beichen and Bismarck, one played the good cop and the other played the bad cop, and directly put the Japanese on the fire.

The Japanese team had different expressions.

Since Beichen dared to offer such conditions, the implication was that he wanted to beat Toono Atsuki so hard that he couldn't take care of himself!

The three coaches, Mifune Nyudo and Kurobe, were naturally aware of Beichen's strength.

Beichen could definitely do this! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Tokugawa was at that time If it weren't for Onijujiro's intervention in the match with Beichen, Tokugawa would probably still be lying in the hospital now!

Let's talk about the match between Yajiudou and Beichen.

Although Yajiudou did play a complete game with Beichen, it's obvious that Beichen didn't use his full strength.

Otherwise, with Yajiudou's strength ranked No. 17, how could he be qualified to hold on for a whole game?

So, after thinking about it, such a match must not be accepted! []

However, the young and inexperienced Yuan Ye Du Jing actually came out with a racket:

"You said it, don't regret it."Of course he is not a fool.

From the expressions of Mifune Nyudo, Kijujiro and others, it can be seen that Beichen must be a character who is not easy to mess with.

But! No matter how strong Beichen is, how strong can he be?

Even if he really loses to the opponent, he can't even finish the game, right?

He followed Byodoin in the world expedition, mastering thirteen kinds of execution skills, each of which can severely injure the opponent and make the opponent terrified! The one who will really be beaten to the point of having no ability to compete... maybe Beichen.���Not necessarily!


Mifune Nyudo kicked Tono Atsukyo to the ground and cursed:

""Go back, you cockroach! Stop embarrassing me!"

Toono Atsuki was beaten up in public by Mifune, and he felt that he had never been so embarrassed in his life.

He really couldn't understand why Mifune Nyudo was so afraid of Beichen.

However, Mifune was the head coach of the training camp after all, and even if he was unhappy, he couldn't resist.

So, he got up from the ground in disgrace, stood back in the team without saying a word, and no longer had the arrogance.

Beichen said playfully:

"Coach Mifune, I have given you enough face. I am afraid that the matter of the German team recruiting players in Japan will not be gossiped about anymore, right?"

At this time, the blonde Byodoin whispered something in Mifune Nyudo's ear.

Mifune Nyudo's face showed a complicated expression.

After a few seconds, he said:

"Beichen, I have a candidate here who can compete with you. The conditions are the same as before. How about it?"

Beichen nodded and said:

"It doesn't matter. So, who will be my opponent?"

Byodoin Phoenix stood out from behind Mifune with a racket in hand and said in a deep voice:

"It's me."

When this man stood in front of him, even Polk felt a strong presence.

His keen senses told him that this blond, weathered, and somewhat vicissitudes-filled Oriental man was definitely not to be underestimated.

P's eyes narrowed slightly.

As the German team's military advisor and the third-in-command of the German team besides Beichen and Polk, he was always very accurate in judging people.

The Phoenix of Byodoin really had an indescribable temperament.

This temperament was even several points higher than that of the American team's main player, Reinhardt.

"Does the Japanese team still have this kind of thing?……"

P couldn't help but be concerned about Japan.

In previous years, Japan's ranking in the world competition was always outside the top 20, and it was not on the list of potential threats to the German team.


First, I saw that Japan had so many excellent junior high school students.

Then there was the appearance of the Phoenix of Byodoin, and even Polk felt a little oppressive.

Who knows, the Japanese team will be a dark horse.

Tono Atsuyoshi whispered:

"What the hell...let Byodoin compete with that kid?……"

He felt that with the strength of the Byodoin Phoenix, it would be easy to crush a junior high school student.

Why use a butcher knife to kill a chicken?

Outside the field.

Inoue Mamoru saw the Byodoin Phoenix and was also quite shocked. He said:

"It turned out to be... him?"

Shiba Saori was relatively unfamiliar with Byodoin, and said:

"Senior Inoue, you look very surprised. Who is that person?

Inoue Mamoru said slowly:

"His name is... Byodoin Phoenix, and he is the leader of the first army of the Japanese training camp.

Seeing that Shiba Saori didn't know much about the structure of the Japanese training camp, Inoue Mamoru explained it to her, saying:

"I have visited the Japanese U17 training camp twice before. There are 16 stadiums in the training camp, and each stadium has a certain number of high school students."

"Every once in a while, each stadium will start a reshuffle, and all players will strive to move to the top-ranked stadiums. The players in these stadiums are at least at the Kanto level, and they are collectively called the Second Army. As for the First Army?……"

"The strongest players in the training camp are those who are at or close to world-class level. They will participate in various overseas expeditions and are the regular players. The players on the first court are the reserve players of the first team."

"The Phoenix of Byodoin is the most powerful one in the army and holds the No. 1 badge of the training camp!"

After listening to the complete explanation of Inoue Mamoru

, Shiba Saori finally understood who Byodoin was.

"So if they were to compete, what would be the result? Beichen is the German captain, can he definitely crush the Byodoin Phoenix?"

Inoue Mamoru hesitated.

After a while, he replied:

"I'm not sure about this, because……"

"As far as I know, Byodoin Phoenix is the most powerful player in Japan in the past decade or so!"

"I heard that before he joined the expedition, he wandered around the world, challenged many masters, and learned a lot of skills."

"Among the players he has challenged, there are even some professional players!"

"Now, he has gone through another year of training in the World Expeditions, and I wonder how much his strength has improved."

"It is precisely because of the existence of Byodoin Temple that the Japanese team is very confident about this World Cup!"


On the other side.

While Shiba Saori and Inoue Mamoru were talking.

Beichen and Byodoin had already moved to the court.

The players from both the German and Japanese teams also followed to the outside of the court.

The reason why Byodoin Phoenix was willing to step forward and compete with Beichen was to crush the idea of the German team to recruit talents in Japan.

After all, his life goal is to lead the Japanese team to win the World Cup.

Secondly, by competing with Beichen, he can also test how deep the bottom of this German captain is, and prepare for the subsequent World Cup official games!

Of course, he is not rash to ask Beichen to compete.

During his long expedition to the world, he has defeated countless opponents.

With an unparalleled attitude, he crushed countless strong men!

He has honed his own domineering tennis.

With such a strong strength to rely on, even if he can't defeat Beichen, it will definitely not be a problem to win a few games from Beichen.

Not to mention.

The rule of this game is that as long as he can complete the game, he will win.

Seeing this posture, the audience started to discuss

"Beichen and the yellow-haired guy were like, what are they doing? Are they going to have another game?"

"No way, it’s a good thing I didn’t leave, otherwise I would have missed another exciting game!

"Why do I feel like that guy is a high school student! And he looks very strong?"

"Who cares? Anyway, I like to watch Beichen's games, hahahaha!!"


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