"Then what should we do now?" Zhou Jingyun asked.

"I'll put these boxes away first!" Meng Xing said, with a wave of his hand, he put all the boxes into the storage bag.

"And what about these two carriages?"

"Let the two horses go, smash the car, and throw them into the mountain stream." Meng Xing said.

Zhou Jingyun and Xu Linfeng did it, they quickly settled it, buried the three bodies again, and dealt with the blood. Only by doing these aftermath work, the two people feel that they seem to be useful.

"Let's go! Let's check what's there with the prefect's wife." Meng Xing said.

Meng Xing immediately took out a short-distance teleportation array, and the three teleported back to the avenue to Kuixi City, teleported again, and stopped when they felt that the distance was enough.

Sure enough, he saw three carriages approaching slowly, surrounded by squires under martial law. Everyone knew that such a tight defense was to protect the people or treasures in the carriages, but no one knew that the treasures had been exchanged.

The three of them followed and couldn't find a chance to check. They came to a village and town. Those people stopped to rest, but the defense was still tight.

In the evening, they came to a small town. These people lived in the inn, and they also pulled the carriage into the courtyard of the inn, and they were taken care of by special personnel.

The three of them waited until midnight, and found that the guards were drowsy, sitting there with their eyes slightly closed, almost falling asleep.

"The opportunity is here! I'll go into the yard and take a look! You guys are waiting here." Meng Xing said.

"Okay! If I don't find a chance to check, I can't stand it!" Zhou Jingyun said.

The three of them were watching from the fence of the yard. At this moment, Meng Xing disappeared quickly and appeared in a carriage unnoticed.

There were still six boxes in the carriage. Meng Xing gently opened one to look at it and found that it was actually filled with dirt. He checked them one by one, and they were all the same.

Meng Xing reappeared in another vehicle, still checking six boxes, all of which were dirt and rocks.

Not what Meng Xing expected.

Meng Xing returned to the wall and said in a low voice, "Let's go! The carriage was indeed loaded with dirt and rocks."

The three left the inn, Meng Xing took out the long-distance teleportation array, located the location, and quickly returned to the inn in Kuizhou City with Zhou Jingyun and Xu Linfeng.

At this time, it was already midnight, and the three of them were not interested in talking, so they went back to their rooms to rest.

The next day, the three of them got up and sat in the yard discussing.

"We already have evidence, do we want to arrest the prefect directly?" Zhou Jingyun asked.

"If the prefect is arrested, King Kuixi will definitely be alert. We don't have any evidence of King Kuixi, and he may escape by then." Meng Xing said.

"Then let's go to Kuixi City to check?" Zhou Jingyun said.

"Yeah! Mrs. Taishou will arrive at Kuixi City today. If King Kuixi did not receive those gold and silver jewels, she would be suspicious. Let's go to Kuixi City to check." Meng Xing said.

"Boss, you know Princess Kuixi, and you checked King Kuixi, what should the princess do?" Zhou Jingyun glanced at Meng Xing and said.

What Zhou Jingyun wanted to say was, if King Kuixi was investigated, and the princess was alone, what would you do? Do you want to marry that ordinary-looking middle-aged aunt back home?

However, it is okay to keep it outside as an outer room, and occasionally you can taste the freshness.

These words cannot be spoken. Encountering this leader with unique taste makes their subordinates heartbroken.

Meng Xing glanced at him and said, "You can do whatever you want."

Is not this nonsensical? Zhou Jingyun muttered in his heart.

An astonishing figure flashed across Meng Xing's mind. I'm afraid no one could have imagined that Princess Kuixi was a stunning beauty.

"Let's go! Let's go to Kuixi City now." Meng Xing said, took out the teleportation array, positioned it to Kuixi City, and after activating it, he left with Zhou Jingyun and Xu Linfeng.

The next moment appeared in a remote place near the Kuixi Palace in Kuixi City. Meng Xing had already paid attention to this place when he was sending off the princess, so that it was convenient for teleportation and would not disturb others.

So, the three people came to the vicinity of the Kuixi Palace, and no one came in or out except for some guards standing at the door.

"Boss, how are we going to investigate King Kuixi?" Zhou Jingyun asked.

"What does King Kuixi usually like to do?" Meng Xing asked.

"I don't know! We're not familiar with him. When I was in the capital, I rarely heard about him, and it seemed that he was very low-key." Zhou Jingyun said.

"Then just go to a restaurant to eat, and listen to what the people are talking about." Meng Xing said.

So, the three of them walked on the street for a while and found a restaurant where many people were eating. The three of them walked in and sat by the window facing the street, so that they could easily observe the people leading to the Kuixi Palace.

After ordering some food and drinks, the three of them drank the tea brought by the second shopkeeper, but their ears were listening to the chatter of the customers in the shop.

Meng Xing filtered the useless information and only listened to the useful ones, but it seemed that very few people were talking about King Kuishi.

"Eleven children have been lost in the city recently. This has happened for three consecutive months. I don't know which Devil of Damn it is, kidnapped the children," said a middle-aged man.

"Yeah! I'm worried about my four children now and want to hide them, but I don't know where to hide them."

"Now Kuixi City has lost a total of ninety-five children. They reported to the government, but the government couldn't find them at all. These officials don't know what they are eating, and they are useless at all. They only eat vegetarian meals."

"Yeah! It's too Damn it! Those of us who are ordinary people are powerless, and we can't even find our own children."

"The main reason is that now there are some cultivators who can do anything. Ordinary people like us have no status or strength, and they can't catch these cultivators at all. The government doesn't want to care, and the only victims are us. common people."

"Yeah! Lao Liu, think of a way for me. I want to hide my four children, or take them out of here and go to Kuizhou City. It's better than waiting here to die."

"I heard that the commander of Kuizhou City died, and a new commander was replaced. The barbarians came to attack Kuizhou City, and the commander was also beheaded by the imperial envoy, and he returned after a great defeat. During this period of time, Kuizhou City should be relatively It's safe. You can go there with your mother-in-law and four children to ask for life."

"Here I can still do a little business, eat and live, and I can barely survive. However, when I go there, I am like a rootless root, and everything has to be started from scratch. I will think about it first. If something like this happens again, I'll go."

"Yeah! Old Huang, think about it carefully! However, these days, pay more attention to your four children."


The waiter served the food, and the three of Meng Xing started to eat slowly. Seeing the two people talking nearby leave, Meng Xing settled the bill, and the three followed Lao Huang from a distance.

"Boss, why should we follow him? Aren't we King Chakuixi?" Zhou Jingyun asked.

"Find out who is the perpetrator in the city? It's really inhumane to have kidnapped so many children!" Meng Xing said.

"Are you worried that this old Huang's four children will also be poisoned?" Zhou Jingyun said.

"Yes!" Meng Xing nodded.

Soon, the three followed Lao Huang to a dilapidated yard. The old Huang did not look back, pushed the door and went in directly, and saw four children covered in mud running towards him, and Lao Huang went from He grabbed a handful of peanuts in his pocket and gave them to the four children with a kind face.

These children, the youngest is about three years old, and the oldest should be eight or nine years old, but they also look very thin.

This warm scene instantly touched the three people who were watching outside.

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