Many people first questioned the authenticity of the post, suspecting that someone was using P's picture to deceive replies.

However, when they saw the ID of the poster, they immediately gave up their doubts.

Does he still need to lie about replying? He is Qin Lang who can defeat thousands of people!

As long as he casually posts a message on the forum now, the number of replies in ten minutes is guaranteed to exceed 10,000.

Therefore, they no longer had any doubts and were replaced by surprised comments.

Of course, there are still some people who claim to be impartial and question how Qin Lang could obtain so many unleveled high-end necklaces, and then tactfully express their hope that he can make the bug public so that all players in their Chinese region can benefit from it..

After the surprise, someone started to discuss it seriously.

"6500 mana, 350 attack and 7000 life. Is it too expensive to sell this attribute for 150 million?"

"Is this too expensive? This is so damn expensive!"

"Judging from my many years of gaming experience, this necklace is worth more than 10 million at most."

"This Qin Lang is crazy about money, right?"

"Although it is ungraded, it is really not worth the price."

"Haha, only a fool would buy it from him. If I had 150 million, I might as well find someone to buy a mutant Qingang Lion King. I heard that the attack power of the level 30 mutant Qingang Lion King in those big guilds has exceeded 1500!"

"It’s so funny, everyone thinks they are stupid, and I call him daddy after selling one!"

"If it can be sold, I will live broadcast the handstand and fly, and I will do what I say."

The players all feel that the price set by Qin Lang is ridiculously high and it is absolutely impossible to sell it.


Qin Lang waited for a while and looked at the private messages. Although they were full of messages, they were all boring messages and no one with real intention to buy contacted him.

He felt something was wrong. It was impossible. Couldn't those people see the value of this necklace?

After thinking for a moment, he quickly realized that he had forgotten to include a screenshot of the stunt effects.

Those people can only see the name of the stunt on the equipment, but cannot see the specific details of the stunt.

He posted the screenshot and casually read the comments. As expected, the situation has changed dramatically.

"Permanent 1.5x experience bonus?"

"Is there really no time limit? This is too exaggerated!"

"Damn it, if you put this necklace on, your level will take off immediately."

"It's violent. No wonder Qin Lang upgraded so quickly. He must have been wearing it a long time ago. It's so unfair!"

"How can we ordinary players play this? We strongly urge each person to have one game!"

The players kept commenting, some were shocked, some were angry, and some with capital had already taken action.

Just a few minutes later, someone discovered that Qin Lang had posted a new reply.

"All the necklaces have been sold, let's scatter them."

Countless players looked at the message in stunned silence.

All nine necklaces with a unit price of 150 million were gone. Doesn't that mean that Qin Lang made a net profit of 1.35 billion in just a few minutes!?

He did it through transfer Payment method. No handling fee will be deducted, and all the 1.35 billion will go into his pocket.

"I'm a little dizzy, who can tell me if I'm dreaming?"

"I was so drunk that I made hundreds of lifetimes worth of money in just a few minutes."

"God, please let me reveal a good piece of equipment too!"

"Take a breath of European air now!"

"Make a wish and get a pet!"Many people made wishes in the post, hoping to be infected with Qin Lang's"European spirit""

"What about those people who called me dad just now? Why didn’t they come out?"

"May I ask how many live broadcast rooms are there for the brother of Handstand Laxiang?"

The people who had made bold remarks before saw the remarks that ridiculed them. They were all ashamed and angry, and scolded Qin Lang in their hearts. Qin Lang was deliberately trying to trick them. If he had released that [Holy Elf Blessing] before, How could they say such a thing confidently?

Qin Lang not only received 1.35 billion, he also put nine Lion Soul Holy Swords and nine [Blood Moon Slash] skill books on sale in a bundle. Pair the Lion Soul Holy Sword with a copy of Blood Moon Slash.

The reason why it sells for 50 million is because the skill of Blood Moon Slash is a very powerful group attack skill for high-attack warriors or knights. If the attack power is not enough, it can only be used as a single skill.

Blood Moon Slash cannot be sold at a high price if sold alone, but if paired with the level 35 Silver Lion Soul Sword, which can increase the attack power by 460 points, it will. Its value soared.

Four sets were sold quickly, and after deducting the handling fee, Qin Lang had almost finished processing the items. He called out the map and checked the way to the machinery factory. We haven't reached level 40 yet, so we can't freely use the teleportation array in the third-level city. We can only walk there......

Suddenly, in front of the machinery factory on the map, I saw a somewhat familiar name - Qiyun Mountain.

He thought for a while and took out a piece of talisman paper.

【Teleportation Talisman]

Locate the current location. After using it, you can teleport to the location no matter where you are. The remaining times are: 10.

Current location: Qiyun Mountain (can be changed).

He had stolen this from Lin Wenshan before, and had not changed the location. The teleportation place was still the Qiyun Mountain that Lin Wenshan had set up before.

After using the teleportation talisman, the scenery around him changed rapidly. In the blink of an eye, he came to a smoky mountain.

"No wonder it’s called Qiyunshan."Qin Lang sighed with emotion. The fog in this mountain is extremely thick, and people seem to be standing on the clouds.

In the thick fog, it is difficult to see the surrounding scene clearly, everything seems to be covered with a veil.


A roar suddenly sounded, shaking the mountains and forests.


Qin Lang's eyes lit up. The noise was so loud that it was most likely that the boss was showing off his power.

He was now looking forward to encountering more bosses so that he would have the opportunity to get the guild token.

Moreover, this was only a level 50 map, and the bosses that appeared would definitely not pose any threat to him, so he could explore it with confidence. 2.8

The roar soon sounded again, and Qin Lang rushed over following the sound.

When he felt that he was about to get close to the guy, a series of continuous"hissing" sounds suddenly emerged in the air.

That sound sounded like... electricity?

Looking closely, as expected, a series of tiny purple electric currents were happily jumping in the mist.

Qin Lang was about to find out what was going on, but a strong wind blew from the front, blowing away the mist around him and allowing him to see the scene in front clearly.

A giant python that swallowed the sky stood upright, like a pillar to the sky!

Opposite it was a big tiger with purple stripes all over its body, and its fur was already standing up.

The most bizarre thing is that on the tiger's broad back there are actually two purple wings, which are now flapping slowly, allowing it to float in the air.

"Mutated Winged Tiger King!"Qin Lang said in surprise._Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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