"What's the matter, it looks like you're worried?" Han

Shaofeng looked at the people around him, slightly curious, and said subconsciously.

And with Han Shaofeng's words, this made the people around him more and more excited.

After all, looking at it now, these are actually not things that can be explained clearly in a few words.

And Han Shaofeng himself was very calm.

"What are you afraid of, there's nothing to worry about.

"All you need to do is to take a good look at the Five Elements Sect.

When Han Shaofeng finished speaking, Jin Ren nodded heavily.

"Sect Master, don't worry, I already know what to do. "

Since now, Han Shaofeng has already said so.

So in the hearts of all of them, in fact, it is quite clear.

That is, we must use the fastest speed to completely solve the matter here.

That's the key.

In front of Han Shaofeng, the people around him felt very excited the more they looked at it.

"But the sect master is like this, isn't it too dangerous?"

"The problem is that the sect master himself said that it would be fine, I think, there shouldn't be anything, right?"

"If that's really the case, then I think we should all believe that the sect master can definitely handle it."

"Otherwise, we will still follow the sect master, and if the sect master has something, we can all help. As

the people around him talked, the more excited they became.

After all, next, in fact, all of them have already seen this completely.

However, after these people finished speaking, Han Shaofeng at this time felt quite interesting the more he looked at it.

"I've said it all, since you are willing, then it is actually nothing to let all of you follow!" When

Han Shaofeng saw this, he was actually concerned about the current situation.

As for Han Shaofeng, it doesn't matter.

After Li Qiang listened, he nodded again and again.

"Okay, Sect Master, I'll be by your side when the time comes.

"We're outside Qi's house, and if there's anything wrong with us, we'll rush in at any time.

When Li Qiang finished speaking, the people around him also looked at this side with a sworn look.

After all, what are you going to do with these things next?

In fact, in the current situation, all of them are completely holding their breath in their hearts.

After all, in the future, there is no doubt that such a thing is still completely necessary to deal with it thoroughly.

And to treat this, at this moment, Han Shaofeng is very indifferent.

"Well, if that's what you say, then let's do it.

"Remember to kill it in half an hour, and that's it."

As Han Shaofeng finished speaking, the people around him nodded in agreement.

This kind of thing, in fact, is also something that they have to face now.

So in the eyes of these people, these things are even more necessary.

"Okay sect master, you can rest assured, we are here, there will definitely be no accidents.

At this moment, when Li Qiang looked at Han Shaofeng, he looked very convinced, and couldn't help but say here.

As Li Qiang's words came out, Han Shaofeng nodded slightly.

After all, what should such a thing be done next?

In fact, if you think about it carefully, these things themselves are very thorough.

As for Han Shaofeng, he is looking forward to it.

"I don't know how the Qi family will react when they know that I want to go over?"

When Han Shaofeng thought secretly here, the others were also very curious.


At this time, the Qi family already knew about it.

After all, in fact, all of them can see this kind of thing clearly.

So now, these people naturally know that it is safer to deal with it now.

And at this moment, Qi Yunsheng, the head of the Qi family, subconsciously looked in front of him.

What are you going to do with all this that you're going to do so far?

In fact, in Qi Yunsheng's opinion, these things are very tricky at the moment, especially when Han Shaofeng is coming.

I didn't think there would be anything else to say.

And as Qi Yunsheng subconsciously looked in front of him, the more so, in fact, for the current things.

Qi Yunsheng sighed: "Alas, it seems that this matter has completely exceeded our expectations!"

When Qi Yunsheng saw this, it was obvious that Qi Yunsheng had no idea that things would turn out like this.

Here, though.

When Qi Yunsheng looked in front of him, there was a trace of indescribable anger in his whole eyes.

"Of course, since he came, then logically speaking, it is still necessary to meet each other.

"Otherwise, wouldn't people who don't know say that we broke the rules?"

When Qi Yunsheng said this, the people around him nodded again and again when they saw this.

If, in other words, this is true, then it would be good.

So as these people looked at them, it was obvious that these people were talking one after another.

"Actually, the head of the family, what rules do we need to talk about with them?

"That's right, we are so strong now, wouldn't it be too much to give them face if we talk to them about this?"

"If you really want me to think, then all of us should just abolish them!"

At this moment, with the people around him, they all said a word, and did not forget to say it in front of them.

From now on, the more these people talk, the more excited they feel.

However, for now, let's see what Han Shaofeng wants to do first.

Qi Yunsheng thought of this, and waved his big hand very crisply.

"All of you, go down and get ready. "

Although it is said that this is our place, no one can say what this Han Shaofeng will do!" As

Qi Yunsheng's words came out, this made those people around him nod their heads in agreement.

After all, next, these things are already completely there.

As for Qi Yunsheng, he didn't even think about it at all.

"Hmph, come on, if you come, I just want you to see and understand, our Qi family is powerful!"

After Qi Yunsheng's words were finished, the people around him were gearing up, one by one, all of them looked eager to try.

After all, the next thing they encountered, in fact, for them, it is still necessary to try it.

However, while they were still pondering here, at this moment, a person not far away hurriedly ran over.

"Family master, I got the news just now that Han Shaofeng has come.


news, for others, is like a bolt from the blue.

In fact, none of them have ever considered such a thing.

"Let him in!".

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