Two hours later, Han Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Cool, it's really exciting. "

However, the only thing I feel a little sorry for is the interaction between me and Duran Lan just now.

At this time, Du Lanlan's cheeks were flushed, and they were about to drip blood.

"Little brother, you just now, really..."

That kind of taste is wonderful, and it is not enough for outsiders.

Although it is said that Duranlan has given the most precious dedication, she feels that it is very worthwhile.

As for Han Shaofeng, I don't know what to say.

However, in his heart, he still felt a little ashamed of Du Lanlan.

As for Du Lanlan, her beautiful eyes moved, blinking at Han Shaofeng with big eyes.

"What's the matter, don't you feel particularly sorry for me?"

"It's okay, you can be nice to me in the future."

Du Lanlan said, and when she looked at Han Shaofeng, there was a trace of emotion in her eyes.

Han Shaofeng didn't know how to talk to Du Lanlan.

But there is no way to explain this matter clearly.

Alas, it can only be left to the be.

"Okay, I got it.

Han Shaofeng nodded to this side and couldn't help but say.

But now, in fact, for Han Shaofeng, there are still some things here that need to be dealt with by Han Shaofeng.

So at this time, the more Han Shaofeng looked, the more interesting he felt.

Just here, in Han Shaofeng's mind, a voice sounded.

"The upgrade has been successful, and now you have the right to rule the Three Holy Gates.

Seeing such words, Han Shaofeng's heart was slightly curious.

Was this serious just now, or was it a joke?

But judging from the current situation, Han Shaofeng felt more and more that it was very likely to be serious.

However, even if this is the case, in fact, if you think about it, it doesn't make a difference at all.

When Han Shaofeng saw this, it was obvious that Han Shaofeng already had a general idea of what was going on.

"Well, I'll come back to you when I have time.

When Du Lanlan finished speaking, Du Lanlan then got up and left.

As for Han Shaofeng, he smiled bitterly.

Now like this, what should Han Shaofeng say?

Originally, the matter of the Three Holy Gates made Han Shaofeng feel a burst of pressure.

But now, it has been satisfactorily resolved.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, for Han Shaofeng, I am very much looking forward to the solution of this point.

And as Han Shaofeng looked at the front of him, the more Han Shaofeng thought about it, the more interesting he felt.

"Now, if the people of the Five Elements Sect knew, I would have solved this matter so quickly.

"I don't know how they will feel in their hearts. But

these, in fact, Han Shaofeng didn't think that there would be anything wrong.

Now that such a thing has been resolved.

As for the rest of the things, they are nothing at all.

Just seeing this, Han Shaofeng's face was filled with a playful smile.

"It's kind of interesting, but for now, there should be people who will take advantage of this time to attack us. Such

a thing, Han Shaofeng just thought of these things in his heart.

In fact, in Han Shaofeng's view, at present, it is indeed necessary to deal with this thoroughly.

And as Han Shaofeng was still thinking here, it didn't take long for him to hear someone calling him here.

"It's him, stop me. "

This voice came so thoroughly.

Even Han Shaofeng's heart felt a little strange.

However, when Han Shaofeng looked in front of him.

Soon, Han Shaofeng saw a group of people coming towards him.

At this time, Luo Yunqiang seemed very happy.

After all, now, his main purpose is to solve Han Shaofeng at this time.

And now, it all happened to come together completely.

So what are you going to do with this matter next, in fact, for them, it is just right.

And at this moment, Han Shaofeng was a little puzzled: "What's the matter, you are looking for me, is there something?"

Han Shaofeng was still secretly guessing here.

Who are these people in front of you?

Who's from it?

All in all, no matter what.

The top priority, in fact, is completely necessary, and the key is to completely deal with these things here.

Otherwise, these alone are not enough.

As for Luo Yunqiang, seeing this, the smile on his face became more and more intense.

"Haha, we are the people of the Three Holy Gates. "

Now, you understand, right?"

Luo Yunqiang's words came out, which made the people of the Three Holy Gates around him say it one after another.

"Haha, he must have been scared stupid, otherwise why didn't he speak?"

"Actually, now, if you think about it, you can still see some problems.

"If you want me to say, why are we all talking so much nonsense with him now?"

As these people finished speaking, they felt that they should be able to grasp such a good opportunity next, and it was the key to directly solve Han Shaofeng.

Here, though.

Han Shaofeng not only didn't think that there would be anything to worry about.

On the contrary, when he saw this, Han Shaofeng himself still looked completely proud.

"After making trouble for a long time, it turned out to be a person from the Three Holy Gates. "

It's just that now that the entire Three Holy Sects are my people, what else can they toss here?"

After Han Shaofeng thought of this, he was not worried.

Even on the contrary, for such a thing, there is a little more expectation.

Since these people want to play, then Han Shaofeng really wants to see and learn.

Let's see what else these people can do here.

However, after Han Shaofeng thought of this.

At this time, Han Shaofeng was looking at the front of him, with a hint of abuse on his face.

"I advise you that it's best not to do anything to me. "

Otherwise, you may suffer later!" When

Han Shaofeng's words came out, the more these people looked at it, the more they felt very funny.

After all, such a thing, in fact, if you think about it carefully, is quite interesting.

Luo Yunqiang finally seized such a good opportunity, how could he miss it?

Therefore, when Han Shaofeng thought of this in his heart, in fact, he had already thought of it in his heart.

And Luo Yunqiang and the people of the Three Holy Gates felt very ridiculous.

"Haha, this guy, isn't it funny?

"That is, is he threatening us

?" "If that's the case, then should I make a very scared look?"

Obviously, this is something that they find very clear.

And at this moment, Han Shaofeng didn't care at all.

"It's okay, you'll find out later. "

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