"This, another one?" Li

Qingyi was now a little stunned.

The tolerance beside him nodded emphatically.

As for Li Qingyi, she became more and more depressed.

"Now, what should I say?"

Li Qingyi's words are actually what these tolerances want to say now.

After all, all this is developing too fast, too fast.

Or even completely, to catch these people off guard.

But the more it is now, in fact, in Li Qingyi's view, she still said.

However, Han Shaofeng's speed is inevitably too fast. "

On our side, we haven't had time to prepare at all, but on his side, it's almost done?"

At this moment, those tolerances around Li Qingyi saw this.

Obviously, now, in fact, all of them see it exactly this way.

Now that it has come to this.

So the top priority is how to deal with these things.

Actually, even in the eyes of all of them.

This point is really a headache.

"This, I think, has greatly exceeded our expectations.

"That's right, in fact, now, I've fully discovered these things.

"But from the current point of view, what do you all think about such a thing?"

Now that it has come to this.

So what are you going to do with all of this?

In fact, the next question, on the contrary, I didn't feel anything at all.

And the more so, in fact, in these people seem.

The primary goal at the moment is to get started quickly.

Otherwise, in the next step, in fact, the most direct thing is to get this thing done quickly.

Slowly, staring in front of you.

At this moment, treat these things at the moment.

In fact, in the eyes of all of them, it is imperative to start quickly.

Otherwise, such a thing is not enough.

"It's just that if it's so fast, then there should be movement on the side of the Southeast Chamber of Commerce, right?"

Li Qingyi didn't expect it, so she didn't know where to start now.

However, by Li Qingyi's side.

The tolerances around them all looked in front of them.

The more it is now, even here.

The tolerances around are excited.

"If that's really the case now, then at the moment, shouldn't we all hurry up and start preparing?"

"These things, in fact, are completely unavoidable.

"If you think about it so carefully, in fact, all this is inevitable at present. Accompanied

by those around him, they didn't forget to speak in front of them.

The more it is now, the more it is actually aimed at these things at the moment.

Soon, in fact, all of them have already seen through this.

And the more so, in fact, treat these things at present.

All of them are eager to try.

While watching this scene, at this moment, Li Qingyi still didn't forget to continue to speak.

"Here, it won't stop for a while.

"So, let's keep an eye on it first. Li

Qingyi knew that Han Shaofeng's side, under normal circumstances, nothing would happen.

But once something happens.

Then you don't even have to think about it.

These, for sure, are big things.

In such a situation, in fact, there is no doubt about it.

It's just that, in fact, when I see these.

Li Qingyi's side, as for the other tolerances, nodded again and again.

"If you say that, it seems to be true.

"I don't know why, but the more I look at it, the more I feel a headache.

"Now that the matter has come to this, I think that from now on, we all have to hurry up. "

The more we are now, the more we actually treat these things at the moment.

In the hearts of all of them, there was a rush of eagerness to try.

I have to say that such a thing, in fact, feels very funny at the moment.

"If it was before, who would have thought that Han Shaofeng would do it so thoroughly?"

Of course, these are only one of the aspects.

In fact, now, there is another thing that Li Qingyi is very interested in.

"It's just that Han Shaofeng will deal with the Southeast Chamber of Commerce next?"

These things seemed to have something, which deeply aroused Li Qingyi's curiosity.

Even now, when Li Qingyi sees this, deep in her heart, she is secretly thinking about these things here.

After all, that's the end of it.

So for the current situation, what are you going to do with all of this?

In fact, in the eyes of all of them, at the critical moment, they can only continue to wait.


As for Han Shaofeng, he is very calm.

If it was before, Han Shaofeng might have a competition with the Southeast Chamber of Commerce.

But now, it's clear that there are still some mysteries to be solved.

How could Han Shaofeng do this rashly?

"It's just that now, what could be wrong?"

Han Shaofeng's eyes moved slightly, and he subconsciously looked in front of him.

The more it is now, in fact, Han Shaofeng sees it here.

There is no doubt that in fact, these things are treated at the moment.

At this moment, it touched the people around him more and more.

"President, if you want me to say, let's just get out with them now.

"That's right, in fact, in itself, we should all be able to do this.

"This is inevitable, otherwise there is no need for all of us to wait. With

the people of the North Courtyard Chamber of Commerce around him, they all said here.

At this time, Han Shaofeng felt very funny.

It seems that the hearts of these people are too inflated.

Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to say such a thing.

It's just that the more so, in fact, at the same time as seeing this.

Obviously, Han Shaofeng is holding his breath here now, in fact, deep in his heart.

"Now, it's a good opportunity.

"However, the more this happens, the more you can't rush. In

fact, how could Han Shaofeng not know?

Now, he has undoubtedly triggered the hidden plot.

So next, what else does

Han Shaofeng need to worry about?

He doesn't even need to think about it at all, in fact, Han Shaofeng should understand.

In the midst of this, what will all this bring?

It's just that, in fact, here, the more Han Shaofeng looks at it, the more he feels very funny.

"But then, I can actually continue to watch for a while.

"As for the rest, it's not really that important at all. "

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