"The upgrade is complete, current status: Obtain the allegiance of Jin Ren, one of the five masters of the Five Elements Sect.

Seeing such words, Han Shaofeng had an indescribable feeling.

I even wonder if my ears have heard it wrong.

"Jin Ren, one of the five masters of the Five Elements Sect, was actually found so easily?"

When Han Shaofeng thought of this in his heart, for the next thing, in fact, Han Shaofeng's heart was full of expectations.

But now, by Han Shaofeng's side, Li Qiang is very anxious.

"Sect Master, when are we going over?"

After all, now, Han Shaofeng has not made it clear that he wants to go over and have a look.

So Li Qiang, in fact, doesn't know what the situation is here.

But put it here, Han Shaofeng didn't feel anything, but looked at Li Qiang beside him and couldn't help asking.

"By the way, do you know the Jin Ren of the Five Elements Sect?" As

Han Shaofeng said, Li Qiang beside him became more and more excited.

"Five Elements Sect Jin Ren, of course I know, he is one of the five masters of our Five Elements Sect.

"I think that at the beginning, when they were still in the Five Elements Sect, I was in the Five Elements Sect..."

At this time, Li Qiang's whole person fell into a kind of longing.

And with Li Qiang's eloquent story, this gave Han Shaofeng a deeper understanding of the current situation.

This made Han Shaofeng feel more and more that the Five Elements Sect was indeed very strong.

However, the most regrettable thing is that the previous Five Elements Sect Master was too arrogant.

Therefore, on the contrary, the current Five Elements Sect has fallen into a very passive level.

It's just that now, for Han Shaofeng, as long as he is there, then the Five Elements Sect will enter a benign development next.

"So Sect Master, when are we going to do it?"

Li Qiang looked at Han Shaofeng like this, and said a little impatiently.

The other Five Elements Sects around also looked at each other and looked at each other.

Obviously, these things, in fact, they are very anxious.

But Han Shaofeng brought a playful smile and didn't forget to say it here.

"It's okay, let's not go over now, naturally, someone will solve these things.

Han Shaofeng's words made others curious.

In fact, the more they think about it, the more curious they become.

However, it made these people, the more they looked at it, the more surprised they became.

"What does the sect master mean by this?"

"That's right, who else will help us solve these problems at present, I can't see through it at all."

"But now that the sect master has said so, it seems that there is indeed such a possibility. With

the people around him, they didn't forget to say it here.

Li Qiang is very curious.

"Sect Master, let's briefly reveal it.

"Don't play dumb riddles with all of us, you won't be able to guess it."

As Li Qiang finished speaking, this made Han Shaofeng feel quite interesting the more he looked at it.

However, looking at the eyes, Han Shaofeng was very calm.

"I think Kim in will come. "

Jin Ren,

this name represents the pride of the Five Elements Sect.

At this moment, when other people heard this, the more they looked at it, the more shocked they felt.

"Is the sect master serious, is the Jin Lao Conference coming?"

"It should be, haven't you seen that the sect master is like this now, it seems that he should have gotten the news in advance."

"Actually, now it seems that since this is the case, then let's not worry, let's wait here first."

With the eyes in front of

them, these people said one after another.

Originally, the others were still a little anxious.

But now, they watched quietly.

Han Shaofeng suddenly didn't know what he should say.

But now, in fact, in Han Shaofeng's opinion, I hope his guess is right.

Otherwise, it's really hilarious.


And the door of the Wang family was suddenly opened.

However, to everyone's surprise.

The person standing in front of him at this moment was not Han Shaofeng, but another man.

When everyone looked at the man, they still had puzzled expressions on their faces.

"It's strange, why isn't it Han Shaofeng.

While the men were still talking, one of them pointed to the strange man.

"Boy, who are you, this is the Wang family, dare to trespass, and there is no mercy for killing.

As these Wang family guards finished speaking, at this moment, the man in front of him lightly spit out two words from the corner of his mouth.

"Jin Ren. "

Kim In, his name.

Others, when they heard this, subconsciously looked in front of them.

For the current things, in fact, they don't dare to think about it at all.

But then, nothing else really matters.

And at this moment, these guards of the Wang family suddenly reacted.

"God, isn't he one of the five masters of the Five Elements Sect. "

Yes, the rumored god-like existence, but how did he come here

?" "But since the matter has come to this, then what should we do next?"

"What else can we do, fight with him." At

this moment, with these people in front of you, you are saying a word, and you don't forget to say it in front of you.

The more it is now, in fact, for the time being, how exactly are you going to do such a thing.

In fact, the more these people look at it, the more they feel quite clear.

However, in front of him, Jin Ren at this time felt more and more that from now on, none of these people should be let go.

"Hmph, your Wang family, you dared to deal with our Five Elements Sect at the beginning, this time, I want you to pay for your blood debts and blood!" As

these people followed, they didn't forget to speak.

After all, in the future, in fact, all of them have completely made up their minds to let go.

Since they have to do it now, it is better for them to do it simply, otherwise, for them, they always feel like they are suddenly lacking something.

And at this time, Jin Ren's gaze moved, falling in front of him, and the killing intent on his face became more and more obvious.

Even so, for now, I won't talk about anything else, but this time, no matter what, these things are actually necessary to be dealt with thoroughly.

At this moment, Jin Ren said angrily: "What about the head of the Wang family, let him get out and die quickly!"

When Jin Ren's words came out, for the current things, in fact, Jin Ren has completely made up his mind now.

Since it is going to be done now, then this matter should be done quickly no matter what.

And in front of Jin Ren, the people around him looked like they were all settled here.

It was Jin Ren who smiled proudly: "Since you don't come out, then I will personally go to meet your family master." "

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