"Haha, worthy of being the sect master.

At this time, Zhao Tianlong saw this and said very excitedly.

Not only Zhao Tianlong, but even other people around him, when they saw this, in fact, all of them were also emotional.

Han Shaofeng was alone, and he was about to rush over directly.

Such a discovery gave this side an illusion.

That's what it's all about here, and it's so scary.

Even now that they have seen it, they don't know where to start for a while.

As for Han Shaofeng, he subconsciously looked at the eyes.

The more the situation is now, in fact, Han Shaofeng is completely complete, and he doesn't think that what can be changed now.

"It's just a pity.

"Now you, even if you have completely made up your mind and let it go, it is actually useless at all. Slowly

, with Han Shaofeng looking in front of him.

The more this is the case, at this time, the other guards of the Wu family all looked at it with gritted teeth.

For them, the more they looked at it, the more they felt that all this that Han Shaofeng showed was really terrifying.

"Damn, this damn bastard can't help but take himself too seriously.

"That's right, in fact, if you want me to say, now is a good opportunity, let's all work together and kill him directly."

"These things, in fact, are even more inevitable when you think about it now. Slowly

, with the people around him, they didn't forget to speak in front of them.

The more so, the more such things are here.

There is no doubt that in fact, the more these people look at it, the more touched they become.

As for Han Shaofeng, he is very calm.

"Haha, in that case just now, you didn't kill me, now, do you think it will be useful?"

Han Shaofeng's words made those people in the Wu family all stop.

They gradually discovered that these things were actually things that they had not considered now.

But then, what should they do about it?

In fact, they don't have a solution now.

But seeing this, at this moment, Han Shaofeng himself didn't care about this.

"It's just that you really think that what you have done will really be useful to me?"

Han Shaofeng knew that this time, he would deal with the last family of the third echelon.

Naturally, it would be very difficult, but he had no idea that it would become so tricky.

Of course, when you think about these things now, it's not so important at all.

Because next, in Han Shaofeng's view.

At the critical moment, in fact, it is necessary to hurry up and solve all these things.

It's just that, in fact, here, after the other people of the Five Elements Sect saw this scene, their faces were even more indescribably proud.

Such a thing, in fact, really falls in front of them, for them, it is just a simple and simple little thing.

"Haha, do they really think that just like that, they can resist us

?" "Don't you all think that it seems very ridiculous to be like this

?" "It's true, in fact, now, I've completely felt it, but what are we going to do

with them?" "Yes, that's right, so next, our primary purpose is to take advantage of this time to catch them all." Along

with the other people of the Five Elements Sect, they were all excited, and they said here.

As for Han Shaofeng, he looked at the things in front of him with a calm face.

In fact, from now on, there is nothing else to say.

Now that the matter has come to this, then the next thing is to wait here to watch the show.

In front of Han Shaofeng, these people gritted their teeth, and in the end they were defeated and retreated.


At this time, Wu Dinggang had already learned the news.

However, Wu Dinggang himself gritted his teeth even more.

"Damn, how is this possible?"

Logically speaking, all this was not supposed to be this way.

Therefore, in Wu Dinggang's view, there must be some kind of misunderstanding among them.

However, the people around him are swearing.

"Master, it's all true, they're about to rush in.

When the people around Wu Dinggang were talking here, Wu Dinggang at this time took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Hey, what about you people, why haven't you arrived yet?"

"If you don't come, I'm going to die." "

Wu Dinggang's current appearance looks like he is about to go completely crazy.

Those people around him, when they saw Wu Dinggang like this.

In fact, all of them don't know what to say now.

But there is one thing, in fact, that is also understood by all of them.

So at this critical moment, all of them are no matter what, don't disturb Wu Dinggang.

As for this, it is the most correct decision.

It didn't take long for Wu Dinggang's face to bring a trace of excitement.

"Haha, they're coming soon.

Wu Dinggang's words can be regarded as a shot in the arm in the hearts of others.

Originally, everyone who was already desperate was even more motivated at this time.

"What is the Five Elements Sect, in the face of absolute strength, all of them are in vain.

"That's right, if you have any ability, just take it out, anyway, now, it's their last chance." "

Haha, that's a good thing to say, so let's just wait and see what they do."

"Kill them, these are things we must do now. With

these people around him, they didn't forget to say in front of them.

Now that things have come to this, then for the present things.

In fact, in the hearts of all of them, they have roughly understood why they have to do this when they are so good.

Slowly, the more it is now, in fact, when these people are looking at the front of them.

In the hearts of all of them, they are completely holding their breath.

How could all of them miss such a good opportunity?

And now, Wu Dinggang was even more proud.

"Han Shaofeng, and your Five Elements Sect, aren't you very arrogant?"

"Then, I really want to see and see how long you can be arrogant!"

As Wu Dinggang finished speaking, the people around him nodded their heads again and again.

This is actually what all of them want to talk about the most at the moment.

So, these people flocked to it.

In the depths of their hearts now, there is only one thought left.

That is, no matter what, kill Han Shaofeng and the Five Elements Sect completely.

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