Wu family, the head of the family, Wu Dinggang, subconsciously looked in front of him.

This kind of thing, I have to say, made Wu Dinggang himself more and more unexpected.

After all, how could Wu Dinggang have expected

this? But since the matter has come to this point, how do we plan to solve these things next?

In fact, in such a situation, at a critical moment, it is still necessary to do it to the end.

Otherwise, it always feels like something is lacking too much.

Seeing this, Wu Dinggang frowned at this time.

"How can this, how can it be so dignified, and suddenly become like this?"

When Wu Dinggang finished speaking, the people around him became more and more depressed the more they looked at it.

In fact, now, none of them can say why it has become like this.

And, to all of them, all of them seemed to have happened too suddenly.

If now, let them find a way to solve this matter.

In fact, they don't have a good way now.

So these are actually the most embarrassing places for them now.

Slowly, just subconsciously looking at the eyes.

The more this is the case now, the next step is how to solve it.

In fact, here, Wu Dinggang's whole heart was full of anger.

And Wu Dinggang's side, the other people of the Wu family, in fact, are not much better at all.

"It's over, now what should we all do?"

"That's right, what exactly should I start with, this is completely unexpected.

With the people around him, they didn't forget to speak in front of them.

After all, this point, in fact, is not very easy for all of them to deal with.

But the more it is now, Wu Dinggang at this time, deep in his heart, is completely holding his breath here.

"Hmph, it's just that if you really think that our Wu family is capable of this, it would be a big mistake. Wu

Dinggang is completely holding his breath here.

So far, the only way to do this is to use the killer weapon.

In Wu Dinggang's view, this kind of thing is completely necessary.

However, just when Wu Dinggang was about to make up his mind about it.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from not far away.

"The head of the family, the big thing is not good, our industry has been swept away. "

What's the situation?

These words are like a bolt from the blue for the time being.

Even here, these people are looking at them in unison.

The more this is the case now, in fact, how to solve this problem.

There is nothing else to talk about.

And the more now it is, see here at the same time.

Wu Dinggang's whole person was completely panicked.

"This, how can this be?"

Wu Dinggang suddenly retreated a few steps towards the back.

At this moment, Wu Dinggang even felt that his whole person was more than ten years old.

This kind of thing happened too suddenly.

Even after Wu Dinggang saw it now, he still had to say.

In such a situation, it is absolutely unguardable.

And by Wu Dinggang's side, the people around him became more and more excited the more they watched.

"Family master, what's going on, what should we do now?"

"That's right, this is really a headache, we must come up with a solution at the moment."

"But the question is, this kind of thing has completely happened, how can we all solve it?"

With the people around him, he didn't forget to say it in front of him.

After all, next, this point is actually very headache.

And Wu Dinggang is actually the most depressed of them.

"It's not right, it's very wrong.

When Wu Dinggang looked at him, at this time, his brows furrowed slightly.

The people around them, when they saw Wu Dinggang's appearance, they all became more and more curious.

After all, all of this is completely unexpected.

But if nothing else is said for the time being, how can it be unclear in the hearts of all of them?

Since we must now see through to the end, there is no doubt that these things, no matter what, must not be taken lightly.

Such a thing, looking at it now, at a critical moment, in fact, it is necessary to increase efforts.

Otherwise, it will always feel like something is missing all of a sudden.

Slowly, just looking at the situation.

The more it is now, in fact, for these things.

All of them have already made up their minds.

"The head of the family, anyway, it's already so passive, otherwise let's all give it a go

, right?"

"That's right, taking advantage of the present, if you can firmly grasp such a good opportunity, then no matter what, it's absolutely okay."

"That's right, does this need to be said, no matter how entangled you are now, in fact, the final result is always the same. And

the more so, in fact, in the eyes of all of them.

Next, how do you plan to solve this problem?

Such a thing, in itself, is completely there.

The more so, in fact, now we look at what we plan to do in such a situation.

In fact, in their opinion, no matter what, they must not be taken lightly.

Since the matter has come to this, no matter what you say, such a thing must be dealt with quickly.

Otherwise, just forget it, in fact, it will always make people unwilling.

However, Wu Dinggang seems to have completely made up his mind about these things now.

"But that's what you're all right.

"If we continue to spend it here, then when the time comes, I am afraid that the consequences will be unimaginable.

When Wu Dinggang said in front of him, the more this was the case, the more excited the people around him became.

As for what exactly should be done at the moment.

In fact, such a thing, in itself, is already completely here.

As for what exactly is going to be done next.

In fact, it is completely on the surface.

But if you think about it, let's not say anything else for the time being.

But the more so, in fact, from the current point of view, how should such a thing be solved.

In fact, in the hearts of all of them, they are already eager to try.

And what should we do next in the face of these current situations?

In fact, in the eyes of all of them, the current point itself is completely necessary, and a thorough handling is the key.

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