"Sect Master, the two hall masters, Ren Tanglong and Zhao Tianlong, are back. The

people from the Five Elements Sect around him reported to Han Shaofeng.

Han Shaofeng, on the other hand, waved his hand to this side.

"In that case, let them in. In

fact, in Han Shaofeng's expectations, this time he will definitely not return empty-handed.

As for the end, how much will be gained?

So for now, it's still unknown.

Everything has to wait until the time comes.

It's just that Han Shaofeng is still secretly thinking about these things here.

At this moment, Han Shaofeng subconsciously looked in front of him.

Take your time, treat these things at the moment.

In fact, Han Shaofeng himself, how could it be, he didn't know how to deal with it better.

The more it is now, in fact, at the same time as Han Shaofeng looks at what is in front of him.

At this moment, Han Shaofeng's face was filled with a playful smile.

"It's kind of interesting, but now, it doesn't seem like it's enough.

When Han Shaofeng subconsciously looked at these in front of him.

At this moment, Han Shaofeng himself didn't care about this.

Slowly, I just subconsciously looked at the front of me.

At this moment, Han Shaofeng's face was filled with a playful smile.

"Now that the matter has come to this. "

Then how is the effect of such a thing?" Han

Shaofeng asked, Zhao Tianlong was very happy.

"Sect Master, this time, we have completely won a big victory.

"It turns out that they are not prepared at all.

When Zhao Tianlong said to Han Shaofeng, Han Shaofeng had a clear look.

As expected, this incident was similar to what Han Shaofeng expected.

And Han Shaofeng's side, the other people from the Five Elements Sect were also excited.

"Great, I didn't expect it to go so well.

"Yes, but looking at it now, it's really exciting.

"Since the matter has come to this, then we don't have anything to worry about next, right?"

The more so, the people around looked at the eyes one after another.

After all, next, what are you going to do about such a thing?

Actually, I won't say anything else for the time being, at least this point is completely here.

Slowly, little by little, I began to look in front of me.

At least here, the other issues are actually nothing at all.

And the more so, while seeing this side.

At this moment, Han Shaofeng said lightly.

"Everyone, let's be calm.

"Actually, these things are nothing.

When Han Shaofeng said in front of him, the more so, in fact, he treats these things at present.

Han Shaofeng's face was filled with a playful smile.

So far, this kind of situation is actually pure, and it is just a small thing.

So, when Han Shaofeng saw this.

Obviously, in fact, Han Shaofeng himself is not worried about these at all.

"Sect Master, then do we need to continue to pursue with victory?"

With Ren Tanglong beside him, he couldn't help but speak.

As for Han Shaofeng, while looking at the front, he didn't forget to continue to say it here.

"It's just that from the current point of view, such things are not of much use at all.

"Now, let's take a break and wait for the information from Duan Tianya.

After Han Shaofeng's words were finished, the people around him came back to their senses.

In fact, there seems to be no problem at all.

And now, these people are actually very self-aware.

They were able to achieve the success they are doing now.

Actually, it's thanks to those brothers of the divine thorn.

If it weren't for the information they provide, they might have won.

However, it definitely won't be that simple.

And at this time, Zhao Tianlong still said.

"But Sect Master, before that, I got a message.

"It is said that the people of the Wu family are ready and plan to attack us at any time.

When Zhao Tianlong's words came out, it was obvious that it made others in an uproar.

What, are they playing so hard?

Now, even they don't know what to say.

At this moment, Zhao Tianlong subconsciously looked in front of him, and there was a hint of indescribable playfulness on his face.

"But Sect Master, we've already been prepared for a long time.

"If the people of the Wu family come again, we will definitely be able to catch turtles in the urn."

When Zhao Tianlong finished speaking, Han Shaofeng waved his hand here.

"No, if they want to come, give it to them.


Shaofeng's words made others very curious and puzzled.

However, it was Han Shaofeng who revealed his plan and inventory.

At this moment, even those people around him were completely shocked at this moment.

In fact, none of them thought that the development of things would become like this.

For this matter, all of them still gave a thumbs up.

"Gao, the sect master's move is indeed high.

"Of course, as long as we wait for them to come in, then when the time comes, we will let them know what the fate of offending us is.

"But for now, you're going to need some tools.

As they spoke, Han Shaofeng waved his hand to this side.

"It's nothing, it's all trivial.

Han Shaofeng said in front of him, and at this moment, they are looking forward to it more and more, and when the time comes, they can completely solve these things.

It's just that here, the current Tang Feng, in fact, is thinking about more than that.

Because then, in the midst of this, there is a more important link that has not been resolved.

At this moment, Han Shaofeng watched and did not forget to say in front of him.

"If nothing else, these things, in fact, seem to me to be of little use at all.

When Han Shaofeng looked in front of him, the more so, in fact, it looked like Han Shaofeng.

Anything else, on the contrary, there is nothing to say for the time being.

And the more so, such a thing, what are you going to do next.

In fact, Han Shaofeng himself is much clearer the more he looks at it.

And that's just the case, in fact, Han Shaofeng has completely held his breath next.

In such a situation, it is imperative to do it to the end.

Only in this way can we solve these things thoroughly.

This point, in fact, has become much more expected in the hearts of all of them.

Looking at him, Han Shaofeng suddenly laughed.

"But it's nothing, these things, in fact, don't matter at all now.

"Anyway, hurry up and get ready to go." "

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