"If that's the case, I do, you see.

When Han Shaofeng said this, he handed over one of the documents.

When Li Qingyi saw this, it was obvious that she was still very surprised.

"You, but you're the lifeblood of the Gao family.

"It's just, how did you get this?"

For the current situation, Li Qingyi didn't dare to think about it at all.

But, here.

As for Han Shaofeng, he shrugged his shoulders and looked completely noncommittal.

Such a thing, in fact, in Han Shaofeng's eyes, is nothing at all.

After all, these may be very difficult for others.

And Han Shaofeng is a person with a system.

So now, Han Shaofeng can easily solve these things.

And beside Han Shaofeng, others were staring at these in front of them.

In fact, next, the hearts of all of them were more and more touched.

After all, these now, in fact, these tolerances, are getting more and more excited.

"Great, now we've all got all of that in mind.

"That's right, it looks like we all have a firm grip on all of this now.

"It looks like this, but in fact, I won't say anything else for the time being, let's hurry up."

As the people around them finished speaking, they were all more eager to try.

However, Han Shaofeng waved his hand.

"No, if you make such a rash move, I'm afraid that you will be startled.

Han Shaofeng's words made others suddenly realize.

"But, if that's the case, do you plan to go out in person?"

Li Qingyi subconsciously looked at Han Shaofeng and couldn't help but say.

But in Han Shaofeng's view, for such a thing as this.

In fact, Han Shaofeng doesn't care about these now.

"It's just that the way it is now, it's not enough at all.

At this time, Han Shaofeng subconsciously began to look in front of him.

Obviously, how should this be addressed?

In fact, in Han Shaofeng's view, he still said directly.

"So now, we still have to divide the army into two ways.

"Only then can we get this thing done once and for all."

With Han Shaofeng's words, this moment, for others, it was really quite shocking.

This point, in fact, the more they look at it, the clearer it becomes.

Li Qingyi was very worried: "But in this case, wouldn't you be very dangerous?"

After all, Li Qingyi didn't want Han Shaofeng to fall into such a dangerous situation.

Here, though.

Han Shaofeng smiled faintly: "Actually, now, if you do this, it's not enough at all."

When Han Shaofeng looked in front of him little by little, Han Shaofeng was more or less helpless about these things at present.

However, just when Han Shaofeng made up his mind to do so.

As for the other tolerances around me, I was very surprised.

"Yes, in that case, Mr. Han, you are in danger.

"Otherwise, let's all help together, the big deal is that this mission has failed."

"All in all, Mr. Han must not be in danger. With

the people around him, they all swore to say here.

But at this time, Han Shaofeng still waved his hand here.

What are you kidding, how could Han Shaofeng be because of himself.

What makes all this here seem so passive?

So, in Han Shaofeng's view.

In any case, it is important to dispose of it as quickly as possible.

Seeing this, Han Shaofeng behaved very casually.

"Well, for now, you don't have to.

"And it doesn't matter at all when you do it.

Han Shaofeng's words came out, obviously, for the current things.

In the hearts of others, the more they look at it, the more they feel that it is very clear.

"You have to do it, don't worry about me.

"Besides, you guys go faster, and when the time comes, everyone can be together."

Han Shaofeng's expression was firm, and it gave people a sense of undoubtedness.

At this moment, even these people in front of them, all of them fell into hesitation.

But if you think about it, it seems that this is the only way to do it now.

So, these people nodded again and again.

Now that the matter has come to this, Li Qingyi is no longer inked.

"Well, now, we must all hurry up and prepare.

When Li Qingyi finished speaking, the people around him were somewhat helpless.

But now, that's it.

Then that's all it can be.


At this time, Gao Jiang stared at the Gao family.

In his heart, he was still secretly thinking about this matter.

Next, what should all this be done?

In fact, deep in their hearts, they are even more eager to try.

Especially on the bright side, in such a situation, it is imperative that we must breathe a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, such a thing still looks a big difference.

Slowly, look in front of you.

At this time, Gao Jiang continued to speak in front of him.

"Haha, Five Elements Sect, and those tolerances.

"They're really too self-righteous right now. "

However, for Gao Jiang.

Now he has actually planned it a long time ago.

So what exactly are you going to do with it?

In fact, Gao Jiang has now fully considered it.

"Hmph, I don't believe in evil. "

Don't you want to keep playing, well, I'll be waiting for you here now!"

Obviously, for these things that are currently being encountered.

In fact, in Gao Jiang's view, deep down in his heart, how could he not understand?

Since he has met him here now, he will play to the end anytime and anywhere.

At this moment, Gao Jiang's eyes were staring at him.

Now, on the contrary, he is not too worried about such a thing.

Now that it has been fully encountered.

Then there is nothing else to worry about.

Rather than that, let's start now and have some fun here.

Seeing this, Gao Jiang was even more proud at this time.

"But now, such a thing is completely secondary. After

all, now, Gao Jiang's heart is still secretly pondering these here.

From the current point of view, everything is completely here.

So next, Gao Jiang's heart is secretly planning all this here.

As for such a thing, what exactly are you going to do next?

In fact, Gao Jiang still feels it more and more.

From now on, the top priority is to focus on this part and completely solve these things.

Therefore, it is important to deal with such situations quickly.

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