"It's just, Gao family, aren't you really worried?" Li

Qingyi said this matter to Han Shaofeng on the phone.

But the more this is the case, Han Shaofeng behaves very casually.

Is this kind of thing really important?

Actually, in Han Shaofeng's opinion.

At present, there are not enough of these.

"Gao family, that's it.

"Besides, no matter who it is, I will never compromise.

When Han Shaofeng finished speaking to this side, it was obvious that for the next thing.

In fact, Han Shaofeng is completely expected now.

After all, this is the case in itself.

As for what exactly is going to be done next.

In fact, from the point of view of its own extent, this is completely expected.

Looking at the things in front of him, Han Shaofeng was very calm at this time.

"But for now, there is nothing else to say.

"Now that you have made up your mind to do this, you must hurry up in this matter.

When Han Shaofeng finished speaking to this side, the other people from the Five Elements Sect were already eager to try.

"Sect Master, don't worry, all of us can't wait for a long time. "

That's it, what is a small Gao family?"

"Over the years, these old Jinling families have become more and more excessive. As

the people around him did not forget to say.

At this time, Han Shaofeng was already completely in his eyes.

Is this really important?

Actually, strictly speaking, maybe it is.

However, if it is really true.

In fact, such a thing is worthless at all.

So, in Han Shaofeng's view.

What are you going to do next?

In fact, Han Shaofeng's heart is much more familiar than others.

Slowly, I looked at these.

At this moment, Han Shaofeng didn't care.

"It's just that if that's the case, it doesn't make much difference at all.

When Han Shaofeng saw these things in front of him, there was no doubt that such a thing should be done.

In fact, there is nothing else to talk about at all.

Now that things have come to this, then for the present things.

In fact, in their hearts, they are very concerned about this.

And the more this situation is now, the more we actually treat these things at present.

In their hearts, they have already begun to look forward to it.

Looking at this scene, Han Shaofeng continued to talk at this time.

"However, the task of all of you is also very heavy.

"Take advantage of this time to find out the situation of the Gao family for me. When

the time comes, Han Shaofeng can decide whether to really start or not.

Therefore, the people of the Five Elements Sect, in fact, what they are doing now is actually very crucial to Han Shaofeng now.

And at this time, in Han Shaofeng's mind, a voice sounded.

"The upgrade was successful, and the top secret information of the Gao family was obtained, as well as two Gao family mansions. When

he saw this, in fact, Han Shaofeng was a little confused in his heart now.

It's just a good end, what do you do with this?

But soon, Han Shaofeng's thoughts became even more dissipated.

"I didn't expect it to be like this!" At

this moment, the people around them, all of them, didn't know how to answer for a while.

After all, these things, although on the surface, are indeed what they are.

But for some reason, for all of them, it is still full of threats.

However, here, Han Shaofeng is very calm.

"This thing, take a look, will it help you!" As

Han Shaofeng took the thing out, the others came over to take a look.

But when these people looked closely.

Obviously, now, all of them are a little surprised.

"This, oh my God, is this.

"As long as you have this, then you can completely control them."

"Of course, when the time comes, we all need to worry about so much, what are we going to do?"

Obviously, this kind of thing, how to solve all this next.

In fact, in the eyes of all of them, so far, this kind of thing is much better than imagined.

And the more so, in fact, here.

Han Shaofeng himself didn't care so much.

"It's not interesting.

"Having said that, even if you really toss like this, do you think

that's all?"

Han Shaofeng's target was to investigate all this.

It's not just for such a small profit.

And beside Han Shaofeng, Zhao Tianlong nodded and said.

"Sect Master, don't worry, I will try my best to keep an eye on these things.

"When the time comes, if there is any news here, I will report it as soon as possible. Hearing

that Zhao Tianlong had already said this, Han Shaofeng's heart was even more relieved.

In fact, now, the current matter has been almost resolved.

As for the rest, let's dwell on it now.

If you think about it, in fact, it doesn't matter anymore.

As for Han Shaofeng, he still didn't forget to say it.

"These old families are not so easy to fool.

"So, when you go to investigate, no matter what, you must be more careful!" When

Han Shaofeng said, the people around him nodded again and again.

"Although the sect master can rest assured, these are just small meanings.

"That's right, of course, otherwise what are we doing so much here?"

"But at this level, all of this is completely under our control.

"Next, the end of the Gao family has arrived. The

people around the Five Elements Sect became more and more excited the more they talked.

This kind of thing, in fact, is very much expected by all of them.

After all, next, these things are already completely there.

As for here, these problems are actually completely presented there.

And in the treatment of these, Han Shaofeng behaved very indifferently.

"It's nothing, these are just minor problems when you think about it.

Seeing this, at this moment, Han Shaofeng's face brought a playful smile.

After all, if you think about it, it's completely expected.

So then, let's not say anything else for now, at least for now, it's still important to be fast.

You must let the other party have no power to fight back.

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