There was nothing to say all night, and early the next morning, Han Shaofeng's face brought a smile.

After all, how to solve such a thing.

In fact, how could Han Shaofeng's heart not be clear?

Just looking at the front of him, at this moment, Han Shaofeng's face had a hint of playful smile.

"What's the matter, you look, you seem to be nervous. After

yesterday's close contact with Tang Lingyue, the relationship between Han Shaofeng and Tang Lingyue has warmed up rapidly.

As for Tang Lingyue, her cheeks were slightly red.

But it was still very fast, and I reacted.

"Actually, of course I'm nervous, even though you got those shares, but if we want to win, the odds are still too small. "

I'm worried, they will be unfavorable to us when the time comes!" When

Tang Lingyue's beautiful eyes moved and looked at Han Shaofeng, she couldn't help but say.

However, for Han Shaofeng, he is actually very indifferent.

"It's okay, come and come, whoever is afraid of whom.

"And, you have to have faith in me, I've arranged everything.

After Han Shaofeng finished speaking, the more people around him looked at the current matter, the more interesting they became.

And when the people around them saw this, they all looked like they were talking here.

"Rest assured, Chairman, we will definitely support you.

"Of course, if they want to come, just come.

"That's right, even if they are coming, then we don't need to be afraid of them.

With Han Shaofeng beside him, the others were very excited to say here.

In fact, for Han Shaofeng, he didn't think that there would be anything wrong at all.

"Don't worry, it's all under my control, you don't need to worry about these things.

Han Shaofeng said again that this made Tang Lingyue beside him feel a different feeling.

If she didn't know, Han Shaofeng's true identity was the owner of Xingyue Bar.

So now, Tang Lingyue won't feel that there is any problem.

"Perhaps, he really has a way.

Tang Lingyue's beautiful eyes blinked slightly, turned to look at Han Shaofeng, and thought secretly in her heart.

But at this moment, a security guard outside quickly ran in.

"Chairman, it's a big deal, those shareholders are all here. "

This matter, in fact, Tang Lingyue had already thought about it before.

But now, with Han Shaofeng's support by Tang Lingyue's side, she is not worried at all.

"It's okay, since they're coming, these things can't be avoided by themselves.

"Since that's the case, then just come!" When

Tang Lingyue looked at the eyes, at this time, Tang Lingyue's face showed an indescribable seriousness.

After all, next, such a thing, in fact, for Tang Lingyue, will need to face sooner or later.

So now, in fact, she doesn't care.

As for Han Shaofeng, he has been looking forward to this scene for a long time.

And just now, Han Shaofeng had already dialed that number.

It is estimated that when the time comes, some people are willing to solve this matter.

But then, don't worry too much about that.

"All in all, since you've already met here, let's go and solve the problem here. "

Don't say so much, let's go!" Han

Shaofeng waved his hand and said to his side.

Around me, in the hearts of other people, there were still some worries.

But now that they have said this, their hearts are even more indifferent.

Now that the matter has come to this, there is no doubt about it.

Instead of dwelling on these here, it is better to do something about it at this time.

"Okay, don't dwell on it so much, they're coming.

Han Shaofeng said, and everyone looked at it.

Not far away, Jiang Shidong walked in the front.

Others followed him, looking confident.

However, for Han Shaofeng, it is more and more interesting.

"Let you first, and then be proud for a while, and then you will know how to write the word regret.

When Han Shaofeng thought secretly, Jiang Shidong was very arrogant.

"Here, I thought you were going to buy a plane ticket and get ready to run away.

When Jiang Shidong said here, for Han Shaofeng, he smiled.

"You didn't run, what do I need to run. "

Two people, there is a feeling of needle to wheat.

However, Tang Lingyue said seriously.

"Alright, now that everyone is here, let's have a meeting.

As Tang Lingyue finished speaking, everyone else sat down.

This time, there will be a general meeting of shareholders, so naturally, it is urgent.

And Jiang Shidong's side, others said.

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry, we are all on your side. "

That's right, this time, you can definitely become the chairman of Datang International.

"Of course, when Mr. Jiang leads us together, Datang International will reach a new height at that time. "

It's not all started yet, but look at the people in front of you.

I don't know, I thought that Datang International's shareholders' meeting had been successfully concluded.

And Jiang Shidong has been officially elected as the new chairman.

It's just these, put in front of him, Han Shaofeng doesn't feel anything.

"Since all of you want to see it so much, then next, the election of the new chairman of Datang International has officially begun.

As Tang Lingyue finished speaking, those around her began to vote.

"I support Mr. Jiang.

"I also support Seto.

As these people spoke, Jiang Shidong waved his hand, looking like he was completely victorious.

But at this moment, an untimely voice came.

"I support Tang Dong. This

voice is none other than Jiang Aofeng.

At this time, Jiang Shidong was very surprised.

"Jiang Aofeng, what the hell are you doing, you actually dare to support Tang Lingyue

?" Jiang Shidong said, Han Shaofeng, but couldn't help laughing: "What's the matter, do you want

to intimidate?" "It's just that you can't compete with others and intimidate, isn't this good?"

Han Shaofeng said, Jiang Shidong originally wanted to say something, but in the end he endured it.

Anyway, in his opinion, even if a few of them defect here, it won't have much impact.

"Haha, I don't care, since you need it so much, then I'll leave it to you.

Jiang Shidong waved his hand and said to this side.

Anyway, no matter how you look at it, his stake here is even higher than Tang Lingyue's.

Tang Lingyue was very nervous, how could this be good

? After all, now that she had reached this point, what should she do next?

In fact, at this moment, Tang Lingyue no longer had much confidence in her heart.

But Han Shaofeng stood up: "I support her!"

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