This time, it was actually arranged by the Zhao family.

Zhao Dong, the head of the Zhao family, looked at this, and there was a hint of abuse in his eyes.

"Han Shaofeng, aren't you very powerful, very capable?"

"Well, I'd love to see what else you can do in such a situation!"

When Zhao Dong said this, for the time being, those people around him saw this.

In fact, they are even more impressed by Zhao Dong's ability.

"The head of the family, high, really high."

"That's right, this kind of ability can't be explained clearly in just a few words."

"But now, it's not the time to dwell on this, the top priority is to solve Han Shaofeng."

With these people around me, you don't forget to say it here.

As for Zhao Dong, the more he looks at such things, the clearer and clearer he becomes.

And Zhao Dong's eyes brought a trace of murderous intent.

"If it weren't for Han Shaofeng, then how could our Zhao family be so fragmented!"

"Did he really think that I would let him go?"

When Zhao Dong's eyes moved, he looked directly to this side.

Let's not say anything else for the time being, but here, for Zhao Dong.

At this time, Zhao Dong looked at it more and more he felt that from now on, such a thing, no matter what, is actually necessary, and it is okay to calculate this account clearly.

And beside Zhao Dong, others saw this.

For such things, in fact, they are looking forward to it more and more now.

As for Zhao Dong, he looked at the people around him.

"How is it, what was arranged by all of you before, how did all of you arrange?"

When Zhao Dong said this, at this time, there was a person next to him.

And this person came to Zhao Dong's side and said very seriously.

"The head of the family, Han Shaofeng, they are already coming."

What the?

This news is like a bolt from the blue for Zhao Dong.

Even Zhao Dong, when he saw this, there was a trace of murderous intent in his eyes.

"Hmph, damn bastard, he's too self-righteous."

"However, in fact, Zhao Dong's appearance is a good opportunity for us!"

Slowly, as Zhao Dong finished speaking.

At this moment, the people around him were looking at the eyes one after another.

After all, looking at it now, how do you plan to solve this problem?

In fact, now they are more and more clear in their hearts.

As for Zhao Dong, he said coldly while watching.

"Let's go down and get ready."

"I don't care what happened to Han Shaofeng and them, now that he is coming, there is only one end for him, and that is certain death!"

When Zhao Dong said in front of him, this made the people around him more serious the more they looked at it.

In fact, from now on, such things have already happened.

But for the other Zhao family's guards.

None of them knew how long they had been waiting.

But now, they've finally waited for this great opportunity.

Now that the matter has come to this, what else do they need to toss around here?

After thinking about this, in fact, for them, what are they going to do next?

In fact, these people's hearts are much clearer than anyone else's.

"There's nothing to say, all of you, go down and make arrangements."

"I'm sure all of you already know what to do!"

Hearing this, the others went down to make arrangements.


At this time, Han Shaofeng made a phone call with Deng Lingxue.

For this side of the matter, in fact, Han Shaofeng probably already knows.

But now, the more so.

As for Han Shaofeng, he lacks skills.

"If this matter had nothing to do with them, I wouldn't believe it."

Han Shaofeng was like this, which made Jin Ren around him more and more angry.

"Sect Master, then what are we waiting for, just fight with them!"

When Jin Ren spoke, many people from the Five Elements Sect around him nodded their heads again and again, completely eager to try.

But from now on, the more this is the case, in fact, in Han Shaofeng's opinion, he is very calm.

"Actually, there's nothing to do at the moment."

"But what, let's let them prepare first, otherwise wouldn't it be very unpleasant to fight?"

When Han Shaofeng said to this side, this moment made the others completely shocked.

In this case, what should they say?

In fact, this point, deep down in the hearts of all of them, is completely incomprehensible.

At this time, when Han Shaofeng saw this, he didn't forget to wave his hand here.

"But right now, it's all a small thing."

"Then again, why do we need to be obsessed with these little details?"

As Han Shaofeng's words came out, this made the people around him stunned.

Soon, though, they came to their senses.

"It seems that the sect master should have already arranged it."

"That's right, in short, let's all follow the sect master directly, that's right."

"Of course, anyway, now that we are all completely out of the way, even if they want to come, then let's all continue to start."

The more so, in fact, looking at the people in front of me, the people around them did not forget to say to this side.

At this time, Mu Yi came here.

"Sect Master, I took a look, and it was exactly the same as what you said."

These words made the people around them look sideways in front of them.

Having said that, what is the situation?

Why did they suddenly make them a little confused about what was going on?

In fact, in the hearts of all of them, they don't know at all how to deal with this kind of thing.

Although the matter has come to this now, this situation actually makes Han Shaofeng feel more and more good.

"Interesting, since all of you have already seen it, then, let's go straight over!"

Han Shaofeng waved his hand and behaved very indifferently.

And with Han Shaofeng's words, for those around him.

In the hearts of these people, how could they not know what to do next.

But now, the more so, in fact, now they are even more eager to try.

And these things have come to this point, and what should we start arranging?

In fact, they know much more in their hearts than anyone else.

Looking at these, Han Shaofeng was very calm at this time.

"Very good, that's the direction, let's go straight on!"

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