Zhao Lin's face changed suddenly, such a thing was definitely a very severe test for him.

But the more it is now, in fact, for Zhao Lin, at this time, he is very anxious.

But here, Han Shaofeng, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more intense.

"Actually, now, then I'll solve you first, and then solve the Zhao family!"

When Han Shaofeng said this, for the time being, Han Shaofeng felt it more and more.

Next, in fact, it is completely necessary to do something at this time.

But Han Shaofeng's words seemed to have something that directly hit the death hole of these people.

Zhao Lin rushed towards Han Shaofeng like crazy, rushing forward and not forgetting to speak.

"Damn, I'm going to kill you!"

"Today, you must die!"

When Zhao Lin said this, it seemed to Han Shaofeng.

In fact, now, Han Shaofeng himself doesn't feel what impact it will have at all.

Just looking at the eyes, Han Shaofeng is active muscles.

"What's the matter, it's been a long time, that's all there is to it?"

With Han Shaofeng's words, for now.

Zhao Lin in front of him, as well as the guards of the Zhao family around him, rushed over quickly like crazy.

After all, what should be done to solve this matter next?

In fact, all of them know more clearly in their hearts than anyone else.

As for Han Shaofeng, he watched it, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more intense.

"Interesting, if that's the case, that's interesting."

"But now you're still too tender."

When Han Shaofeng finished speaking, those people from the Five Elements Sect rushed up one after another.

After all, they also need to be involved in this matter.

So then, these people went crazy and quickly began to come quickly in front of them.

"Hmph, people of the Zhao family, calculate us, do you still think that you can escape this catastrophe?"

"It's impossible, people like them have only one fate, and that is certain death."

"Don't talk nonsense with them, since it's already decided, then next, just make a move!"

Now, with the people around me, you and I don't forget to say it here.

But here, Zhao Lin, he knows that he has to leave from here now.

Otherwise, it will not be a good thing for him to continue to consume.

"Quick, hurry up and retreat!"

Zhao Lin waved his hand and said to the people around him.

However, just as Zhao Lin said this, at this moment, Han Shaofeng, he was very cold.

"Do you think this place is here, come if you want, leave if you want?"

Han Shaofeng's words showed all this vividly.

As for those around, while seeing this.

Obviously, these guards of the Zhao family, as if they had sensed something, began to rush towards the distance even more.

"Boss, run."

As for Zhao Lin, the sweat on his forehead couldn't stop pouring out.

And at this time, Han Shaofeng didn't care so much at all.

"That's interesting, but do you take what I'm saying as a joke?"

"Since I said that you can't escape, then, no matter what, you can't escape from this side!"

When Han Shaofeng's words came out, the people of the Five Elements Sect around him began to approach in front of him.

For the current situation, in fact, they have more expectations than anyone else.

As for Han Shaofeng, he directly choked Zhao Lin's throat.

"It's useless, no matter how much you say now, in fact, the final result is still the same!"

When Han Shaofeng said this, the coldness of the whole person was shown.

It's as if it's about to be swallowed up completely.

The more this is the case, Zhao Lin in front of him is gritting his teeth.

"You will definitely die a very miserable death, and they will never let you go."

Zhao Lin's words had just been spoken, and the whole person fell directly.

As for here, Han Shaofeng is completely sneering at these things.

"Cut, it's been a long time, that's it?"

In fact, in Han Shaofeng's opinion, he didn't take all this too seriously.

After all, all this, in fact, in the final analysis, is still the same.

"Sect Master, it's all done."

The people around him looked at Han Shaofeng and didn't forget to say.

Regarding this matter, Han Shaofeng nodded in agreement.

It's just that, I don't know why, Han Shaofeng always feels that Tuxin is a little weird.

And at this time, in Han Shaofeng's mind, a voice sounded.

"Upgrade successfully and get the antidote to Tuxin!"

When he heard this voice, he looked at Toshin again.

In fact, what Han Shaofeng felt confused about before became clearer and clearer at this moment.

"I didn't expect it to be like this."

"It seems, before this, I seemed to be thinking too much about it."

Slowly, as Han Shaofeng saw this.

At this moment, Han Shaofeng's face was filled with a trace of indescribable playfulness.

However, the more it is now, at this moment, Han Shaofeng is very calm.

"Tuxin Protector, do you have something to hide from everyone?"

Han Shaofeng's words made the other people of the Five Elements Sect all look at Tuxin in unison.

These people from the Five Elements Sect all felt that it was unlikely.

"This, it's impossible, how can the Tuxin Protector have something to hide from us?"

"Yes, who said it wasn't, could it be that the sect master was wrong?"

"However, I think this possibility is still very large."

At this moment, as the people around them finished speaking, they all looked at Tuxin at this time.

Even Jin Ren couldn't help but say: "Tuxin, everyone is a good brother."

"If there is something, don't hold it alone and say it."

"Let's help you solve it together."

When Jin Ren said, Tu Xin, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then, with a bang, it collapsed.

The people of the Five Elements Sect around them were completely dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Because of such a thing, it happened too suddenly.

Even they, at this moment, don't dare to think about it at all.

However, it was here that Mu Yi came here and cut the pulse directly.

Then, Mu Yi's whole face showed a look of surprise.

"Tu believes in him, he has been poisoned, and it is highly poisonous."

"If there is no antidote, then he will surely die."

What the?

This news, for others, is like a bolt from the blue.

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