The Qin family, Qin Pei is planning to use the trump card in his hand.

I think that at the beginning, he used this method to deal with the Five Elements Sect.

And now it has come to the critical moment of the Qin family's life and death.

So Qin Pei plans to use this trump card.

However, just as Qin Pei was about to do this, the Qin family guards beside him quickly ran over.

"Family master, the big thing is not good, those people have attacked our Qin family.

"At present, several industries of our Qin family have all been seriously affected. With

Qin Pei beside him, a Qin family guard was talking here.

At this time, Qin Pei's brows furrowed.

"Is it someone from the Five Elements Sect?" Qin

Pei was a little curious, and asked the people around him.

It stands to reason that the Five Elements Sect is the most likely to do this now.

But here, the people around him shook their heads.

"It's not a person from the Five Elements Sect, it's our own channel troops. "

What's the situation

? It's been a long time, it's still

your own people? It's just now, why do your own people do this?

Qin Pei suddenly felt that he didn't seem to understand it for a while.

So, Qin Pei directly took out his mobile phone and dialed the numbers of those people.

"Hey, what's the situation with you

?" "Why did you attack me at this juncture?"

Qin Pei said, on the other side of the phone, there was a moment of inexplicability.

"Didn't you give the order, why are you so good now, but you still want to ask me?"

What is the situation?

Qin Pei was completely confused when he heard it.

"What did I say

?" "When did I say this?"


Pei said, and on the other side of the phone, he was also very angry.

"Before it was clear, that's what you said.

"As a result, now, I don't admit it, I tell you, not a penny of this money is missing.

When he said on the other side of the phone, Qin Pei almost vomited blood.

My own place was demolished, and now, I still have to take out the money to give it to the person who demolished my side?

Thinking about it like this, I suddenly feel that I am losing blood.

Qin Pei's heart thought of this, and the whole person gritted his teeth even more, and even while looking at this, the whole person was even more angry.

"Bastard, you guys screwed things up yourselves and tried to ask me for money. "

It's just a dream, you don't want to get a penny!" As

Qin Pei said here, the more so, in fact, treat these things at present.

In Qin Pei's heart, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that it was very clear and clear.

And that's just it, in fact, Qin Pei felt that he might have been calculated.

"Family Master, what's wrong?" The

people around him looked at Qin Pei and couldn't help but be a little curious.

At this moment, Qin Pei looked at the people around him and didn't forget to say.

"If I'm not wrong.

"We've been counted now.

When Qin Pei finished speaking, it was obvious that for this matter, how to deal with it next, Qin Pei at this time felt more and more.

Now on, what should be done with this matter?

In fact, Qin Pei has already made up his mind here, and plans to completely let it go.

Slowly, I looked at these.

At this moment, the more the others looked at it, the more angry they became.

"I didn't expect that he would dare to calculate us like this, no matter what, we must get rid of him.

"Of course, otherwise, what are we all waiting for here?"

"Of course, we must kill them, otherwise, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in our hearts." "

Now, there's everything around to talk about.

Especially now that these people are talking, the more excited they become.

As for Qin Pei, he looked at these indifferently.

"Don't bother so much, because it's too late. "

What's the situation?

Qin Pei's words surprised everyone.

What are you going to do with this kind of thing?

In fact, in their opinion, it is really a little unexpected.

But when they got here, the others were curious and looked into the distance.

Soon, they saw that someone was not far away coming this way.

The moment he saw these people, Qin Pei's brows furrowed even more.

"Hmph, it's kind of interesting, I didn't expect that now you still dare to run over. "

Han Shaofeng, is this going to be a break from this?"

When Qin Pei said this, not far away, Han Shaofeng came straight away.

At this time, Han Shaofeng walked forward, but he didn't forget to say directly to this side.

"Now that the matter has come to this, let's put aside nothing else for the time being, let's deal with this matter completely. "

Besides, what your Qin family has done, don't you know in your hearts?"

Han Shaofeng's words made the people in front of him look at each other.

At this moment, these people all held their breath in their hearts.

When Qin Pei looked at Han Shaofeng, he didn't forget to say it.

"Just now, it was you who let those people attack my

Qin family, right?"

Qin Pei still has brains, otherwise it would be impossible to develop the Qin family to such a scale.

However, Han Shaofeng acted very indifferent.

These, for Han Shaofeng, are just small things, and they are not worth mentioning at all.

But at this time, Han Shaofeng didn't care, and while watching, he didn't forget to say it directly to this side.

"That's right, that person is me, so now, do you have anything else you want to say?"

"What's there, you can just say it, anyway, this is your last chance!"

Slowly, as Han Shaofeng's words came out, Qin Pei just felt that his heart was on fire.

After all, looking at it now, how should such a thing be dealt with next.

Qin Pei himself already knew roughly what to do next.

But now, the more this is the case, in fact, in Qin Pei's eyes, these things don't feel anything at all.

"Hmph, you're pretty straightforward.

"However, since you are going to consume it, then I can have a good time with you."

When Qin Pei finished speaking, Han Shaofeng shook his head helplessly.

"It seems that by now, you still don't know the seriousness of the matter.

"Besides, I don't just want to play with you, I want your life!" When

Han Shaofeng's words came out, for the current Qin Pei.

In fact, at this moment, Qin Pei looked at this, and the killing intent in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"Hmph, Han Shaofeng, you bastard, you dare to make trouble here, and you dare to make a big fuss. "

This time, I want you to die without a place to be buried!" When

Qin Pei said to this side, this made Han Shaofeng feel very funny.

"Haha, who do you think you want to kill me?"

"Then let's see if you really have this ability!" Han

Shaofeng's words came out, and it was obvious that he didn't care too much about things like this at the moment.

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