At this time, Li Shengxin's eyes moved, and he subconsciously looked in front of him.

As for the rest, there is not much to say at all.

But when he got here, Li Shengxin watched, and his face was filled with a playful smile.

After all, what should be done with this next?

In fact, in Li Shengxin's opinion, it is clearer than anyone else.

And after watching it for a while, the more Li Shengxin looked at it, the more he felt very funny.

"Even so, but then, this thing is not authentic.

Li Shengxin's words aroused the interest of others around him.

"Door Master, why do you say that?"

If it were them, in fact, what were we waiting for here?

When Li Shengxin's eyes moved, he fell in front of him, and suddenly he didn't forget to say it here.

And as Li Shengxin's words came out, at this moment, in front of him, the people around him looked at him one after another.

There is no doubt that such a thing, how should it be done, in fact, they are very puzzled.

If you use this opportunity to get rid of Han Shaofeng, then when the time comes, won't these be theirs?

And Li Shengxin shook his head.

"No, all of you, you underestimate Han Shaofeng too much, he is definitely not as simple as you think.

"If you want to solve his words, it's not an overnight thing!" When

Li Shengxin finished speaking, the people around him looked at each other.

I don't know why, but now that I look at it, the more they look at it, the more they feel a lot of headaches.

However, in front of Li Shengxin looking at these and Li Shengxin, others were looking at these one after another.

"That sect master, what should we do now?" Li

Shengxin's side, one of them was very curious, and asked here.

Li Shengxin thought about it for a while, but said with certainty.

"Instead of being his enemy, we should hold him down.

"Some things can only be done slowly, and these are inevitable things until you can kill the other person in one go.

As Li Shengxin said this, the people around him looked even more suddenly enlightened.

None of them understood these things before.

But looking at it now, in fact, they have completely understood.

When these people looked at it, they actually knew exactly what to do about such a thing.

But the more these things now, in fact, here, Li Shengxin doesn't care so much.

"However, let's wait and see, if Tan He can get rid of him, it will naturally be better.

"Otherwise, let's all come forward again. When

the others heard Li Shengxin say this, they nodded their heads to this side.

However, when they looked at Li Shengxin again, they admired him even more.


At this time, Han Shaofeng sat there, very calm.

Tang Lingyue's heart was a little puzzled, she looked over here, and asked curiously.

"Strange, Shaofeng, what are you continuing to do here?"

When he heard Tang Lingyue say this, Han Shaofeng waved his hand to this side, not forgetting to say.

"Now, of course, I'm still waiting here.

"They didn't say they were going to give me a good look.

As Han Shaofeng finished speaking, Tang Lingyue took a deep breath in her heart.

So, now, Han Shaofeng plans to stay here and wait for the arrival of Feiyunmen?

I don't know why, Tang Lingyue doesn't know what to say now.

Do you admire Han Shaofeng, or is Han Shaofeng too reckless.

However, at this time, a person not far away walked towards this side.

"You're Han Shaofeng?" the

man was burly, especially when he said that.

It gives people a feeling that this person is going to make a move at any time.

However, the more this situation is now, in fact, in Han Shaofeng's view.

In my own right, I didn't think that what impact would be had at the moment.

Slowly, I was looking at these.

The more so, in fact, here, Han Shaofeng smiled: "Look, what did I say before, didn't they already find it?"

Han Shaofeng's words made Tan He feel it.

Han Shaofeng's move was to look down on him completely.

However, the more it is like this now, Tan He's whole heart has a trace of murderous intent.

All in all, let's not talk about it for now.

When necessary, it should still be necessary to increase efforts to solve the matter here, so that it can be.

When Han Shaofeng looked at these, he was very indifferent.

"It's okay, you can do it.

"Anyway, the end result is actually the same.

With Han Shaofeng's words, for the present, the more Tan He looked at it, the more he felt that such a thing should be dealt with quickly.

And Tan He's speed suddenly accelerated, and he came directly in front of him.

"Hmph, it's too much of a deception, I'll let you know what happened to offending me.

As Tan He spoke, he didn't say a word, and made a decisive move.

However, when Tan He looked at this, Tan He's face had a trace of contempt at this time.

"Cut, they all say that Han Shaofeng is so powerful, but now, in my opinion, there is nothing. When

Tan He said here, how should I deal with such a thing as it is now.

At this time, Tan He himself was very calm.

But for these, Han Shaofeng doesn't care about these.

"It's kind of interesting, but now, no matter how thorough you are, it won't help.

"However, it seems that there are no one in your Feiyun Gate.

Han Shaofeng's words made Tan He's whole person angry.

The people around Feiyunmen were also very angry.

"That's right, I really take myself too seriously. "

Who said it wasn't, what are you still tossing around here now?"

"Don't worry about these things, even if they come now, they are not the opponents of our Feiyun Sect." With

the people around him, they didn't forget to say it here.

Tan He is also very confident.

However, when Tan He came here, he was about to shoot directly at Han Shaofeng.

But here, Han Shaofeng sighed helplessly.

"Alas, you guys are actually not my opponent yet!"

When Han Shaofeng's words came out, at this moment, Han Shaofeng suddenly made a move without saying a word.

And with Han Shaofeng's words, at this moment, Han Shaofeng was a quick blow.

As for Tan He, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person fell to the ground, directly unconscious.

For these, Han Shaofeng didn't think that there would be anything like this.

"Is there anything else?"

"If not, then I'll go first."

When Han Shaofeng saw this, he didn't forget to say.

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