Ten Thousand Races Battlefield: I Have An Infinite Synthesis Bar!

Chapter 79 Defense Of Dawn Territory! Demon Warlock Advances!

Dawn leads the southwest.

Twelve miles away, on a lush tree.

The druid 'Olive' sat on a branch, closed her eyes, and kept in touch with the big tree.

Through the towering tree under him.

She can connect with all the flowers, plants and trees in the two to three hundred meters area of ​​Fang Yuan.

And everything that happened around those flowers and trees is under her impression.

Even a small snake preyed on a mouse more than 200 meters away, she could 'see' in her eyes.

This is the druid's 'spiritual language' ability.

They can see all directions by communicating with trees, flowers and plants.

in the middle of the forest.

Druids are the sons of nature, who can advance, attack, retreat, or defend.

Capabilities will even be greatly enhanced.



Olive's beautiful eyelashes moved.

She sensed a sense of panic from the trees far to the southwest.

Although that was far beyond her perception.

But this panic—

But it came from a large number of plants and trees, so she still felt it.

Just extremely vague.

It is impossible to see why these plants and trees are so panicked.

"There are a large group of creatures passing by, constantly destroying vegetation!"

Olive opened her eyes suddenly.

Although it can't be sensed.

But her experience allowed her to guess.

And a large group of 710 creatures appeared in this place——

There is a high probability that they are coming for them at dawn!

"I'm going to find out the number of enemies!"

A look of firmness appeared on her beautiful face, and after a few jumps, she disappeared into the depths of the forest.

And at the same time—

She also passes trees that are ubiquitous in the forest.

There will be a large group of enemies coming, and the news that she went to investigate the details passed to a companion two miles away.

"Horses of enemies?"

Chen Xi took the lead.

Al's face was serious.

"Master Orr, please inform the gray dwarves and goblins immediately and prepare for defense!"

The druid girl who came back to report the news bowed.

"rest assured."

Orr nodded:

"You inform your partner that everything must be based on your own safety!"

"I will take your words to my companions!"

The druid girl's voice fell, like a vigorous cheetah, jumped out of the territory a few times, returned to the forest and disappeared.

"Go ask Lord Alec and Lord Lindsay to come here!"

he commanded.


Gray dwarf commander Alec and goblin master Lindsay came from outside.

Although they both belong to the Chen Xi collar.

But in the end the race is different, the cultural difference is too big.

There is very little communication between Orr and Alec.

Not to mention the newly summoned goblin master Lindsay, it can be said that there has been basically no communication.

"What's wrong, Al?"

Alec made a sound, with doubts in his eyes.

He is now a hero unit.

There is a majestic aura naturally on his body, just like the natural leader of the gray dwarves.

The light gold beard all over his face, the light gold robe on his body, and the light gold hammer in his hand made him look even more dignified.

Lindsay, the goblin master, also looked at Orr in doubt.

But he didn't speak.

Compared with the two hero units in front of him, he felt that his status was lower.

Hero Units -

No matter what race you belong to, it is an existence worthy of respect!

"There are enemies coming."

"Druids sent news that there should be a large group of enemies coming to us in the southwest direction.

Orr said in a deep voice.

There was a touch of bloodthirsty in his eyes, but also a touch of excitement.


Alec and Lindsay were taken aback.

Both of them felt that the word was a little strange.

After all, whether it is the gray dwarves or the goblins.

I have never walked out of Chenxi collar.

But after all, both of them are silver units, so they accepted it very quickly.

"The lord is not here."

"Al, you have fought with the lord many times, and your combat experience is better than mine. How do you want my gray dwarves to cooperate with the defense?"

Alec expressed his attitude directly.

They are a family of gray dwarves who are never afraid of fighting.

They even think they are descendants of titan.

In addition to forging——

I also love to fight!

"My goblin clan only makes some Common crossbows now."

"However, Clan (chch) people of bronze level and above can display good strength without relying on weapons, and obey the command of Master Orr!"

Goblin Master Lindsay said in a deep voice.

"Wait for the druid to find out the specific strength of the enemy."

Al nodded, feeling a little more relaxed.

He was really worried that the gray dwarves and goblins would not obey his orders.

At that time, the three clans will fight on their own, and it is inevitable to lose sight of the other.

"I immediately summoned the clansmen, and arranged some mistakes in the southwest direction!"

Lindsay hurried away.

"Alec, you are the strongest combat force in the territory.

"At that time, you will directly destroy the enemy's command system!"

Auer looked at Alec, who was not tall but had a much stronger breath than him, and his voice was low.

"rest assured."

"I'll turn them all into coke!"

A murderous look appeared on Alec's face.

The broken elf city.

The five-pointed star of the demon magic circle shines, forming a Jedi of Japanese waste.

Any monster that steps in will be killed.

A strong or light demonic aura rushed out of the corpse, followed the pentagram array, and poured into the body of the demon warlock Circe.

With the influx of a large number of devil breath.

The breath on her body is also rising steadily.

Just when the demon elves of the gold level arrived.

The aura on Circe's body has been strong to a limit, suddenly sublimated!

A stunning black beam of light enveloped Circe.

In the Black beam of light.

Her black hair was flying, her eyes were full of strange lines, and her delicate skin seemed a little transparent.

A more powerful aura rushed out of her.


"It's actually a demon warlock."

"It's an extremely rare job.

"A wizard who can suppress the blood of the devil is really awesome."

The demon elf of the gold level spoke again, and the voice was faint, which made people develop.

Although Li Yue was a little surprised by Circe's promotion.

But at this time, he didn't have time to check the changes in Circe's attributes, and looked solemnly ahead, outside the demon circle.

There came a middle-aged male elf.

Pointy ears, pale face, gorgeous robes, and scarlet eyes.

There is an aristocratic air of nobility all over his body.

at this time--

The demon elf glanced at Circe, and then continued to look at the elf queen Shirley:

"Great elf queen, your appearance makes my blood boil..."

"Maybe if you swallow you, I will also become a great king of elves......"

The voice fell.

A dark and twisted staff appeared in his hand.

There is a scarlet eye at the top of the staff.

A terrifying scarlet light erupted from this scarlet eye.

Then a scarlet beam pierced through the demon circle and blasted straight towards the elf queen Shirley!

(PS: When the new book is released, ask for flowers, rewards, and evaluation votes. If everyone thinks it’s okay, please vote for all the votes in your hands. Author, please!).

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