149. After going through so many absurd things one after another, I finally went crazy.

Joan of Arc.

At the young age of 17, he participated in the Hundred Years War between England and France.

She is a hero who saved the country by leading the French army and a saint of the Roman Catholic Church.

In modern times, Joan of Arc is revered as a co-patron saint of France, standing shoulder to shoulder with Martino of Tours, King Louis IX, and St. Teresa of Lisieux.

In addition, Joan of Arc was considered the most unrealistic person among many great people in the world.

Because everything about her was full of indescribable mysteries and contradictions.


Gyu-ha recalled his first meeting with Joan of Arc when he went through the life of the Dauphin Charles VII.

Chinon Castle was built on a high place where you can overlook the village by crossing the river Bien and the bridge.

It was also the place of the first meeting between Joan of Arc and Charles VII.

At the time, when the succession to the throne was returned to Henry V, King of England due to political obscenity, Charles VII was discouraged and lived in Chinon Castle with his back to the world.

Rumors reach Charles VII that Joan of Arc is coming to meet him.

The distance from Dongremi, where Joan of Arc lived, to Chinon Castle is about 400 km,

The news was that they were running through the streets without stopping.

“hahahahaha, that’s funny. A very interesting thing happened in the boring life here.”

Suddenly, as there was a possibility of being a spy along with the playfulness, Charles VII made the chamberlain Boulencvillet wear his own costume, and he disguised himself in shabby clothes and hid among his subjects.

However, upon arriving at Chinon Castle, Joan of Arc did not give a single glance to the fake king who was sitting on the throne.

I knelt down at Charles VII, who was wearing exactly shabby clothes.

“God Joan of Arc. It is an honor to meet the Crown Prince. I came here after receiving a revelation from God to save France.”

Seeing Joan of Arc looking only at herself without a shadow of a doubt, the courtiers and King Charles VII who were present were all surprised.

“Are you feeling good? Even so, to dare to demand that you hand over military authority to an insignificant farmer’s daughter, you have gone mad even after four years.”

In the eyes of Charles VII, Joan of Arc was a common bobbed-haired girl in the countryside.

In medieval European society, discrimination and prejudice based on class and gender were very strong, so it was impossible to hand over the French military authority to an illiterate young girl who did not know how to write.

Even those who had to take her orders were knights of aristocratic status.

“Your heart to save France is pretty, so I’ll take a look at it, so don’t joke like that anymore. How could I hand over the military power that depends on the fortune of the country to a young girl like you?”

But Joan of Arc never backed down.

“I have a sacred duty to carry out the orders given to me by Archangel Michael.”

At this point, anger gradually began to rise on Charles VII’s face.

“Even if you go crazy for four years, you’re still crazy. If you’re crazy because you want to die, don’t do that. Hello. Cut this bitch’s head right now.”

Then, one of the waiting knights drew his sword.

“I will prove it myself. Please see and judge.”

Joan of Arc holding a nearby wooden stick in her hand.

The guardsman snorted at the sight.

“under! Does that mean you’re going to deal with me now? I’m so dumbfounded that I can’t even say anything.”

But the result is Joan of Arc’s overwhelming victory.

Embarrassed Charles VII attached all the knights of the Royal Guard, but could not touch Joan of Arc’s hair.

“Oh no how? I don’t think I’ve ever held a weapon in my hands…”

“If it is the great power of the Archangel Michael, it is possible. Can you believe me now?”

Charles VII, thinking that she might be a witch, had her interrogated by a priest.

“Her faith is surprisingly deep and vast. You can never be a witch. Rather, you could call her a saint.”

At this point, Charles VII had no choice but to conclude that she was the messenger of God who would save France.

“good night. I will acknowledge you as a messenger of God. France is standing in the face of a crisis anyway. All military authority will be handed over, so please use your authority to save France from the brink.”

After participating in the war, Joan of Arc continued her victories in each battle.

Many miraculous anecdotes are told there.

Being shot by a British officer’s longbow and getting pierced through the neck and shoulder, but jumping back into the battlefield as if nothing happened,

Climbing a ladder, getting hit in the head by a rock thrown by an enemy soldier, but jumping up and climbing the ladder again,

Even jumping off a 21m high castle wall without any injuries.

By performing various miraculous divine acts, he brought hope to his allies and despair to his enemies.

These achievements were recorded in the actual literature at the time, and France and England even cross-checked their respective records, but they all turned out to be true.

Charles VII was able to ascend the French throne thanks to her, but he gradually feels a sense of crisis at Joan of Arc’s growing popularity and influence.

“majesty. Now Joan of Arc must be defeated. It is said that her popularity soared to the sky, and even voices were heard saying that she should be crowned King of France.”

“What? What kind of people dare to say such nonsense?”

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Nervous Charles VII concludes a truce with England and Burgundy to prevent Joan of Arc from winning any more, and begins to take a full-fledged opposition to Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc eventually becomes a prisoner of Burgundy due to the increasingly poor royal material support.

The count of Luxembourg offered Charles VII to pay a ransom and take Joan of Arc, but Charles VII ignored it.

It was because it was a good opportunity to deal with Joan of Arc, who was rather like a thorn in the eye in a situation where the war was also coming to an end.

In the end, Joan of Arc was sold to England, the enemy country, and through heresy interrogation, she was burned at the stake for being a witch.

Joan of Arc holding the cross handed to her by the citizens of Rouen.

“I forgive those who put me to the stake. Foolish me, I will now go to the side of a holy God.”

Despite the terrible pain of being burned alive, Joan of Arc faced death with a reverent attitude, without moving.

The moment she met death, a pure white dove flew up into the sky without a single speck from inside her body.

Afterwards, her remains were inadvertently dumped into the Seine.

This has been officially announced to the world.

“But it is not known to the world that I secretly took her remains.”

Kyu-ha recalled a secret that only he knew that was not known to the world.

Charles VII almost sold Joan of Arc to the enemy.

Since then, things he couldn’t understand, such as suffering from terrible nightmares or suffering from an unknown disease, occurred one after another.

Rumors began to circulate within the palace that the king was cursed by God as Charles VII gradually became haggard.

“It must be a curse for not saving the messenger of God.”

“Shouldn’t we save Joan of Arc now? If she dies, an even greater curse will come.”

When the chamberlain, Vollainville, who heard the whispers of the ladies-in-waiting in the flower garden, became very angry, King Charles VII, who was next to him, dissuaded him with a weak gesture.

“It happened. Leave it alone. Let’s go.”

“Your Highness… It’s my conviction that I didn’t properly control my mouth in the palace. Please kill me.”

Charles VII felt it too.

definitely something is wrong.

When she heard the news that Joan of Arc’s burning was confirmed, her nervousness reached its peak.

“majesty. I am sorry to inform you, but how about this method?”

“What is it, Bollangbiye?”

Charles VII’s ears perked up at the words of his clever and loyal chamberlain, who was at a loss as to what to do.

“The death of Joan of Arc is already irreversible. But she is a messenger of God. Although we couldn’t rescue her due to ‘force majeure’, how about collecting her remains and belongings and burying her in her hometown? And in the future, when the royal family is stable, we will restore her honor again.”

“Ohhh… Such a clever idea.”

On that day, Charles VII secretly sent someone to Father Pierre Cochon to collect her ashes by any means necessary.

“No one should ever know. You have to risk your life. Do you understand?”

“I will definitely complete the mission.”

Pierre Cochon replaced the charred remains of Joan of Arc with others, and her true remains were returned to France.

Charles VII buried her remains and belongings somewhere in her hometown of Dongremi in Lorraine, without anyone knowing.

It was an undisclosed secret to the world that only Charles VII knew.


A rocky mountain near Domremy-Lapucell in northeastern France.

“It’s still the same.”

An old wooden box wrapped in a cloth with the words ‘Relics of St. Joan of Arc of Orléans’ written on it.

Gyuha brushed off the dust that had accumulated in the box.


Inside the box lay a glass jar of bone fragments, a piece of burnt bunting, and a rusty ring.

Charles VII and Joan of Arc, who were a piece of rule.

Even Kyu-ha didn’t expect that the bonds of that relationship would continue to this point, but somehow it seemed like all of this was fate.

Somehow, she lived the life of Charles VII, accidentally obtained Michael’s holy relics, and finally recovered the remains of Joan of Arc, who died because of her.

Could all of this really be a coincidence?

Kyuha shook her head.

“It can’t be.”

Gyuha looked at the remains of Joan of Arc in her hand.


Inside the conference room of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where Raphael and Yvonne were absent for a while.

“If it’s the remains of the saintess Joan of Arc, wouldn’t it be possible to get them all?”

momentary silence.

Han Jeong-hee, not understanding the words that came out of Kyu-ha’s mouth, asked.

“Who? Did I misunderstand… I think I heard Joan of Arc. Oh ho ho”

“Yeah. Yes. Joan of Arc. If it’s her remains, they’ll be treated as holy relics, so can’t we get them all?”

Son Mi-joo reluctantly nodded at Kyu-ha’s words.

“That is true. The problem is only if it is truly harmful. Judging from the nuance now, Mr. Gyu-ha seems to know where Joan of Arc’s remains are, is that correct?”

“Yeah. I know.”

“Oh My God.”

At Han Jeong-hee’s surprise, Son Mi-joo’s face stiffened.

“Mr. Kyuha. This is a matter to be careful about. Bishop Aubert’s records are of course a great cultural asset, but Joan of Arc’s remains are completely different. To France, she is a saint and a hero who saved the country. If you act rashly, you could end up in big trouble.”

“Yes. In Korea, he is on the same level as Admiral Yi Sun-sin. They may even be more sensitive to the case of the fake Joan of Arc’s remains a few years ago.”

When everyone was confused by the sudden outburst of Joan of Arc, Gyuha opened her mouth.

“I know your concerns. But the real remains of Joan of Arc are correct. Proof of this are her keepsakes, too.”

“No, but why did Gyuha-san…?”

Regarding the fundamental question, Gyu-Ha had no choice but to remain silent.

It is not possible to say that he stole the remains himself at that time.

“If Gyuha-san says it so firmly, it must be true.”

Han Jeong-hee, who can be said to know Kyu-ha the best, opened her mouth.

Son Mi-joo just shook her head as if it was nonsense.

“This is nonsense. First of all, how about we get a separate appraisal and then proceed?”

“As the secretary said earlier. What kind of existence is Joan of Arc to France? No matter where you entrust your feelings, rumors will leak out. Then the risk of theft cannot be ignored.”

“Haa… that’s true too. It’s too risky. On the day it turns out to be fake, it could escalate into a diplomatic dispute…”

At that moment, Gyu-ha’s face came into Son Mi-joo’s eyes.

A calm face that shows no agitation.

Wasn’t he the same person in front of a terrorist with a gun?

In Son Mi-joo’s rational mind, a sprout called ‘no way’ has sprouted.

“Ha ha.. I look crazy too. After going through so many absurd things one after another, I finally went crazy.”

Son Mi-ju, who muttered to herself and tore her hair, looked at Kyu-ha once more and said,

“Ha… I don’t know. So let’s assume that the remains are real and proceed with the negotiations again. Everyone will say I’m crazy when they see me, but what can I do? Ha ha ha, it might be really crazy.”

Secretary General Lee Jae-geol, who was listening quietly, nodded in agreement.

“For me, I am very excited just with the hope that Jikji and various cultural assets can be recovered no matter what. I am unconditionally in favor.”

Just in time, Deputy Director Raphael and Yvonne returned to the meeting room.

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