Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 778 - Ice World

Translator: Abyssruler  Editor: Lucas

“You have to have a goal. The ice attribute ability users are still very popular. I hope to rise this time and this is also my last chance to be here.”

Ding dong.

The doorbell rang and cut off Cai Yingmeng’s topic. The door opened to reveal Snow Li and Ai Xiaolu.

“We are staying next door, room 6,” Ai Xiaolu said lightly. She took one look at Cai Yingmeng and smiled. “Hello.”

Cai Yingmeng’s eyes showed excitement. “Classmate Ai Xiaolu, classmate Snow Li, Hello.”

It could be seen that Cai Yingmeng was most probably inclined towards the direction of support. Ai Xiaolu and Snow Li represented the Hail Cloud Alliance, the biggest group of ice attribute ability users.

“Hehe, just call me Ai Xiaolu.” Ai Xiaolu smiled. Since she had taken part, based on her character, she would of course investigate all the participants. This Cai Yingmeng could be considered an old student of the Elite Academy. He had taken part in the planetary trials thrice in a row. She was also quite impressed. She looked around and her gaze landed on Wang Zheng. “Wang Zheng, how about you, have you confirmed the venue for this time’s trial? The Hail Cloud Alliance has three planets, have you decided which one to go to?”

There were quite a lot of people taking part in this round’s Hail Cloud Alliance trials. There were at least a hundred of them. Three planetary trials and they could choose freely any as the starting point.

“Still considering.”

“I’m planning to go to Aisbotan, Wang Zheng do you want to come? That is the most challenging star of the Hail Cloud Alliance.” Snow Li plucked up the courage to say.

Aisbotan was the least famous planet of the Hail Cloud Alliance. Comparatively, its environment was the worst too.

Hearing Snow Li speak, Cai Yingmeng’s expression became strange. He had travelled to Hail Cloud Alliance many times and knew very clearly about Snow Li’s genius status in Hail Cloud Alliance. He also knew that Snow Li had a cold personality but now…

Looking at Wang Zheng, this Wang Zheng was definitely a hotly discussed person in the Elite Academy recently. But a hotly discussed person did not represent fortune. After all, Wang Zheng’s background was practically zero. This was not the same concept. Beside, Earth was not some big planet. It was difficult even if they wanted to attach importance to him.

Perhaps, Snow Li liked him?

Er, Cai Yingmeng shook his head. This idea was too exaggerated. It was definitely not possible! But, if you wanted to say that there was not some special relationship, even if he was beaten to death, he would not believe so. If that was true, then he dared to live stream the chopping off of his finger… nails!

They were all youngsters. Very quickly they familiarized with each other. Cai Yingmeng was a hardcore fan of the Hail Cloud Alliance. This was already not purely for rising his own Ability X through trials, but a type of passion.

“Cai Yingmeng, is your girlfriend someone from our side?” Ai Xiaolu took one look at Cai Yingmeng. After getting to know him, she realized that he was different from the intelligence she had gathered in the previous investigations. The version in her hands described Cai Yingmeng as an obnoxious troublemaker who always created trouble for the emergency response team. But now, it did not seem that way. He was quite an easy-going person.

Cai Yingmeng smiled. He blushed but his gaze became much softer. “Hehe, she’s a kind Hail Cloud girl. I got to know her from previous trials.”

“For real? When there’s a chance, introduce to us so we can get to know each other.”

“Great, sure.” Cai Yingmeng nodded his head confidently. He thought that this was also a chance for his girlfriend to be friends with Ai Xiaolu, the heir of the Ai family. This way, her paths in the Hail Cloud Alliance would be much wider.

This was just a brief interlude. Everyone’s topic were still mostly concentrated on the trial venue of the Hail Cloud Alliance. Aisbotan Star, Niweiya Star, and Romaise Star.

The three big planets were all not the main planet of the Hail Cloud Alliance. While there were residents on these stars but they were concentrated in the city living areas. The development of the planets all did not exceed 30% of its surface area.

“The three planets, Aisbotan’s trial is the most difficult and dangerous. Its development only reached 5% but the chance of getting a rise there is higher. Niweiya Star’s development is 15%, of medium difficulty and Romaise Star’s development had already reached 25%, considered to be easier. For Wang Zheng, I will also suggest to go to Aisbotan. It is also my goal for this time. The first two times I also went there. One can find eternal frozen nests…”

Cai Yingmeng’s introduction was even more detailed than Ai Xiaolu.

Ding dong, very quickly, another visitor appeared. Wang Zheng was still quite famous in the Elite Academy X. Just one semester and he rose to Xuan Grade’s class 1, everyone was willing to be friends with such a person.

At least, it was never bad to take the initiative to get to know someone from the Xuan class 1.

However, he did not expect that the person to open the door and receive the new guest was actually Ai Xiaolu!

And Snow Li was sitting on the bed!

While he had seen them standing with Wang Zheng before, but this scene…

Luckily, luckily! There was still a Cai Yingmeng standing at one side. If not everyone would really become crazy!

They were all youngsters. While it was less enjoyable than the luxurious space ship, but time could pass quickly with discussion and chatting. Wang Zheng also learned a lot. No matter whether useful or not, other people’s experience could ultimately reduce the length of the wrong paths that he would have to take.

More than 10 people squeezed into the room and chatted. They were very enthusiastic. All ice attribute ability users knew the importance of having good relations with the Ai family. Once they left college, the relationships during college became extremely important. No one was willing to give up such a good chance.

Wang Zheng was also enjoying the chat. Every student was sharing about the special characteristics of their hometown. Wang Zheng was no exception. As for what his trial goal was, Wang Zheng was different from the others. He had heard the ideas of others, but those were definitely not his goal. There was one point of similarity, that Wang Zheng valued this trial very much. A group of youngsters gathered together. When Wang Zheng, Snow Li and Ai Xiaolu were all very easy going, everyone very quickly familiarized with each other.

Compared to the crowd at Wang Zheng’s side, Shien Cronode’s room seemed to be much stricter.

Many students came over to say hello… or rather, to pay respect.

Shien Cronode’s two lackeys stood at the door, one at the left, the other on the right. On the corridor, there were 20 people queuing, waiting to enter and speak to Shien Cronode.

While Shien Cronode only entered the Elite Academy X this year, but everyone knew that in the past it was not that he could not enter. It was just that he did not bother. His family’s inheritance was too good. When he had yet to digest the exquisite jade and gourmet food in his mouth, there was no need to think of the watery porridge in the big pot.

It was unclear what had happened this year but many young famous talented powerful people like Shien Cronode all entered the Elite Academy.

These people’s arrival also broke the peaceful balance in the Elite Academy X.

In the room, Redington was chatting happily with Shien Cronode. But it was obvious that he had the intention of getting his good graces. “That’s the basic situation in the school. That’s about it.”

Shien Cronode played with a piece of jade in his hands. He looked lightly at the Redington who was here to express his loyalty. “Li Zhilong’s death is quite interesting. I originally wanted to meet this powerful person from Manalasuo. Looks like he just has a name. Your intelligence on Snow Li is very useful. I’ll remember it.”

“You are being polite, if there’s anything else that you need, feel free to just ask.” Redington said.

“Very well, excuse yourself and let the next one in.”

Shien Cronode’s manner of speaking implied that his visit was a type of reporting, but to the powerful people outside, none of them felt uncomfortable. He had this ability and had the power, even more so, he had the aura.

Redington exited the room and heaved a long sigh. He had no other way. While bowing to another person like this seemed cowardly, he had already burned bridges with Ai Xiaolu. He was near to graduation and had to plan for his future. He did not want to rise from a small position again. If he had the care of the Cronode family, in addition to his ability, then it was totally a different matter.

He knew that Shien was interested in Snow Li and could not care about his manly pride. He quickly expressed his bone-deep hatred for Ai Xiaolu and Snow Li. Comparing ability and looks, where was he worse off. If he had a background like Ai Xiaolu, who else could rival him!

Redington thought that he was enduring humiliation for an important mission, suffering patiently with strong resolve for revenge. One day, he would let everyone understand that only he was truly the pride of the Hail Cloud Alliance.

Of course, this needed time, a very long time…

Shien Cronode spent quite some time. Basically, he received all the information that he wanted. Redington this person was really usable. Ability wise, he was considered a top notch powerful person. His family situation was not bad and he was ambitious. That was good. It made him easier to use. Of course, because of his ambitions, this guy could only be used.

Snow Li liked Wang Zheng?

Shien thought that this was unexpected. Was it because Wang Zheng had performed well? That would be a little too comedic. While girls of the Hail Cloud Alliance would not judge a person by his looks, but they would not only look at a person’s battle power to determine their own loves.

While others could only see Snow Li’s beauty, people like Shien were different. People of the Hail Cloud Alliance all knew that a girl born of the year of the Dancing Ice Dragon would bring fortune. This was a type of luck and had a very strong attraction for strong men.

He wanted to possess her. This type of women to kneel before him, and be as gentle as a little kitten. That was the best decoration. Of course, Ai Xiaolu was also a target. In the past he looked down very much on political tools like the Elite Academy, but now he thought about it, it was quite fun.

Time passed day by day. A long travel shortened because of the interactions and befriending new friends. When the announcement sounded in the PA system that the spaceship had landed on the Hail Cloud Alliance, people from Wang Zheng’s social group did not want to leave this type of discussion environment. The trial had not started but the discussions they had during this period of time had benefited them a lot. Especially with some pointers and corrections from Ai Xiaolu and Snow Li. Even though they were also students but they came from the Hail Cloud Alliance. Hence they indeed had a deeper understanding in the area of ice attribute. Ability was just one aspect, their knowledge was even more comprehensive.

Exiting the starport, the whole world was just ice and snow, a grand icy world!

Everyone stood quietly by the streets and felt the ever present aura of ice in the air.

White skies, thick clouds blocked the heat from the star.

On the snow white street, there were no sights of the types of vehicles often seen on other planets. There were snow vehicles of mixed motors. Even more were the maglev trams with only two carriages. This was really a unique characteristic of the Hail Cloud alliance. This type of cars were divided into two kinds. One was the red bullet that travelled at high speeds on the high way and the other was the blue square which travelled on the ground with limited speed.

“Alright, let’s gather here!”

At this moment, the instructor in front, Wei Jicheng, who was leading the way raised his hands. Everyone gathered at the designated reception point.

Everyone received a special bracelet to wear. The ice cool material made it look like ice but it was not. The function inside was mainly to monitor the body’s vitals. The other was some survival functions under the ice and snow environment, temperature and humidity monitors, compass etc.

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