Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 3879: Seeing mentoring

When the middle-aged man cried, he told the story of the matter slowly, and after a full tea effort, he was able to clear the matter.

Gong Sun Yu's face is naturally ugly, originally thought that Zhang Wei did not use force, but did not expect to wait for this ending.

The killing of the whole team by the power of one person is the old monster of the level of the robbery?

Otherwise, the strength of the monks sent to besiege the Yunfeng vein is not weak, only the period of the gods, there is no such thing as winning the cleanliness, and they will be wiped out without any effort.

"This...the teacher didn't know it. It was just a cover. I was stunned by the other side. I didn't even see the other person's face, let alone figure out how his strength is." Middle-aged man Wei Nuouo, a sly expression on his face opened his mouth.

Obviously, he also felt that his performance was a bit too much.

However, Gongsun Yuer did not blame anything for it. It is good to be able to survive. In the face of such a strong enemy, it is obviously difficult for a strong person to ask too much.

What's more, the blame is not useful, but now he is faced with a dilemma.

One is to organize the manpower, go to the Yunfeng vein and regain resources.

This mine is rich in a large number of spar, and it is of great significance to be able to take it back to nature. It is also helpful for the situation of the two divisions in the league.

But the risks to take are equally important.

If you don't pay attention, you may even be able to follow the footsteps of Zhang.

The second is to stop, first return to the rudder. Then do the decision.

This is a safe policy, but the hidden danger is not small.

Yunfeng mineral veins can not be attacked for a long time. The other major sects in Xianmeng know that they will make a big fuss about this matter. At that time, they are safe, but the situation of the two uncles in the Xianmeng will be much more difficult.

What choice should I make?

Gong Sun Yuer, who has always been smart, is also somewhat uncertain.

However, at this moment, a cold voice came to the ear: "Yu, how. What makes you frown?"

The voice is very peaceful, and the familiar charm does not need to be said. Gongsun Yuer almost thought that he had heard the mistake and suddenly returned to his head.

I saw the middle of the house. I don’t know when, but there was another cultivator who was smiling and smiling.

"Master... Master?"

The face of Gong Sun Yuer. Can not help but reveal the look of overjoyed.

I blinked hard, isn't it right, isn't my own master Lin Xuan?

Surprise, surprise, and all subsequent expressions were replaced by ecstasy. The fragrance is also the same, the girl flew into the arms of Lin Xuan.

Gong Sun Yuer is somewhat rude.

It’s really these years, I’m scared too much.

Lin Xuan left Yun Yinzong, and it has been a hundred years.

There is no news at all.

As everyone knows, the cultivation of the fairyland is dangerous. She is really afraid that the Master is falling.

Fortunately, the fear is superfluous and meets with the teacher. Gongsun Yuer is very happy.

After a while, I realized that I was too out of order, and quickly left, Yingying bowed down: "Yuer gave the teacher a courtesy."

"Okay, get up."

Lin Xuan’s strength is not what he used to be, but he is never on his own.

Reach out and raise the child.

After the seat, Gongsun Yuer personally prepared the wine and fruit.

After three rounds of wine.

Lin Xuan sighed and said: "Yu Er, just seeing you full of sadness, what can be difficult?"

"Master, this is the case..."

For his own master, Gong Sun Yuer certainly will not hide it. He will repeat the information he just learned.

"It turned out to be."

Lin Xuan did not care.

Despite this information, he did not know what happened to the Yunfeng vein, but what does it matter?

Xiu Xianjie is the winner of the battle.

Regardless of his intrigue, he is not worth mentioning in his strong strength.

"Why do you have to worry about it, this mine is related to the number of the door, it is good to go with the teacher once." Lin Xuan said.

"Thank you Master, just to overwork you." Gongsun Yuer was a great blessing.

"Well, if the teacher doesn't like these vagrants, why should he be polite? After so many years, I don't know what the situation of Yunyinzong is. What happened to your two uncles?"

This is also Lin Xuan most worried.

If it is in peacetime, with its own prestige, even if it is not in the sect, there is absolutely no such thing as a small person.

However, things are easy to move, and the extraterrestrial demon can not have any scruples.

It’s a good thing that Yun Yinzong’s name is far-reaching, but it’s a famous saying.

Nowadays, among the three realms, the wind and the rain, and even the strong people like the demon fairy king, have fallen. Lin Xuan is afraid to return to the ruins of Yun Yinzong. What he saw is a ruin.

"Hey, the master is most concerned about not the two uncles, but what is the current situation of Ouyang Shima?" Gong Sun Yuer smiled.

"You are so big, it’s not big or small, facing the master, dare to say this kind of madness, believe it or not, I will let you face for a hundred years!"

Lin Xuan smiled and tried to fight.

"The teacher is angered, and the disciples never dare."

Gong Sun Yuer is also a person who has just received the good, and hastened to play the appearance of a poor prostitute.

"That's not too fast to say."

Lin Xuan is somewhat bitter and hard. He said that Yan Shi is a high-ranking disciple. It seems that he is not able to condone too much for the apprentice. Otherwise, these little girls will not be able to go to the house to expose themselves.

"The teacher is assured, the teacher is very good, the two teachers are very good, a few teachers and sisters, everyone is also very good, although the disaster is turbulent, but we are lucky, so the scope of the spread is not much, now It’s all innocent.” Gongsun Yuer’s observations, not dare to ridicule, but long story short.

Lin Xuan listened, and his face was really happy.

On the way, he also paid attention to the news of Yun Yinzong.

Although it didn't get too bad, but after all, it was a hearsay, it is impossible to sit back and relax. At this time, after listening to the description of the disciples, I finally put down the heart that has been hanging for many days.

"Nothing is fine." Lin Xuan smiled.

"That Master, you go out and look for the month of the teacher, can you have clues?" Gongsun Yuer no longer ridiculed this time, concerned about it.

"found it."

"How did the teacher not be with you?"

"It was later lost."

Lin Xuan was dejected.


Gong Sun Yuer is stunned, but see Lin Xuan is not very happy, of course, it is not good to continue to ask what, Lin Xuan to apprentice brother and sister, so several gimmicks have always liked to joke with the master, but does not mean, it really dare not big Not small, they are also very respectful.

Seeing the teacher's respect is not happy, the expression of Gongsun Yuer becomes cautious.

"Well, I am only temporarily separated from the moon. With her strength, it should not be a big problem in the disaster. It is not too much to worry about."

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