Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 3729: Yunnaka Senko Yoda Kosuge

The house leaks all night, and at the same time, the fairy in the cloud also met the crisis.

Although Wan Haowang helped her to block the strong enemy, there were countless bans along the way. For a lesser-minded cultivator, let alone find the peach tree, I am afraid that it would have died under the ban.

However, the strength of Qin Yu was really good, all the way to the thorns, and finally, came to a huge underground cave.

The terrain here is a bit strange, but nowadays, where there is time to hesitate, Qin Hao stepped out and saw the light shine, then she was shocked.

"this is……"

Qin Lan’s eyes widened, and at this time she had come to the huge cave, and the sculptures of large and small were presented.

Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu.

The statue of the Four Sacred Beast is the most eye-catching.

In addition to the four spirits, there are various kinds of demons.

There are thousands of forms, and it is difficult to count them.

But from the appearance, it can be easily discerned that the strength of these guys is not comparable to that of the ordinary Yaozu. Even if they are standing there, they still give people a huge crisis.

That feeling is hard to say, it seems to be only an illusion, but the momentum, but it is real.

They are obviously sculptures, and all this is too unbelievable.

The eyebrows of Qin Yu were slightly wrinkled.

Legend has it that the heavens and the earth are guarded by holy beasts. Are these guys in front of them guarding the peach trees?

Otherwise, some clay sculptures in the district are unlikely to bring such great pressure to themselves.

Thoughts turned around in my mind, but now there is no time to hesitate, Qin Yuyu raised his hand and turned to the front...

With her movements, the magical spirit emerged, turned into a few huge monsters, exposed to the fangs, and looked fierce, as if to swallow the statue of the four spirits.


The first one is the white tiger.

Originally it was just a stone sculpture. It seems that the years of Henggu stand here and never move.

But the fangs of the snake are only one foot away from it, and the white tiger suddenly moves.

The light in the eyes is so great that the heart is full of momentum.

Originally it was a qualitative intangible thing, but at this moment it collapsed the void.

The blame snake was the first to bear the brunt, hiding from hiding, and being involved in it by the terrible momentum. Twisted into powder.

Puff puff……

A few muffled sounds were heard in the ears.

The endings of several other monsters are also similar.

In addition to the white tiger, Qinglong, Suzaku, and Xuanwu, they also lived together.

That strange snake is only the trick of Qin Qin’s temptation. In front of them, it is naturally vulnerable.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is ruining.

And this is just the beginning.

The roar of the one after another is screaming. The four monsters in the shape of the four spirits have also awakened.

Their strength may not be comparable to the four spirits, but the key is that there are enough, overwhelming enough to make people feel bitter.

The ants are more like a dead elephant, which is about the truth.

If Lin Xuan is here, it will certainly be shocked.

Other four spirits are not mentioned. White Tiger, obviously has been joined forces with the moon, killing it!

Although as long as there is a fire of the true spirit, the new white tiger can always be born again.

However, this takes time.

In front of me, I have been in a hurry for hundreds of years.

For the mortal, it is not short, but the cultivator in their realm is just a snap. At this time, it is impossible to create a new generation of white tigers.

And this guy in front of me has obviously been here for a long time. What is this all about?

And all this, Qin Xiao did not know, at this moment, she also has no time to consider anything.

obviously. These terrible guys are guarding the peach trees.

If you don’t knock them down, your own purpose is impossible.

at this point. There is no room for manoeuvre, and in the eyes of Qin Yu, the awnings flicker and fight.

The demon sword emerges from the fingertips. A sword is like a dragon. The strength of Qin Yu is not the same. Almost every sword contains different rules of the world.

On the other side, the demon gas rushed out.

In an instant, the entire underground cavern is covered, and the bursting sounds come and go.

The Qin dynasty played less and less, but the scene did not seem to be weak, faint, but also occupied a few advantages.


"Hey, this woman's strength is really good. Look at her magical spirit. It is very different from us. If the old man is not wrong, she should be an extraterrestrial demon."

Not far away, a sigh of voice came into the ear, faint, but with a bit of gloating, but only Tian Xiaojian heard clearly, needless to say, the master of the voice, is the former demon leader.

He has only one residual soul left now, and his strength is negligible, but knowledge and eyesight are not declining.

Yao Chi, he has been here, where the peach trees grow, even can be said to be clear.

It is not unreasonable to encourage Tian Xiaojian to fish in troubled waters.

At least the road he walked was much less than the ban on Qin Lan. Therefore, although he was late, he came to the same place at about the same time.

"Father, don't stand here and say that the wind is cool. If the woman is a demon, it is a demon, and how much relationship with me, the most urgent thing is how to get through here. You also said that here is the holy place to visit the peach trees. The only way to go, how can I see this situation now?"

Tian Xiaojian said that he was not angry. It is no wonder that he was angry. Before that, the Mozu commander was confident and full, saying that he must be sure that he would get the fruit of the peach.

But now think about it, it is simply talking nonsense.

Other difficulties, not to mention, at least in front of this, he did not grasp the unconsciousness of the past.

There are too many monsters, and the sense of the spirit is very clear. It is almost impossible to sneak in.

Then there is only one road left... hard!

But... this thought has just turned in my mind, and Tian Xiaojian shook his head.

Not to mention that there is a certain degree of certainty in hardships, it is difficult to calculate the time it takes, and the people of the Yushang Business League may send experts to look at the Taoyuan.

At that time, it is not only the past, but also the possibility of being in a very embarrassing situation.

After all, if you stand by and watch the fish, you must be unacceptable for the rain.

I knew that I shouldn’t come here. Tian Xiaojian regretted not listening to the other party’s temptations. But even if regrets are already late, the original return is also likely to be discovered.

All of this, the Mozu commander is the initiator. At this time, he listened to Tian Xiaojian’s complaints, but he screamed and screamed: "Sword, how can you blame me, the old man is sure not to trigger the Bailing array? Here, who wants a woman to get off first..."

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