Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 3378: Strong disparity

The voice did not fall, and the heavens and the earth suddenly became confused.

The sky is more gloomy, and I can't reach my fingers.

Then the black spirits are done, and the evil winds boast unscrupulously.

A **** lotus flower blooms in the wind.

In the lotus flower, the yin is like ink, and a beautiful woman with a charm still appears.

Huang Quan Ghost Mother!

On her side, there is also a ghost floating, tall, green and fangs, and the emanating pressure is even more daunting. It is also an old monster at the level of the robbery.

The woman's face in black is more and more ugly.

The situation is much worse than I thought. I didn't expect Huang Quan's ghost mother to be a loner.

Can the moon escape safely?

For a time, she was not sure in her heart.

But soon, this suspicion was left behind.

How hard is it?

Today, even if it is a disaster, you must let Wang Ping leave.

"Sura Tiewei, what are you doing?"

The woman in black is drinking and drinking, but the voice is not falling, but the jade hand is smashed, and a quaint magic weapon flies out.

It is actually a half-size jade box. At first glance, it is like a utensil for women's dressing.

However, Huang Quan's ghost mother was slightly shriveled, and his face was exposed to a few taboos, but he was quickly replaced by sneer: "The Shura Ruyi Box is actually the treasure that King Ashura personally tempered for you, hehe, Mingye, you should be the top powerhouse in the late period of the robbery. Now you, the realm of the fall, the initial cultivation of the district, what qualifications, to promote this treasure. It is better to send it to me. ”

"Shoukou, Huangquan ghost mother, you were born in the Ashura family. In the past, you enjoyed the glory and care brought by the king. Now, like the golden corpse king, you don't have a good end."

The woman in black was furious and interrupted the other party’s words, and the jade hand lifted. The index finger points out and makes a circular motion.

A little black gas emerged from her fingertips and turned into a delicate and mysterious symbol.

It was fleeting and fell into the jade box in front of me.

A sensational sound came into the ear, and the surface of the treasure was so brilliant. The patterns on the box are also lit up.

Then the box slid a little, the volume suddenly became bigger, the lid opened open, and countless colorful symbols were scattered inside.

Those who are metaphysical are full of the atmosphere.

In the middle of the moment, Shen Hui sprinkled a little.

Knife and sword. There are actually a number of magic weapons of different shapes.

No, this is different from the ordinary change of magic, these magic weapons are one piece, full of spirituality. It seems that it was really tempered by the monks, and there is no difference between it and the real magic weapon.

Breaking the air and making a big noise, turned into a dazzling screaming rainbow and went to the other side.

The sound is eye-catching, but the face of Huang Quan’s ghost mother is not afraid of it. Instead, it reveals a hint of sneer: "The Shura Ruyi Box, the King of Ashura has also been tempered by himself. It is indeed a small thing, but now, can you play a few percent of the power?"

"I still dare to do it with me. I really don't know how to live and die."

The voice didn't fall, I saw her hands lifted up, and the palms flipped over, and a wonderful magical act was made: "It seems that you have forgotten the terrible things of the late monks. If so, I will let you relive it." ”

With her movements, the **** lotus flower under her feet suddenly bloomed.

Every face of the petals, a ghost face appears on the surface.

Or hi or anger, the look is different.

However, from the open mouth, there is no spurt of the same yin.

The wind was thick like ink, and then a bone hand came out from it.

The bones are white and jade, and they are not afraid of the sword.

The popping sound was passed into the ear.

The few seemingly unconventional treasures, under the pinch of the claws, are actually like paper paste, which is easily turned into powder.


The woman in black spurted out a blood, and the face showed an unbelievable color.

"The claws of the ghosts, can you summon the ghosts?"

There is an annoyed color on her face. If her realm has not yet fallen, what is the real devil, but now it is only a blow, it can hurt myself.

In this way, how to block Huang Quan's ghost mother, protect Wang Ping from leaving here.

This thought has not been turned, and the giggling smile is passed on to the ear: "Ye Ye, you are too naive, now there is Ashura, what you want to protect, but it is a small steamed bun, this little girl. How can I become the master of the yin, I have to take off her head.

The voice did not fall, and the creaking sound was transmitted to the ear, and the white bone claw suddenly became bigger. In an instant, it actually became more than a hundred times larger.

But the sound of the air was so loud that a hill-like crystal bone claw suddenly emerged in the void, with a burst of hurricane against the woman in black.

Not yet, there have been countless evil winds, and a little bit of ghosts and glare, the starting point of the void, countless small space cracks appear in the line of sight.

There are many night dreams, and the reincarnation of King Ashura is close to the side. Huang Quan’s ghost mothers don’t want to be coincidental. What happens again, so they kill the killer.

This blow, although it can't talk about the hard work of her bottom, but there is no reservation.

Shoot all out!

Although the woman in black is not in the late stage of the robbery, her eyesight is still there. How can such a terrible trick not be seen, and it will change.

At this time, she could not hesitate. The jade hand was connected, the roaring sound was heard into the ear, and only the colorful characters were seen, like the fountain, which came out of the box.

It may be too late, and the other party’s move is too fast.

Only half of the tokens are layered shields.

An earth-shattering loud noise, the sky burst into a variety of glaring aura, shaking the entire void, followed by a series of loud noises.

Those shields have good defenses, but the power of the crystal bones is even more terrifying. It is like a broken bamboo, and dozens of shields have been easily torn.

As for the rest of the characters, it is a blow and there is no way to condense a new shield.

This scene falls into the eyes. The woman's face in black is very pale. It is impossible to hide at this time. She gritted her teeth and spurted her breath. Then she turned into a colorful shawl and draped it. On the body, the spirit is shining, like the armor.


The crystal bones came to the front, the colorful Xia Yi Lingguang made it, but still could not resist, the black woman was blown away by far.

The sound of screaming was heard in the ears and hit countless buildings.

Whether it is a pavilion or a rockery, all of them are ruined by the terrible power.

Ps: Ask for a ticket, thank you!

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