Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 3240: Well-arranged trap

..bsp; Inadvertently lost all over the place, it may be too much to say here, but the sound of the fairy does eat the loss of heaven and earth, this is beyond doubt.

The first move is in the downside. If it is a single fight, then her situation will be detrimental to the extreme.

However, there is no assumption that the Wonderful Fairy is not a loner, and this trip comes with her to hunt for treasure. There are five people who have been raving about the immortal.

Although everyone's purpose is different, Lin Xuan even hates the sound of good music.

But in any case, Lin Xuan will not choose at this moment, the gentleman revenge for ten years is not too late, no matter from which angle, but also to have a trace of the real fairy relics, in order to calculate the old account with the wonderful sound fairy.

Lin Xuan has experienced numerous winds and waves, and this city is definitely there.

He is not in a hurry, naturally he will not be like a wonderful fairy.

It is the best choice to wait and see.

Lin Xuan does this, but the thoughts of others may not be the same as him.

For example, the bald man, with the **** moon konjac has a **** sea of ​​vendetta, as the saying goes that the enemy meets, extraordinarily jealous, this robbery period of the old strange face, flashed a stern color.


The roaring sound was heard into the ear, and he saw a mouthful of it. The dense yellow awns rushed out, such as the arrow that the strong bow fired, and lasing from all sides toward each other.

"this is……"

Lin Xuan's pupils are miniature, look at the things wrapped in the qingchu yellow mans, and there is a hint of unexpected color in his eyes.

And the tricks of the bald man are not only this.

A big bang, in the air, a huge axe emerged.

This giant axe is more than a few feet long, and the whole body exudes a thrilling suffocating suffocating air. A circle of dark arcs emerges from the axe blade, and it is of great power to see this treasure.


Dahan also pointed to the sword as he went forward.

With his movements, this axe brilliance has grown, and it has grown several times longer, moving toward the **** moon.

Although this blow is invincible, it still makes people afraid to ignore it. Blood Moon konjac had to turn around his head. The crisis facing the wonderful fairy is naturally solved.

The woman was overjoyed, and she turned back to her head and sighed with a sigh of relief: "You don't know what to do, and what are you waiting for? Let's get rid of this cockroach, and the real bones are good for everyone."

When it comes to this step, it is obviously not good to not do it.

Lin Xuan licked his mouth. A pair of gowns, a clear sound, dozens of flying swords swim out of their cuffs, turned into a sword light, hovering in front of them.


Lin Xuan sighed lightly, and saw that Jianguang was turned into three. The three turns into nine, falling in the rain, pulsing toward the other side, the momentum looks amazing.

However, his own situation is qingchu, how can Lin Xuan hand over the cards so quickly.

He sacrificed the sword of the Nine Palaces, but the power used was only two or three percent.

Most of the power is still retained, so that it can be attacked. Retreat. Has been in an invincible position.

If there is any change, it is also convenient to cope.

The power of the Jiugong Sword is amazing. Lin Xuan's strength is strong, and it is far above the same-order monks. Although it only uses the power of two or three percent, it still looks slightly weaker than the ordinary early stage of the robbery.

In addition to the black phoenix demon girl, other people do not know Lin Xuan's bottom, so it will not care.

This woman sees Lin Xuan not to use all her strength, a little bit stunned, but also understands his intention.

So when the woman was in the move, she also had a few words to stay in her hand. She saw her jade hand and a black light flew out.

It was a phoenix, and the sound of Qingming was made into a phoenix with a long Zhang. Then the wings were stretched out, and the body shape became more than ten times larger, flying toward the front.

As for the kind-hearted old man, the sleek sleeves glanced, and with his movements, an incredible treasure appeared.

No, it is not a treasure. In the final analysis, it is just a huge rock.

The diameter is enough to be black and black.

At first glance, it seems that it is no different from ordinary rock. It is really strange to use such things as treasures when it comes to robbing old monsters.

Lin Xuan is a knowledgeable, but at this moment, I can't help but look at the side of the gravel.

But see each other's hands and a glimpse of a law.

The sound of the thorn came into the ear, and the surface of the rock actually ejected numerous arcs of blue.

"Thunder's Technique!"

Lin Xuan's boring hole is shrinking, but I saw a clear Qingchu Chu.

Then I saw that the rock disappeared from the original place. The next moment, appeared in the distance of a few feet in front of the **** moon, and it seems that I want to fall.

Lin Xuan saw that here, the heart of Xiaoshi has been put away. After all, it can let the magic weapon display the five elements of martial arts. This is beyond the reach of the people. It is a period of catastrophe. Everyone has great strength.

However, this thought has not been turned, and the change has been raised.

Lin Xuan overhead, the void was twisted, and then a huge rock appeared in sight.

Black, very familiar, isn't it just used by the dead stone to deal with the **** moon konjac?

How come in a blink of an eye, come to yourself?

The thoughts in Lin Xuan’s mind turned like an electric stone fire, and then he was furious.

The other side clearly repaired the plank road, the darkness of Chen Cang, he and the **** moon konjac, is simply a group.

Damn, I clearly have been careful enough, I did not expect, or fell into their calculations, Lin Xuan heart, it is depressed.

But now there is no time to worry.

I heard an exclamation in my ear, and I was angry. If I didn't make a mistake, the black phoenix demon girl, and the bald man, nowadays, is in the same situation as herself.

Is the real fairy ruin just a bait? What should the opponent play against the three old robbers?

Lin Xuan was shocked and had no time to think about it. The dark rock had already reached the top of his head.

Such a large piece of rock, forced to fall, power is of course a different, but that is relatively mortal, even if the foundation of the cultivation of immortals, it can easily break it.

However, this inconspicuous stone in front of him is a masterpiece of the old monsters during the robbery period. Lin Xuan certainly does not dare to use common sense to try to figure out, and even dare not wait for it.

However, how to pay attention to it, change rush, he has no time to hide, let alone sacrifice treasures, hard to use the body is the only choice.

For the average monk, it is naturally unfavorable to the extreme, but Lin Xuan does not care.

The soldiers will block, the water will cover the earth, and their own encounters will be special. The strength of the flesh is far better than the same-level demon. This dark stone looks a bit unusual, but Lin Xuan is confident to block it.


He raised his head and a roar screamed out of his throat.

Then he clenched his fists and rushed over the stone at the top of his head. (To be continued...)

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