Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 3220: Tianyinjie and Tianyin Palace

That is a piece of jade.

On the surface, it doesn't look good.

However, this is actually an invitation.

Just now, Lin Xuan took a glance.

I didn't pay attention to it at first, but I have nothing to do at the moment, I remember this thing.

A little bit, his right hand slightly lifted, only to see the flash of light, the blue-gray jade card flew into the palm of his hand.

The difference between the size of the palm and the palm of the hand seems to be that the pattern above is extremely simple. Lin Xuan lowered his head slightly and sank his mind.


After about a sip of tea, Lin Xuan opened his eyes.

The expression on his face became shocked and happy.

Breaking through the innocent shoes, it took no effort, and the space node leading to the Yin Shidi was destroyed. The Spirit Fox is the culprit.

But I did not expect that from his storage bag, he could get the coordinates to the heavenly world.

As we all know, the spiritual world is composed of hundreds of small interfaces.

Tianyin is one of them.

And it is the top one.

Although it can't be compared with the wide cold world and the green hill country, it is not inferior to the dragon world.

The area is extensive, the concentration of reiki is even more important, and the resources of various cultivations are extremely rich.

In the Tianyin world, there is even a super power that can rank in the top ten even if you look at the whole spiritual world.

Tianyin Palace!

Just like the dragon's world is named because of the dragon's real life, the relationship between Tianyin and Tianyin Palace is the same.

The power of this faction can be imagined.

Legend has it that in the Tianyin Palace, there are more than one monk in the late stage of the robbery.

The Taishang Elder Tianyin Fairy is a strong figure who has lived for millions of years. Its strength and fame will not be inferior to that of the dragon.

And the reputation of the Tianyin world, Lin Xuan was not long before flying in the spiritual world, I heard it.

At that time, he was only a small monk in the clutch period, but it was a coincidence. I met a person because of space cracks. From the Tianyin world to the other small interface of the purple fairy.

The strength of the purple fairy is not worth mentioning, but the sound wave of cultivation is quite similar to that of Ouyang Qin.

And this is no coincidence, the sound wave is widely spread in the Tianyin world...

Wherever the cultivators are cultivated, there are more than half of the exercises practiced, and they are all inextricably linked with the temperament.

At the beginning, the heart of the piano was a transmission array left by King Ashura, and it was a coincidence. Fly directly to the spiritual world.

Although I don't know, which interface she will reach.

However, since the day of the sound world is inextricably involved with her practice of cultivation, it is a good idea to go to the Tianyin circle to find her.

Although Lin Xuan has no confidence, it is always good to try.

It can be said that it is simple. I really want to go to the Tianyin world, but it is far more difficult than I imagined.

Yes, as a cultivator, I have the ability to tear the void and freely shuttle between hundreds of small interfaces in the spiritual world.

But this is only theoretical.

Although, for Lin Xuan, the interface between the small interfaces is not difficult to overcome.

But if you want to go to a small interface, you must always know its coordinates.

otherwise. Tears the void with bare hands. Even if there are no specific targets, God knows where it will be sent.

And the coordinates of the Tianyin circle. Lin Xuan does not know.

Although he also let the following disciples go around and explore for themselves.

The elders of the elders told me how the disciples below might not have to work hard, but the problem is that this issue is too high-end.

Ordinary cultivators, the power of a poor life, it is impossible to explore a small interface.

Not to mention, go to other small interfaces.

For them, this is too high and far from useful.

Therefore, ordinary cultivators do not know where the coordinates of other small interfaces are.

Knowing this secret, there are only a handful of old monsters in the robbery period.

This kind of existence is simply that the dragons are not seen at the end, ordinary monks, where to have access, not to mention, like they inquire about the secret.

Therefore, the current power of Yun Yinzong is not the same, but Lin Xuan wants to figure out the coordinates of the Tianyin world is almost impossible.

Of course, it is not to say that the coordinates of all the small interfaces in the spiritual world must be kept secret. After such a long period of time, there are always some coincidences, and the coordinates of more than a dozen small interfaces including the ice and the sea are passed down.

But in the middle, naturally, it does not include the Tianyin world.

Therefore, although Lin Xuan also thought about where to find the clues of the piano heart, but there has been no coordinates, only the last resort, and only to do it.

Unexpectedly, it was a coincidence today that the node of the Yin was destroyed, but from him, the coordinates of the Tianyin world were obtained.

It’s really a blessing, a blessing, a blessing, a blessing, and a hardship.

But no matter what, the next line of action is finally done.

With the coordinates of the Tianyin world, you can go where to find clues to the heart of the piano. You can't be a good person. Although your favorite is definitely the moon, she is also her own wife.

Lin Xuan is playing with the jade in his hand. This is not only the coordinates of the Tianyin world, but also an invitation. After a few months, in the Tianyin world, there will be a small exchange meeting to be held. There are not many people participating, but no One exception, all the old monsters at the level of the robbery.

The opportunity is rare, the Spirit Fox sage, but also spent some twists and turns to get this invitation, but now, it is cheaper.

It’s not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes, even if it is a compensation for the destruction of the space node.

And with so many old monsters gathering, you will be able to find treasures that are useful to you. By the way, you can also explore the secrets of the ancient times and the clues of the nodes of the Yinshijie.

With Lin Xuan’s character, such a good opportunity will certainly not be let go, so the matter is decided.


Of course, if you want to leave, you don’t have to worry about it. The cloud ruins have just been established, and many things are still innumerable.

So, Lin Xuan stayed here for a few days. He is here, things have gone a lot, and Gongsun Yuer is also a very smart and capable person.

Soon, the rudder has begun to take shape, so Lin Xuan is also planning to leave.

Here is a mountain peak, more than a thousand feet high, Lin Xuan is standing on the top of the mountain, next to a young and beautiful girl.

"Yuer, the teacher is about to leave. Later, here you are left alone to preside over the overall situation. You are also worried about the teacher. Before you leave, give you a baby!"

The voice did not fall, Lin Xuan reached for a shot, a jade box flew out from the waist.

It’s not too long, but on the surface, it’s not surprising.

However, after opening, the girl is stunned. It is a treasure of the shape of a real dragon. It is a wonderful thing, and the breath that comes out is even more important.

"this is……"

"True spirits."

Lin Xuan said with a smile, then briefly introduced this treasure, and by the way, took out a few of the celestial stones in his arms. (To be continued...)

Ps: First, today will be three more, ask for a ticket, thank you!

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