Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 3191: The best of both worlds

This sounds like some incredible, the best of both worlds, where is it so easy, not to mention saving people like a fire, there is no time to give Lin Xuan more choices.

If you change someone and Lin Xuan is easy to go, you can say that this is almost impossible to complete.

However, since Lin Xuan has embarked on the road to repairing immortals, there have been countless hardships, and he can use common sense to figure out.

Despite the crisis, he still came up with the idea of ​​the best of both worlds.


Lin Xuan pointed out before the point, made a two-handed lifting action, the power of the silk rule, from his fingertips emerged.

An incredible scene appeared.

The two dragons in the shape of a dragon, like what repulsive force was encountered, were opened by the earthquake, and the silver maiden girl took the opportunity to escape.

But the crisis has not yet ended. The robbery was only temporarily imprisoned, and it was not weakened by the slightest.

This is of course Lin Xuan’s intention.

Otherwise, with his current strength, it is easy to break the two days of robbery, and it is effortless.

In this way, it is equivalent to his shot to block the sky, the face of the silver 瞳 girl is saved, but then, there will be more terrible days of robbery.

Lian Linxuan himself can't escape.

Lin Xuan will never do this stupid thing to drink and quench thirst.

But now, he is merely holding the day of the robbery and not allowing it to land. This process has not caused the catastrophe to be weakened by one point. Therefore, it will not provoke the laws of heaven and earth and bring more terrible results.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Lin Xuan is opportunistic, but no matter what, because of Lin Xuan’s move, the silver 瞳 girl temporarily saved her life.

That's right, it's just temporary.

But don't underestimate the meaning of him, so the silver maiden girl won a valuable gasp.

Experts have a trick, only to fight for it.

This is the case, and the same is true.

The jubilee girl was originally going to die, because this gasping interest may be a completely different ending.


The power of the robbery, no one dared to ignore, although the silver maiden girl was smashed, but not coma, at first glance recognized the supernatural younger brother.

The wrinkled brow slightly stretched out, and Lin Shidi actually came back at this time, and he also helped each other. Although the robbery was terrible, he finally had a chance.

The silver maiden girl is overjoyed.

Then I saw a glimpse of Lin Xuan's sleeves, a dragon eye-sized lingon swept away, and the surface was sultry, and at first glance it was extraordinary.

Ethereal Jade Immortal!

Lin Xuan is not much left now, but he was originally a cultivator who loves the righteousness. For the sake of his sister-in-law, he will have nothing to give up.

The silver maiden girl was grateful, and Tankou Weiqi, did not hesitate to swallow the lingon.

The ethereal nine fairy is not the same, her horrible wounds heal almost at the speed visible to the naked eye.

The color is much better, of course, it is still far from enough.

Lin Xuan's sleeves glanced, and another jade bottle flew out, a little turning, came to the side of the silver 瞳 girl.

Inside is the Wannian Lingru, of course, purified through the blue star sea, even the old monster of the robbery level, this bottle is enough to restore the mana cost.

Not to mention the jubilee girl.

She unplugged the cork and the scent of the heart scented in the air.

This woman’s heart is overjoyed, and she is busy with her head and swallows all the Wannian Ling milk in the bottle.

The spiritual power of the silk emerged from the sea of ​​Dantian, and it was turned into a warm stream and poured into the limbs. The depleted spiritual power was restored.


The jubilee girl was relieved, and she has almost recovered her strength of about 70% of her time.

After all, the new injury is healed, although the mana is reliable and the eternal milk is restored, the loss of the life of the life will not be able to make up for a while, and the ability to recover 70% is already against the sky.

Lin Shidi really got it, but the face of the silver maiden girl is still full of sorrow.

The day of robbery has reached the last stroke, but in order to support the previous days, the treasures of the whole body have almost been destroyed, and the butterfly dance as a secret of his life, although the power is not trivial, but the price paid is also People have just used it, and within a few years, it is impossible to use it for the second time.

In this way, he is almost equal to bare hands, how to pass this last wave of terrible days, but it is quite worthwhile.

After all, the robbery in the shape of the dragon is not the same, and it is very likely that it will fall.

what can we do about it?

There is no time to think more about the silver maiden girl. Although Lin Xuan temporarily bans the day, but the law of heaven and the law are equally leisurely, although Lin’s younger brother is repaired to heaven, it is impossible to delay the work for too long.

You must make a quick decision.

In the mind of the Jubilee girl, she was ready to take a risk, but at this moment, one thing that she had unexpectedly happened happened again.

I saw Lin Xuan’s sleeves and a glimpse of the light, and a treasure flew out and came to his side.

It is a small foot of a large Ding, the shape is simple, the surface of the pattern has a mysterious breath, and it is not a thing at first glance!

Do not say anything else, the light pressure emanating from above is better than the jade plate that he has just sacrificed.

And that is the imitation of the innate Lingbao, is this...

The Jubilee girl thought of a legend. After all, she was also a cultivator who had lived for tens of thousands of years. The knowledge is not extensive.

The rumors about Xuantian Lingbao have been heard more or less, and the voice of Lin Xuan’s voice in my mind has flown over.

Why use God to know how to pronounce?

Because of the crisis at this time, it is obviously too time-consuming to use it. It is too late, and the voice of the gods is different. The momentary effort, even if it conveys thousands of information, is no problem. It is very easy to use.

At this moment, Lin Xuan’s voice was clearly in the mind of the silver maiden girl.

"Sister Sister, this Ling Ding Ding is a mysterious heavenly treasure. With this object, you can instantly generate powerful ancient spells..."

Lin Xuan is such a clever and alert immortal, naturally at a glance to see the embarrassment of the silver maiden girl at this moment, even if the mana recovery, it is difficult to rob the day.

This situation is naturally Lin Xuan does not want to see.

The only choice is to lend a great power to the sister.

However, although there are many Lin Xuan magic weapons, most of the silver enamel girls can't use them freely.

Ling Yi Ding became the only choice.

There are a lot of ancient powers in the seal, and you only need to be excited by the user to sweep the sky.

So Lin Xuan borrowed her from this thing, and at the same time erased the mark of God that she left on.

As long as there is no mark of the gods left by himself, this woman will not be alarmed by the law of this treasure. As long as there is no mistake, this level should be able to pass safely.

PS: On Monday, it is very important to recommend ticket support and ask for a ticket! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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