Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 3043: Unexpected trouble

A sigh of gowns, the gourd is a great light, and after a while, a glimpse of chaos and yin is coming out.

Lin Xuan repeated the action just now. .

This time, the true spirit that has changed from the magical skyfire is rather strange.

Kim Min Jin!


There was a frog's general voice coming into the ear, and then I saw it in a mouth. The space was blurred, and the long tongue ejected. One roll and one wrapped, like a secular frog catching insects, the chaos is too cloudy. The gas swallowed into the stomach.

Lin Xuan waved his hands and made a sound like a rain.

The specific process does not need to be described. After a few days, Lin Xuan refining the chaos and the yin.

Later, Lin Xuan took a break and waited for the energy to recover. A lawful slap was made, the aura flashed, and another faint sorrowful chaos was extracted from the mysterious gourd.

The wrist is flipped, and the magical fire is more dazzling than just.


In this way, Lin Xuan re-started, repeating the action just now, one after another, the chaos of the sun will be refining into the magical fire.

Unconsciously, it is a few months of effort.

On this day, Lin Xuan opened his eyes, through the gourd, the chaos inside the chaos, has been refining a little and a half.

The remaining half is only a little bit thicker.

And these months of hard work, the recurrence of the reluctance to have a lot of slack, it is also really hard, but the magical skyfire has gotten a great benefit.

The source of spiritual power inside is now visible to the naked eye. In the halo of the five-coloured glass, some silver spots are added.

Of course, it is still very light, and soon it is hidden in the aura of the glass.

However, the power has increased more than doubled on the basis of the original.

Even knowing the chaos of the sun is not the same, but this crazy speed of improvement, still let Lin Xuan are greatly surprised.

But after the surprise, it was a joy.

This fire is one of the secrets of the bottom of the box.

The power is naturally the greater the joy, even if you upgrade ten times, you will not be too much.

And it combines the chaos of the sun. It is not only the power that is promoted, even if it is an attribute, it seems to have sublimated on the basis of the original.

Of course, Lin Xuan is not very clear about the specific changes. Need to go to realize it later.

Next. It is also necessary to continue to work hard and make persistent efforts to refine the remaining chaos.

The thoughts in my mind have turned, and what to do next, Lin Xuan has a clear idea.

A pair of sleeves and a slap in the face.

The gourd flashed, but surprisingly, this time. But there is no chaos and yin gas floating out from the inside.

"what happened?"

Is it true that the law that I just shot is wrong, impossible.

With his own strength and cautious personality, how can he make such a low-level mistake.

In other words, there must be no reason.

However, at this moment, Lin Xuan has no time to go deeper.

Just as this law is not satisfactory at the same time. A bad premonition has emerged in his heart.

As if to prove this speculation, the gourd suddenly vibrated at a very fast speed, a crack, and it surfaced.

"not good!"

Lin Xuan is discolored. This gourd is a treasure used to hold the chaos of the Chaos. The surface appears crack, what it means. Nature is clear.

Lin Xuan’s face was very dark, but the movement was not slow at all, and the left hand turned.

A golden symbol has emerged between the palms of the fingers.

Then Lin Xuan did not hesitate, and he took the object like a gourd.

Lin Xuan’s reaction is not quick. However, it is still late.

Just the effort, the crack in the spider web has already covered the surface of the gourd.

The aura of this treasure has been faint, and then the seemingly extraordinary golden gourd has turned into gray smoke.


Some dull voices were introduced into the ears, and the gourd was turned into countless pieces. The thumb-sized chaos was overwhelmed by the inside.

Then it actually changed into a grimace.

It’s not so sinister, but it’s just like being born to the extreme.

Lin Xuan’s expression changed.

How is it possible, is this small chaos of yin and anger, actually under the eyes of his own eyes, will open the mind.

Rao is Lin Xuan’s knowledge, and it’s also a big surprise.

In the eyes of the grimace, it was fierce and radiant, and the mouth vomited, and a sigh of wind screamed out.

Lin Xuan did not dare to neglect, the chaos is too yin, it is the origin of the heavens and the earth, and the smoldering wind that it spits out is bound to be the object of yin to cold.

Lin Xuan single-handedly, pointing out before pointing.


Above the fingertips, the fire is together.

The flame is a white color, naturally it is not an illusion, but Lin Xuan has cultivated a pure baby fire for thousands of years.

The five elements are opposite each other. Since the other side is the yin of the heavens and the earth, Lin Xuan can only use the pure yang baby fire to resist it.

However, Pu Yi contacted, an incredible scene happened, and the white flame was actually frozen.

Lin Xuan was shocked. He had already expected that the other party was not the same. He did not expect the power of the show, but it was far better than his own expectations.


It’s too bad.

And this was a little delayed, and the wind had already blown in front of him.

If you are not careful, you will lose all of them. If Lin Xuan is only a distracted person, in this case, one will not see, and maybe it will fall into the calculation of the other party.

However, since it has been promoted, Lin Xuan naturally has the idea to cope.

Seeing that the yin wind was only a few feet away from him, Lin Xuan raised his right hand and held out his index finger, and stroked toward the side of the void.

To make a sword with fingers, without a bit of anger, but the void has a general starting point, and half of the long cracks appear in the line of sight.

Lin Xuan’s head was low and he went in.

The next moment, the yin wind rolled over, but the difference was a small one. Lin Xuan’s action to avoid it was a godsend.

That grimace is also a stay, Lin Xuan reacts quickly, making it a big surprise.

Originally, I still wanted to win, but this time the opportunity was not caught.


Taking advantage of the moment when it was awkward, but the space fluctuated, Lin Xuan appeared behind him.

With both hands raised, it is the black light of the black.

Magical yin!

This is the secret technique of King Ashura. Lin Xuan exhibited it. Although the power is not enough, it is only able to temporarily trap this ghost face.

Afterwards, Li Mang made it, but it was the Jiugong to swim out of the swordfish, and it was like a lightning bolt.

Although the chaos of the sun is already a psychic body, the experience of fighting is seriously inadequate.

The reaction was slower and it was already smashed.

However, things are not over. They are gathering in the middle and seem to be reintegrating.

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