Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 3001: past

"All the orders of the brothers of Yilin."

Although the red dragon fairy is a very proud character, but Lin Xuan has a life-saving grace for her, and advanced to the robbery period, this woman naturally does not dare to have a big meaning, low eyebrows, a pair of Lin Xuan Ma’s first look is a look.

"it is good!"

Lin Xuan nodded, reaching for a shot at the waist, the palm flipped, and a small and exquisite thing appeared in the palm of his hand.

Then, with a light throw, the spirit light flashed, and a small boat with a carved picture appeared in front of it.

It is more than ten feet long, beautiful and exquisite. Although it can't be compared with the dragon's real painting, it is also an extraordinary implement.

At least for travel, it is definitely very comfortable.


Lin Xuan waved a pose.

"Lin brother is too polite."

The red 绫 绫 盈 盈 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

This female sorcerer is quite good. It is no wonder that under the siege of four fellow monks, it can last for so long.

Lin Xuan’s face showed a slight approval, and his body shape changed and he came to the boat.

Then the feet were slightly forced, and a pure and abnormal aura was injected into the device.

I only heard the sound of Xianle, but it was like coming from a distant horizon. It floated into the ear, and at the same time, the boat started. After a shudder, it turned into a rainbow, and the speed was fast. Like a meteor outside the sky.

It was almost a must-have, and there was no trace of it, disappearing into the distant horizon.


The place was quiet again.

About the effort of tea.

A few different colors of dawn are flying here.

The light converges, revealing the faces of several monks.

The first one is a soap-robe veteran, and the other few are much younger.

The old man is not weak, about the clutch, and the others are much worse. Even Yuan Ying has not reached it, but he is in the middle and late period.

Although they serve differently, but the leader of the clothing, they are embroidered with the logo of the colorful clouds. If they are not mistaken, they should be the cultivators from the same sect.

"Ning Shibo, you just didn't say that the spirit disk shows the same way here, how can there be no one?" The crisp voice was introduced into the ear, but it was a woman with a goose face, and the woman looked young and extreme. However, he is seventeen or eight years old, and he is not like a resident.

Although even if it is not a practice with a resident effect, the cultivator must look younger than the mortal, but the true age of the woman must not be much larger.

If you are so young, you will be able to cope with the success of Jindan. This is a world of people. It is simply shocking and unpredictable. Even if the upper interface is full of aura and resources are abundant, this woman can cultivate to such a degree at this age, and the qualification is also Very good, saying that genius is not too much.

However, from the question she asked, obviously there is not much tempering. This time, along with the brothers and sisters, following the old man, it was originally a journey of growth and insight.

After listening to the girl’s problem, the old man did not answer immediately. Instead, he looked around and carefully looked at what.

"Shi Bo."

The girl is in the door, but the stars are used to the moon. If the old man ignores it, he can't help but be angry.

"Bell the head, don't make trouble, let's get out of here."

The old man was shocked and quickly made a snoring gesture.

Seeing the solemn color of Shi Bo’s face, although the girl was full of doubts, she did not dare to open her mouth any more. Instead, she was a young boy next to her head. She whispered a question: "Shi Bo, your old man is so careful, it is out. What is it?"

"What's the matter, I am leaving here. The old man thought that the rivers and rivers would fight for each other. You can pick and choose cheap. After all, the mana displayed on the spirit disk is just a few of the clutches. The old man asked himself and has the ability to protect you. Wait, who knows that the Detective Disk is wrong, the traces of these fighting methods in front of you, which is the place where the clutches can cause the land, at least the hole period..." "Dong Xuan period!"

The teenagers and girls listened, and they couldn’t help but take a breath. They were just condensed, and they were too far away from Dong Xuan. However, although they had never been in contact, they still heard that the practitioners in that realm only needed to stretch out. With a little finger, they can be crushed into powder.

"Shi Bo, you really said, there is a real monster of the hole level, fighting here?" The girl said curiously.

"Hey, the old man has this eyesight, but I don't know why, they suddenly left." The old man said with a dignified face: "If they come back, we can regret it and leave the land."

Although a few teenagers and men were curious in their hearts, they were still scornful and sorrowful. They naturally had no objections, and they became very spiritual and soon left the place.


This episode, Lin Xuan does not know, at this time he is talking with the red dragon fairy, the news after each other.

On his own, Lin Xuan simply said a few words, many of them were taken in one sentence. After all, his experience is too tortuous. If you really want to say it, there is no three days and three nights, that is what I want to finish.

Although Hung Hom is curious in his heart, the gap with Lin Xuan is now too big. There will naturally be scruples between words, and it is not easy to ask too much.

So this conversation is a big time, but she is talking about her own experience.

In fact, it is not too strange.

At that time, Lin Xuan went to Penglai Mountain with Meng Ruoqi. Then, there was no trace, no more in the human world, or it had fallen, or it was soaring to the spiritual world.

At that time, it disappeared far more than Lin Xuan and the dream, and almost all the distracted monks did not disappear.

This is also a great opportunity for the rapid rise of the Baixuan Pavilion.

In the same year, because Lin Xuan helped, the red dragon fairy joined the Baixuan Pavilion and became one of the foreign affairs elders. However, with her character, she was not interested in the Zongmen affairs.

In the final analysis, it is just a name.

This woman did not even travel in the Baixuan Pavilion for a long time.

This woman was originally a cultivator in the late Yuan Ying period. She wanted to find a chance to break through, and then she could fly to the spiritual world.

In the middle of the twists and turns, not to mention, Hung Hom ate a lot of hardships, but finally did not have a busy life, she also really advanced to the distraction period.

This may not be anything in the spiritual world, but the human world, the aura is very thin, the available elixir is even more few, the difficulty of advancement, but it is not a level with the spiritual world.

The red dragonfly is not satisfied, and continues to travel. Although the beginning of the clutch, there is also a chance to break the void and fly to the spiritual world.

But it is just an opportunity.

The success rate is too low!

So Hung Hom wants to go further.

However, there is nothing wrong with the idea. I really want to advance, but it is too difficult. Later, another incident happened, so that Hung Hom had to change his mind.

PS: Monday, ask for a ticket, thank you! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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