Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2987: Tenacious Lin Xuan

Inadvertently, all loses.

When Lin Xuan found that the other person was ill-intentioned, he had not moved.

Because of his previous intentions, the fire of the real spirit was not blocked at all, and he came directly to the sea of ​​Dantian. This is the place where the monk stores the mana and is the place where the Yuan Ying Yao Dan lives. The importance is imaginable. of.

Once Dan Tian was attacked by the other side, Lin Xuan was even a big man.

Although there are some twists and turns in the middle, Lin Xuan is still confused, but he is already very clear about his current situation.

Damn, the wise man must have a sparseness, and he has experienced countless waves and waves. Is it necessary to turn over the ship in the gutter today?

Seeing that you want to advance to the robbery period, but inexplicably fallen here?

Lin Xuan’s heart is not to mention, and he is so upset that he has no way to add.

However, what about it, the cultivation of the fairyland is not regretted.

The key to getting out of the crisis is to work **** your own.

Lin Xuan bites his teeth and naturally does not want to give up.

But now the situation he is facing is really unfavorable, he can’t move, and the mana is not controlled by himself.

To put it simply, it is as if the hands and feet are tied, but it is necessary to face a powerful and powerful enemy. The difficulty of the situation can be imagined.

It may be desperate to change a fairy.

However, Lin Xuan did not.

Because he understands that if he gives up, it will really fall into a state of eternal annihilation.

The ants are still stealing, and they must not give up hope, Yueer, Yuanyuan, Qinxin, they are still waiting for themselves in the distance.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath.

Despite the pain in his body, he did not care, and insisted on sticking his teeth. First of all, he must regain control of the body.

Mana stagnation, but fortunately, you can also control the gods. Lin Xuan uses the technique of ignoring the gods to create a shock like the other side.


That feeling, it is hard to say, because just a moment of great care, the fire of the real spirit has already ran to Lin Xuan's Dantian gas sea.

Here, the battle for the other side, Lin Xuan's dangers and pains can be imagined.

Every time God takes the impact, Dantian will be affected.

That pain is simply unable to describe the words in words, but Lin Xuan does not care, as if this is not his own body, as if the pain is just a breeze.

The mistakes made in the past, now need a hundred times to make up, Lin Xuan did not back down, in any case, he must not be won by the other side.

An effort, a return, finally, Lin Xuan felt that the original numb body gradually recovered a little consciousness, the original stagnant mana, faint and loose signs.

Lin Xuan was overjoyed and continued to work hard.

The situation is getting worse and worse, and the situation is gradually detrimental to the fire of the real spirit.

This guy is just a mass of energy, the expression is naturally invisible, deep inside, but full of sorrow.

It originally had experience and memory, and in the long years of the nine-headed bird, it also visited many famous monks.

However, like Lin Xuan, I have never seen it.

No matter what difficulties and hardships are there before, they will never give up.

Regardless of the unfavorable situation, there is a brave counterattack.

What kind of determination and perseverance does this require?

Not to mention, Lin Xuan is still facing great pain at the moment, but he has not even smashed.

The little guy’s heart is too firm.

Admire the heart of the real spirit.

However, he will not back down. After all, since the intellect has opened, he has not found a suitable body. The opportunity to win is to wait for millions of years, and finally wait until the land, how can I give up?

"Little guy, don't resist, give me your body and Yuan Ying. As for the soul, the decree swears, let him go, how do you get back into the cycle?"

In the knowledge of God, the persuasion of the fire of the real spirit came. This is the time when it comes to this step. It does not want to fight hard with Lin Xuan. It is not good for anyone to lose both. It is the best choice to be able to fight without fighting.

However, Lin Xuan is not moved.

Since embarking on the road of cultivation, the number of sufferings that I have eaten is innumerable. It is only after I have the realm and strength of today. How can I give up and give up?


That is nothing but illusory.

When King Ashura reincarnates, he also has to go through countless hardships and pains. Can he go on the road of cultivation in his next life, I am afraid that both are saying, how can Lin Xuan give up?

The other party's persuasion, Lin Xuan as innocent, just desperately counterattack, want to expel the fire of the real spirit from his own Dantian.

"Okay, okay, little guy, this is what you forced me. When things get to this point, do you think you still have a chance to win? Even if you can really drive out the deity, you will lose your meridians and you can't fix it. You will Don't think about the advanced robbery period, you will become even worse than the mortal!"

"Is it?"

Lin Xuan was unmoved, even though he knew the other party’s words, it was not a fake. However, what about it, is it because of fear, he gave up halfway?

That is impossible, even if it is to fight to the end, Lin Xuan has to fight with him, and must not let the other party feel good.

In Dantianzhong, Lin Xuan’s Yuan Ying Yao Dan still can’t move, but there is a blue robe and a small man’s eye, which is similar to Lin Xuan’s.

If there is an entity, this is Lin Xuan's technique of changing the shape of the gods.

In front of him, it is a nine-headed bird that has been reduced by many times, and it is composed of a golden flame.

Needless to say, that is the fire of the real spirit.

It is impossible for both sides to retreat, and now there is only one victory!

The little man's face is full of decisive colors.

This is different from fighting, and it can even be said that it is much more dangerous than facing a strong enemy in the robbery period.

Long-term war is not good for yourself, because the longer you play, the more damage your body will suffer. Even if you win in the end, it will be difficult to clean up the mess. It is the only choice, and it is best to be able to strike it. Winning and losing.

Lin Xuan has rich experience in fighting, and his mind keeps on calculating. Nowadays, this situation can not tolerate another half of the mistakes.


The little man screamed and turned into a fierce man, and the sly rushed to the front, and the fire of the real spirit did not shrink. It and Lin Xuan had to fight for you, but the idea was similar.

Long-term war is not good, and he does not want to delay it. After all, if this body is too hard to be created, it can still be won.

So the two coincided, and they all rushed up.

Lin Xuan is a combination of human swords, and the nine-headed bird is turned into a burning meteorite.


In the next moment, the two shocked rainbows were so fancy and fancy, and they slammed together.

For a time, I saw only the great light, the flames rose, and the whole Dantian was smashed, but whoever wins, but it is still unclear. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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